

Stickers for @hxhladieszine~

Paku and Machi are also available as charms! Check em out <3


Just finished “Six of Crows”!! Did anyone else get major Phantom Troupe vibes?!

#phantomtroupe #sixofcrows #alternateuniverse #phinksmagcub #chrollolucifer

Phantom Troupe Jobs IRL

Chrollo: Mayor

Pakunoda: Lawyer

Machi: High-end seamstress

Shalnark: IT Guy

Nobunaga: History Teacher

Phinks: Cop

Feitan: Cop with Phinks

Kalluto: Child actor

Illumi: Funeral Director

Bonolenov: Session musician

Uvogin: Wrestler

Shizuku: High-end maid/cleaner

Franklin: Bouncer

Kortopi: Call center agent

Hisoka: c L o W n


Slow Cataclysm

The second of my 5k Event pieces, for the amazingly talented @uvobreakmylegs​ . Her work inspires me daily, and should be considered a must-read for anyone who likes quality hxh fics. She asked for a stylistic Pakunoda x Reader fic, and I ended up with writing an Apocalypse AU! fic!

Hope you enjoy it :D

WARNINGS: end of the world (obviously), descriptions of acid wounds, murder, gn! reader, descriptions of violence and violent intentions


The troupe prepared for a lot of futures.

Chrollo made contingency plans for all kinds of scenarios, usually in down time or after a heist had been completed: from countries sending full-on armies after the troupe to what the last remaining member should do in case the rest of the troupe got exterminated. He all kept them written down neatly in a little brown ledger, though he probably had copies lying around somewhere.

The boss was a man who planned in advance, enjoying both the way his plans worked flawlessly and how the unpredictability of the world and humans scrambled up his plans, yet even he’d never thought he’d need to prepare for the end of the world.

Why would he plan for something that would kill them all? There was no use making and preparing steps for something as definite as the apocalypse. The troupe, and the rest of mankind for that matter, would be dead. That would be the result. No need to think about it too long.

Chrollo had been mistaken.

The apocalypse, like anything, took a while to finish.

Keep reading




Who is the troupe’s tattoo artist?

Does one of them do the spider tattoos for new members or do they have a preferred tattoo artist they go to?

Is this person chill about it or threatened to do the work each time?

Or do they pick a random place/person closest to them each time? Would that mean the quality varies b/w each tattoo?

Do they have a whole initiation ceremony for the tattooing or is the new member just told to get it done on their own?

I have many questions.


Phantom troupe manga colorings!

Well, I did one massive updated draw of the Hunter x Hunter women. Because, well, they deserve it. O

Well, I did one massive updated draw of the Hunter x Hunter women. Because, well, they deserve it. Once again, the women from HxH are some of the most wonderful and intricately created characters I have come across in my time watching anime and reading manga. They’ve all got so much depth to them. They come from all walks of life. They’re tough in the face of adversity. Some of them are down right scary. But that’s what makes them brilliant characters that compliment the generally main male cast wonderfully. When you’ve got a Shounen, you’ve almost always got your fan service babes, I think HxH takes that a step further, and actually gives us women with personalities. Women with feelings, women with goals and a drive. I love my main male heroes, but these women are what really made Hunter x Hunter the ride it is.

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