#phoenix wright ace attorney


i am probably way overthinking this interaction but yall know in farewell, my turnabout (2-2) when the trial is abt to go into recess bc adrian andrews refuses to testify? when the judge announces the trial is going into recess until the next day, phoenix says “but maya” bc he has to prove matt engardes innocence that day or something would happen to maya. did yall notice how miles didnt object and say why the trial should continue until AFTER phoenix said that?

whats interesting abt that is the fact that miles didnt object after phoenix accused him of knowing the real killer. he saw phoenix was upset abt something regarding maya. he didnt know she had been kidnapped, but he knew something was wrong regarding maya. he didnt know the extent of danger maya was in, he just knew something was up based on how upset phoenix was.

miles couldve probably won the trial if he hadnt objected to the recess. but he KNEW how important maya is to phoenix. he knew how devastated phoenix would be if something bad happened to maya. he didnt know maya couldve died, he just didnt want to see phoenix upset over whatever could happen to her if that trial ended there.

this is such a small thing but to me it says so much. anyone can see maya and phoenix r friends, but miles knew how close they actually were. she wasnt just his assistant, she was his best friend. miles knew that if anything happened to maya, phoenix would be emotionally shattered. he didnt want to see phoenix like that, so he made the judge continue the trial even if he knew that would make it harder (impossible even) for him to win.

i am def thinking way too deep into this and its probably incoherent bc its 2 am but i just thought i would share

(screenshots from the scene for context, i couldnt fit the whole thing in tho)

“There’s been a murder!”

“Was it Fey-tal?”

Just an attempt of making rainbow lights.

TW warning: Blood and noose:

I somehow designed Simon and Athena’s Pokémon Trainer appearance while I actually almost know nothing about Pokémon(

(obvious the last three have taken references on the original Pokémon series screenshots and arts)

Fake lipstick advertisement(clearly the quote and the lipstick are not belong to me, I just found them on website randomly)

trying using PS to draw, my art style is so unstable 

(my two most favorite black color fictional characters)

currenly back into Ace attorney fandom, tried to draw my favorite character 

this one has taken another artist’s reference to practice: https://twitter.com/oriririn_shindo/status/1051416588870533120?cxt=HHwWgICmqaT0sJcdAAAA

Sometimes I get whiplash remembering that Chris Chan was commissioned to draw Franziska von Karma.

People who write and draw domestic/fluffy narumitsu art have my whole heart. That is all, that is the whole post.

Okay so Stardew Valley is now another comfort game for me, and I was just thinking about Narumitsu but farmers jdndjsjs…

Beanix would take the role of Shane, Trucy would be Jas, and Miles would be the new farmer who is captivated by this asshole of a man who acts like such a father around this little girl. AAA..


Is the world you see
The true world?
Who decided
What answer is correct now?

君 - you ;master, boy 「きみ」
目 - eye, eyesight, viewpoint 「め」
しる - to understand
世界 - the world 「せかい」
それ - this
ほんとう - truth, reality
いま - now
正しい - right, correct, honest 「ただしい」
答え - answer 「こたえ」
誰 - who 「だれ」
決める - to decide 「きめる」

一歩 踏み出す時だろう

The coin the goddess flipped
A sign something changed
Isn’t it time to take the first step
In the long distance until the goal?

女神 - goddess 「めがみ」
弾く - to flip, to snap 「はじく」
コイン - coin
なにか - something
変わる - to change, to be transformed, to vary 「かわる」
サイン - sign
ゴール - goal
まで - until, till doing, as far as
長い - long 「ながい」
距離 - distance, range 「きょり」
一歩 - step 「いっぽ」
踏み出す - to step forward, to advance 「ふみだす」
時 - time, moment 「とき」
だろう - I wonder; seems


Is not something decided
You have to
Believe in your instincts

運命 - fate 「うんめい」
決める - to decide 「きめる」
ひらめき - insight
信じる - to believe(in), to have faith in 「しんじる」

前を向いて 汗をかいて
ほら その涙に Shout

If we’re gonna do it, let’s attack with intensity
You’ll regret running away in the future
Turn around, sweat,
And hey, Shout through the tears!

やる - to do
なら - if, in case
ガンガン - intense
攻める - to attack, to assault 「せめる」
逃げる - to escape, to run away 「にげる」
将来 - future 「しょうらい」
後悔 - regret, repentance 「こうかい」
前 - before, in front 「まえ」
向く - to turn toward 「むく」
汗 - sweat 「あせ」
ほら - Hey!, Look!
その - that
涙 - tears 「なみだ」



異議あり - objection 「いぎあり」

逆転しようぜ Justice
絶体絶命も Chance
どんな愛も どんな夢も
取りに行こう きっと

Let’s make a turnabout - Justice
Even if you’re backed into a corner, there’s a Chance
No matter what kind of love, no matter what kind of dream
We’ll go and earn it, for sure
We’ll go win for sure

逆転 - (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around 「ぎゃくてん」
する - to do
絶体絶命 - desperate situation, being driven into a corner 「ぜったいぜつめい」
どんな - what, what kind of
愛 - love, affection 「あい」
夢 - dream 「ゆめ」
取る - to earn 「とる」
行く - to go 「いく」
きっと - surely, most likely
勝ち - win 「かち」

つらいときには 誰かの手を

The strength of remembering your defeats
And that there were things you lost
In times of difficulty, it’s good
To grasp someone else’s hand tightly

負ける - to lose to be defeated 「まける」
覚える - to remember 「おぼえる」
強さ - strength, power 「つよさ」
失くすもの - lost things 「なくすもの」
ある - to exist
つらい - painful, bitter
とき - time
誰か - someone, somebody 「だれか」
手 - hand 「て」
ぎゅっと - hard, tight(ly)
握りしめる - to grasp tightly 「にぎりしめる」
いい - good, nice


You won’t know
Your limits
You must feel
The throbbing of your heart

限界 - limit, bound 「げんかい」
わかる - to know, to understand
ときめき - throbbing
感じる - to feel, to sense 「かんじる」

君はできる 僕とできる
ほら その心で Shout

From now on, let’s attack with intensity
Problems with no solution are just a challenge
You can do it, we can do it together
And hey, Shout with your heart!

ここ - here
から - from
ガンガン - intense
攻める - to attack, to assault 「せめる」
解ける - to come untied, to come apart 「ほどめる」
問題 - problem, question 「もんだい」
君 - you; master; boy 「きみ」
できる - to be able to do
僕 - I; me 「ぼく」
ほら - hey!, look!
その - that
心 - heart, mind; spirit



逆転しようぜ Justice
危機一髪こそ Chance
どんな壁も どんな逆風(かぜ)も
怖くないさ きっと

Let’s make a turnabout - Justice
We’ll make it in the nick of time for sure - Chance
No matter the wall, no matter the wind,
We won’t be afraid, for sure
We’ll go win for sure

逆転 - (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around 「ぎゃくてん」
する - to do
危機一髪 - by a hair’s breath, in the nick of time , touch and go 「ききいっぱつ」
こそ - for sure
どんな what, what kind of
壁 - wall, barrier 「かど」
逆風 - wind 「かぜ」
怖い - scary, afraid 「こわい」
きっと - surely, most likely
勝ち - win 「かち」
行く - to go 「いく」


Each moment
Intersects to make the future
Your miraculous encounters
Will guide you

それぞれ - each, every, either
瞬間 - moment, second 「しゅんかん」
交わる - to cross, to intersect 「まじわる」
未来 - future 「みらい」
出逢い - to meet by chance, to come across 「であい」
奇跡 - miracle, wonder 「きせき」
導く - to guide, to lead 「みちびく」
だろう - I wonder

前を向いて 汗をかいて
ほら その涙に Shout

If we’re gonna do it, let’s attack with intensity
You’ll regret running away in the future
Turn around, sweat,
And hey, Shout through the tears!

やる - to do
なら - if, in case
ガンガン - intense
攻める - to attack, to assault 「せめる」
逃げる - to escape, to run away 「にげる」
将来 - future 「しょうらい」
後悔 - regret, repentance 「こうかい」
前 - before, in front 「まえ」
向く - to turn toward 「むく」
汗 - sweat 「あせ」
ほら - Hey!, Look!
その - that
涙 - tears 「なみだ」



逆転しようぜ Justice
絶体絶命も Chance
どんな愛も どんな夢も
取りに行こう きっと

Let’s make a turnabout - Justice
Even if you’re backed into a corner, there’s a Chance
No matter what kind of love, no matter what kind of dream
We’ll go and earn it, for sure
We’ll go win for sure

逆転 - (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around 「ぎゃくてん」
する - to do
絶体絶命 - desperate situation, being driven into a corner 「ぜったいぜつめい」
どんな - what, what kind of
愛 - love, affection 「あい」
夢 - dream 「ゆめ」
取る - to earn 「とる」
行く - to go 「いく」
きっと - surely, most likely
勝ち - win 「かち」

Johnny’s WEST - Gyakuten Winner

