

Who else is excited about HxH coming back, yet also worried their favorite character is going to fir

Phantom Troupe Jobs IRL

Chrollo: Mayor

Pakunoda: Lawyer

Machi: High-end seamstress

Shalnark: IT Guy

Nobunaga: History Teacher

Phinks: Cop

Feitan: Cop with Phinks

Kalluto: Child actor

Illumi: Funeral Director

Bonolenov: Session musician

Uvogin: Wrestler

Shizuku: High-end maid/cleaner

Franklin: Bouncer

Kortopi: Call center agent

Hisoka: c L o W n

Stay Close to Me

Phinks x Reader

You swore under your breath as you took in your surroundings. The only things you could make out where the silhouettes of large trees shaking in the wind.

“Did we really have to go this way?!”

Phinks laughed as he strolled through the forest casually. “I told you we need to stay out of sight if we’re going to be out this late.” The last thing he wanted were endless questions from the other Spiders regarding his private life.

You rolled your eyes slightly. “Don’t you know it’s rude to make someone walk through a creepy forest at night after a date?!”

“Oh?” Phinks raised an eyebrow [bone], a slight smirk on his face.

“What? It’s just common sense not to–”

Phinks chuckled. “So this was a date?”

The blonde man tried his best to keep his smile from bursting at the seams. He had wanted you for a while, although you had initially told him you were only looking to be friends.

However, as you got to know Phinks, you soon realized that maybe you wanted to be more than just friends…

Your face burned a deep red as your body tensed from embarrassment. “I–what?! No, I just thought–AH!”

You shot up as you heard a loud howl along with the sound of leaves rustling.


The Gucci clad man laughed. “You’re really that scared, huh?” He looked down at your hand wrapped around his wrist.


Before you could pull away, Phinks removed his wrist from your grip. He then grabbed your hand before continuing to walk.

“This way we won’t get separated. Stay close to me.”

You blushed as you felt his grip tighten, his large calloused hand feeling surprisingly gentle.

You replied with a nod, unsure of what to say.

Holding onto Phinks’s hand put you at ease enough to feel that you didn’t need to monitor your surroundings. Instead of side to side, you decided to look up at the sky.

The lack of light pollution made the stars and moon look as if it were a photograph.


As you gazed at the illuminated sky, you failed to notice 2 golden eyes staring at you with the same awe.

Today I walked past a blonde man with slightly slicked back hair, wearing a Gucci polo, and strong yet pleasant smelling cologne.

I immediately thought of Phinks before walking away extremely flustered


I’m almost done my Phinks fanfic, but I’m so nervous about posting it. I hope you will all like it once I finally muster up the courage to post ❤

Don’t Quit

Phinks x Reader

You laid in bed on your belly, your face buried in your pillow.

Today wasn’t the day.

Neither was yesterday, nor the day before that, nor the day before that.

You felt like you’d never reach your goals. What was the point in trying? The constant feeling of disappointment, and feeling unable to move was too much to bear at times.

Your vision began to blur before you fell asleep.

“Wake up!”

You blinked your eyes quickly, trying to adjust your vision. You woke up on your back to a blonde haired man staring down at you.


He huffed in response. “I’m glad you recognized me. I can’t say the same for you.”

You rubbed your eyes, still waking up.

“What the hell happened to you, Y/N?! You haven’t been answering my texts or calls, no one has even heard from you.”

You sighed when you realized it had been a week. You had barely eaten, and hadn’t even showered.


You gasped when Phinks pulled you up by your wrist.

“Don’t you dare say sorry to me! The only person you should be sorry to is yourself!”

You shook your head. “You wouldn’t get it! There’s so much I want to do but…I just can’t! Everything is so out of rea–”

“And you think moping in your room for days will make things better?! Idiot.”

You bit your lip. You knew how “rough” he was at times, but you were feeling more sensitive than usual.

He sighed when he noticed your distress, taking a seat on your bed. “Look, Y/N. Yeah, some people need to work harder for things…but that doesn’t mean things aren’t possible. I know how fucked up and shitty life can be.”

He placed a hand on yours, an intensity in his eyes as he leaned his face closer to yours. “I don’t care that you haven’t replied to me. I don’t care that you haven’t showered. All that shit doesn’t matter. What pisses me off is that you’re giving up! You’ll never achieve what you want to do if you don’t try.”

You began to cry, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. “Phinks, I’m…I just feel like I’m nothing sometimes..a nobody–”

He turned your head to face him. “Don’t you ever fucking say that about yourself ever again, you hear me?!”

A glint of anger passed through his eyes. He sighed before rubbing your cheek with his thumb. “If you’re ‘nothing’, then what does that make someone who loves you?”

You stared at him before beginning to sob. He was never eloquent in saying what he needed to say, but he always knew how to lift your spirits somehow. “An idiot.”

He smiled as he growled before picking you up. “Well, at least I don’t smell!” He took his shirt off with one hand as he continued to carry you. “Let’s wash all this depressing shit off of us, yeah?”

You giggled as he fire man carried you into the shower.

If Phinks wouldn’t give up on you despite everything.. there was no way you could give up on yourself.
