
Hunter x Hunter Cospalyer gesucht! (Dokomi Sonntag)Wir suchen für unsere Phantom Troupe nur noch die

Hunter x Hunter Cospalyer gesucht! (Dokomi Sonntag)

Wir suchen für unsere Phantom Troupe nur noch diese 3 Cosplayer. Bitte bitte helft uns! Teilen,kommentieren, verlinken würde uns sehr helfen.:)

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Phantom Troupe Jobs IRL

Chrollo: Mayor

Pakunoda: Lawyer

Machi: High-end seamstress

Shalnark: IT Guy

Nobunaga: History Teacher

Phinks: Cop

Feitan: Cop with Phinks

Kalluto: Child actor

Illumi: Funeral Director

Bonolenov: Session musician

Uvogin: Wrestler

Shizuku: High-end maid/cleaner

Franklin: Bouncer

Kortopi: Call center agent

Hisoka: c L o W n

Who is the troupe’s tattoo artist?

Does one of them do the spider tattoos for new members or do they have a preferred tattoo artist they go to?

Is this person chill about it or threatened to do the work each time?

Or do they pick a random place/person closest to them each time? Would that mean the quality varies b/w each tattoo?

Do they have a whole initiation ceremony for the tattooing or is the new member just told to get it done on their own?

I have many questions.
