#pick a card readings



Thanks for stopping by my blog! After doing free tarot readings here on Tumblr for two years now, I have decided to extend my services so that my faithful followers and future clients can also avail of my local tarot readings online! Since the pandemic restricts us from having face-to-face interactions, I’ve finally set-up a way for both new and previous clients to reach me without having to risk health just to see me in person.

These readings are very personalized, not copy-pasted. Please refer to my previous free readings to see how I conduct my services.

Below are the listed services and prices available:

Love Readings & Future Spouse Readings

  • Full-Spread = $ 20/question (9 Tarot Cards and 2 Oracle Cards)
  • Half-Spread = $ 15/question (5 Tarot Cards and 1 Oracle Card)
  • Elfin Spread = $ 7/question (3 Tarot Cards)
NOTE: I won’t be taking questions that pertain to loved ones, spouses, or partners that have already passed away.

Career/Livelihood Readings

  • Full-Spread = $ 20/question (9 Tarot Cards and 2 Oracle Cards)
  • Half-Spread = $ 15/question (5 Tarot Cards and 1 Oracle Card)
  • Elfin Spread = $ 7/question (3 Tarot Cards)

✈️Travels and Relocation Readings✈️

  • Full-Spread = $ 20/question (9 Tarot Cards and 2 Oracle Cards)
  • Half-Spread = $ 15/question (5 Tarot Cards and 1 Oracle Card)
  • Elfin Spread = $ 7/question (3 Tarot Cards)
NOTE: I won’t be taking questions that pertain to exact locations or countries of travel and/or relocation. These spreads only serve as a guidance to your future travel endeavors.

Family and Relatives Readings

  • Full-Spread = $ 20/question (9 Tarot Cards and 2 Oracle Cards)
  • Half-Spread = $ 15/question (5 Tarot Cards and 1 Oracle Card)
  • Elfin Spread = $ 7/question (3 Tarot Cards)
NOTE: I won’t be taking questions that pertain to family members or relatives that have already passed away.

✨ Other Readings ✨

  • Full-Spread = $ 20/question (9 Tarot Cards and 2 Oracle Cards)
  • Half-Spread = $ 15/question (5 Tarot Cards and 1 Oracle Card)
  • Elfin Spread = $ 7/question (3 Tarot Cards)
NOTE: Please specify the exact question you need guidance for before making the payment.

To avail of these services, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Send your questions to my DM’s alongside the type of reading you want me to do.
  2. Please give as much details as possible, and some sort of identifier if need be; such as names, initials, and/or zodiac signs. Rest assured that any personal information you wish to share with me WILL NOT be posted publicly without your consent. 
  3. Send your payments through the PayPal link I’ll share with you in our private messages, and send a screenshot of the transaction afterwards.
  4. Indicate the email address you’ll want me to send your personalized reading’s PDF file to.
  5. For any other business questions, please forward your inquiries to “[email protected]

❗️Your readings are personalized, and nothing is copy-pasted from previous readings! The more details you give, the more personalized your readings would be. Again, I won’t disclose any of your personal information to anyone without your consent. ❗️

As always, sending all of you positive vibes and energies! Hope to hear from all of you soon!

Copyright © 2021 by TarotWitchy

{pick-a-card readings}


NOTE:Don’tjust pick the pile based on your Hogwart’s house. Pick the pile that feels right. If it happens to be the Hogwart’s house you’re in, then all is well. But don’t disregard an image that feels right just because it’s not your house.

As much as I love my Future Spouse readings — and there will be incoming FS PAC’s soon — I want to do more Self-Reflection PAC’s. I feel like 2022 is a year of getting in touch with who you are. So, here is the first part of this kind of reading. I hope you all enjoy. (And this has been sitting in my drafts for so long!)

These photos were taken from Picrew image generator, and I do not take credit for any of these. If you want to support the artist, the link to their Twitter is: https://mobile.twitter.com/K_pupu


Pile 1: Gryffindor

The High Priestess • Ace of Cups • Judgment • The Tower • 9 of Swords • Queen of Swords

Right off the bat, you’re someone who is like a beacon of light for other people. When things go wrong, or when things get out of control, you’re someone that people want on their side because you exude this calm rationale that is focused on taking responsibility, and setting things straight. It’s like the people around you can sense the accountable and leader-like qualities in you from the moment you step in the room. You have that gentle yet convicted drive in you that inspires people to follow your lead. You don’t always step in the limelight to “fix the problems” for others. Sometimes, it’s your active presence and simple advice that helps them help themselves. That’s what most people think are admirable about you.

Furthermore, you’re someone that people see as both street smartandbook smart at the same time. You just seem to know a lot about life, even if you don’t think you do. It’s okay to think that you still need to learn more things in life — this is a good, humbling quality about you as well. But you have to acknowledge all the lessons you’ve learned the hard way because you actually surpassed a lot of challenges that came your way that most people are in awe that you’re still standing on your feet! It’s because of this that people just know you have most of the answers to their problems; because you actually know. People see you as someone full of wisdom and experience.

Now, what these cards are telling me is that while people see you as that problem-solving, responsible person, they aren’t entitled to your help. You may worry a lot about things that shouldn’t concern you. Sometimes, others need to learn from their mistakes and experience falling on their feet in order to teach themselves how to stand up. You don’t have to carry the burden of helping others, Pile 1. Those people will end up crippled because you have spoon-fed them your guidance. And lastly, offer some of that kindnessandgentleness to yourself! You may be letting some things get to you that you should let go of. Free your mind and body from the responsibilities that aren’t supposed to be yours in the first place. You deserve the self-love and care the most.


Pile 2: Slytherin

King of Pentacles • Justice • 3 of Cups • The High Priestess • 7 of Cups • Knight of Cups

When I was shuffling the deck, the exact number of cards I need for this pile suddenly fell. And that’s when I heard two things about the people who will choose this pile: decisiveness, and jealousy.

Starting off with decisiveness, the majority of people who are associated with you know you as someone who knows what they want in life. You are seen as that person who has a solid mind about what you want to do in life, and what you need to do in order to achieve the kind of life you want for yourself. Regardless of your sexual identity or gender orientation, most people get this masculine energy from you — someone who’s convicted in themselves, their abilities, their voice, and their dreams and goals. Perhaps, when you were in school, your group mates would want you to be their default leader because they know (and trust) that you’ll be able to come up with a decisive plan to accomplish your project together.

In addition, you’re someone who isn’t afraid to stand up for what you think is right; either for yourself, or for those who need backup. People know you as that outspoken person who isn’t afraid to voice out your opinions, or when something is wrong with the authority around you. You’re not shirking against the weight of the challenge of authorities because you are in your strongest when you know you’re right. Another thing I heard is that you are that person who can dish out a one-liner that can shut a blabbing person right up! You’re kind of that whistleblower when things go wrong within your environment, and a lot of people acknowledge that about you.

On the other hand, there’s this jealous energy that follows you as well. This is not coming from you, though. This jealousy is stemming from the people who are so envious of what you have in life. You may have come from a family that gave you everything you asked for (thus, leading a comfortable life), OR that they think everything you have in life is something you acquired easily but in reality, you worked for every single cent you have today. In fact, you may be secretly aware of these people in your periphery but you’re just not saying anything — which is really awesome, to be honest, because they don’t deserve your time nor your attention. Overall, you’re someone who knows what they want, and how to get it. You already know it would be best for you to lead an unbothered life, just focusing on you.


Pile 3: Ravenclaw

6 of Cups • 2 of Swords • Temperance • 3 of Wands • Knight of Wands • 9 of Pentacles

For those of you who have chosen this pile, you are the person that people know as level-headed. A peacemaker, even. You are one of those people that are the backbone of society. You aren’t like most people who only think for themselves; you think about the greater good for the majority — if not, for all! You’re not one to leave a friend behind, as you probably have felt being left behind before, and you do not wish to make other people know that same feeling of sadness due to being left behind. The people around you trusts in your ability to keep a group together, listen to each and every single opposing opinion, and still be able to come up with a cohesive solution for everybody else to benefit from.

Aside from this, you’re someone who sees both the big picture, and the intricate details that makes it a whole. You can see both sides of every story being told to you, and this is why people trust your judgment when it comes to the final say. (This pile is a little similar to Pile 1. So, if you’re attracted to that pile, you may want to check it out as well!) Furthermore, you absolutely hate the unfair treatment being given to those who are marginalized — especially the children, the elderly, and the disabled. The ignorant hate that some people spread in their communities is something you do not tolerate. So, to counter this, you’re the type of person who won’t stoop down to their level but you’re also willing to educate them in the nost peaceful way you know. You have a very peaceful, yet stern way of making sure those injustices don’t happen on your watch. You’re not afraid to call the bullies of society out on their unacceptable behavior.

All of this you do, and still maintain your cool; which is something a lot of your peers and loved ones admire about you so much. What could easily rile up a regular person does not faze you. You’re akin to a deep rooted tree that just won’t budge in the midst of a hurricane or a tornado. A lot of people would be lost and be in chaos without your presence. Lastly, you’re someone who people see as generous. They see you as giving, magnanimous, and patient to those who need it. You’re far from a pushover, though. But you just know when to give out, and let people have their turn.


Pile 4: Hufflepuff

9 of Cups • The Tower • The Emperor • 6 of Swords • 5 of Wands • King of Wands

This pile is quite somber and serious in nature. Immediately, I just know that to those people who chose this pile have been through the ringer. You’re that person whom people look at in utter bewilderment and astonishment as to how you’re still standing after all those challenges and tribulations you’ve faced in your life. People who don’t know you have this impression that you’re a jaded, cynical person who is always serious and unfazed. However, to those who truly understand who you are will say that you’re that “battle-scarred knight in chinked armor” who seem defeated but has the will of a dragon to keep on fighting in spite of it all, and will keep on standing up after every fall.

You’ve been through ups and downs in life, and the people around you can see this clearly. Even though you may try to hide this from others, they can really see and witness what you’ve been through — and are still going through even to this day. Life may have stolen your happy smiles and joyful moments. But you’re not afraid to express your genuine emotions to those who deserve to see your happy moments. You may not often laugh in the presence of strangers, but to those who mean a lot to you (and to those who value you in their lives), sharing laughter, smiles, and gentle moments are something to be remembered. A lot of people also wants to give you a big, warm hug, it seems! They know you may not always want to express your emotional needs but they can secretly see through you. And they want to give you affection; it’s just that they don’t know how to do so without giving you discomfort.

But most importantly, when the world needs its fighters and sentinels, you’re the face that most people remember immediately. Just when things seem hopeless, then you appear to salvage the situation. It sounds cliché but it really is how people see you. If you were a movie character trope, you’d be the “reluctant hero.” It’s like, you no longer want to be associated with other people’s mess, but at the same time, you know they need your help and that you’re the only one who can finish the job — and save the day. While this truly is a heroic example, please remember to not force yourself to keep on being there for people if you don’t feel like it. You don’t always have to save the day. You’re also your own person, and at the end of the day, the only one who truly needs you is you.



Copyright © 2022 by TarotWitchy

[Don’t repost, copy, or reword]

{pick-a-card readings}


  • For this PAC, I want to do something really colorful and loud since it was my birthday on the 8th! I received a lot of Macarons since everybody knows they’re my favorite sweets.
  • I know it’s been a long time since I posted anything Tarot related on this blog. But I thought I’d give a birthday surprise to my followers with something FS related. And it’s my first time doing a 6-pile reading, so I hope you enjoy!
  • Pick the pile that you feel drawn to, or is standing out to you the most in this selection. You can choose your favorite color; but using your intuition when choosing is the best method.

❌ Please do not plagiarize my work, or post it elsewhere without my permission and credits. Thank you! ❌

Pile 1: Pistachio Green

8 of Cups • Death • 4 of Cups • Elephany

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Right off the bat, your Future Spouse is someone who isn’t afraid of deviating from the tried and tested methods of society. If a certain norm isn’t working out for them, they can immediately turn their back against those close-minded people who keep on insisting that there is only one way of doing things. For example, this type of attitude can reflect in their workplace. Your Future Spouse is someone who isn’t afraid to voice out their opinions on things they deem wrong. If the workplace hierarchy is unjust and unfair, they would most likely be the first person to report these unfair treatments to the HR — or the higher-ups.

It is because of this that most people tend to dislike and avoid your Future Spouse. Most people are afraid of the new and the novel because they don’t like going off the beaten path. Majority of the people that surrounds them are those who are wary of fresh ideas, or spearheading new methods of development. However, your Future Spouse is someone bold, outspoken, creative, and very open-minded towards contemporary thinking. If something sparks their interest, they’ll most likely explore that idea without hesitation.

On the other hand, your Future Spouse is someone who can be hampered down by negativity every now and then. Don’t get me wrong; they are strong-willed and can hold their own against those who doubt them. It’s not easy to rile them up. But they have the tendency to bottle up their feelings until it eats them from the inside without anyone else knowing about how they truly feel. And for that, they’d hope that the partner they’ll get is someone who can understand what they’re going through without the need for too much words. I believe that those who picked this pile are those who are sensitive to emotional disturbances around them, and can help this person to cope with their negative feelings in a healthy way. You’ll be their safety net and their safe space.

Pile 2: Wisteria Purple

9 of Pentacles • Ace of Cups • King of Wands • Wolf

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Your Future Spouse is someone who is very self-assured in their position in life. They know their own power, their capabilities, the strength of their words, their confidence, and their survival skills. Just like the previous pile, they aren’t afraid to go off the beaten path. They know that in order for you to rise above the challenges, you have to let go of the systems and people who no longer help you reach your full potential. Now, this might sound cutthroat and harsh; but your Future Spouse isn’t afraid of sacrificing some things in order to make way for the greater good. They can even compromise their own comforts for a little while if they see that this will have a fruitful outcome.

Furthermore, your Future Spouse is someone who isn’t greedy. They aren’t afraid of sharing the resources they can afford to give. They’ve been in the position of helplessness in the past. And they can feel for those who can’t help themselves. They give opportunities to those who seek it. I feel like this will inspire you to become a greater version of yourself as well. Your Future Spouse will inspire you to rise to the greediness and injustices that this society does to each other. They are also someone who won’t hold you indebted if they helped you financially. If you needed a little assistance, they will give you more than you need; and they won’t hold it against you. Just seeing you thrive and achieve your goals will make them feel very proud of you.

And because of this, your Future Spouse is financially capable and stable. They’ve earned their riches, their material wealth, and all the things they have in their possession. They’ve worked hard on it, and they know the hardships that most people go through. This makes them empathize with others easily. If they own a company, you won’t see them being unfair and cruel to their workers. They pay and treat their employees right because they know how it feels to be in their position. They know how cruel and cunning some business owners are in order to secure extra income. They won’t be like that, and I know that as their partner, you’ll be proud of your Future Spouse for being just. And you’ll sleep well at night knowing that the money is earned in the right way.

Pile 3: Red Velvet

5 of Wands • 8 of Wands • King of Swords • Black Egg

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

As I am typing this, the time is exactly 11:11AM. When these cards showed up, I already know that your Future Spouse is someone who has a touch of destiny in them. When someone gets the King of Swords as a descriptive card, you get someone who is outspoken and decisive. Coupled with the Black Egg card, your Future Spouse is someone who won’t allow other people to pressure them into doing something they don’t want to do. They are never afraid to say “no” in the face of the best persuasive salesperson. This isn’t to say that they are rude or uncouth; they’re just protective of their boundaries and their limitations, and that no one is allowed to cross them with the use of sweet-talking or under-the-table schemes of other people around them.

With the combination of 5 and 8 of Wands, your Future Spouse is someone who worked for literally every single thing they owned from the ground up. They may have even come from an impoverished background during their childhood. Their household may not have been stable, and their family may have fostered the behavior of competing against each other’s siblings for material resources. It is with this childhood upbringing that made them the person they are today — someone who will do everything in their power to get what they need in order to achieve the life of comfort, and not left wanting. There’s a theme of healing childhood wounds here.

In relationships, your Future Spouse may not be the most romantic partner. They may have a hard time expressing their emotions to you because this isn’t what they grew up with in their household. They weren’t allowed to voice out their feelings. So, I believe that their love language could be Giving Gifts or Acts of Service. They express their devotion through demonstrations, not words. They will also expect the same from you as they are very much a give-and-take kind of person. Also, they would most likely appreciate it if you would sit them down and talk about your issues with them in a clear, logical way than emotional displays of distress. (They don’t know what to do with tears, reader. )

Pile 4: Aqua Blue

King of Wands • 10 of Cups • 8 of Swords • King Cobra

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Immediately, I got the sense that your Future Spouse is someone that is very responsible — almost to a fault. But they are someone that a lot of people depend on! They are someone experienced when it comes to taking on huge roles in their workplace, or that they are prominent figures in their communities. For some of you, they may even be a politician or someone who works in the government. That’s how important their role is. People who know them will tell you that your Future Spouse is someone trustworthy and reliable when it comes to handling important business that others are counting on. They may even be regional managers, executive project handlers, soldiers, military officers, or chief executive officers. (Regardless of sexual and gender orientation!)

The flip-side to this is that deep inside, they feel really restricted by the obligations and responsibilities they have. The fact that a lot of people look up to them for progression and development is a huge pressure on their shoulders that they keep bottled up all this time. Your Future Spouse may have the idea that in order to live “properly,” one has to have immense duties make yourself useful. Now, that isn’t necessarily wrong, per se. But there’s a distinction between being an active part of your community, and martyrdom. At this point, your Future Spouse is doing their duties at the expense of their comfort, safety, and sanity.

I believe that your role to them as their partner is to remind them that we are only human; and that we aren’t responsible for every single person that we come across with. There is the value of helping people who are in need of a lending hand. But you know what they say, “teach a man how to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” And in your partnership, your Future Spouse may also teach you the value of being lenient towards community service. This is a connection of teaching each other the instilled values from one another, and balancing each other out.

Pile 5: Citrus Orange

6 of Pentacles • 7 of Wands • 4 of Wands • Camel

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Your Future Spouse can be described as someone whose focus in life is on the well-being and security of their family. Just like Pile 3, they might not have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. For some, they might even have to stop schooling for a year or two just to make ends meet for the family’s financial situation. But in spite of the hardships, your Future Spouse does not harbour ill-will towards their family for these challenges. Instead, they want to make things better for everyone else so their siblings, parents, grandparents, and even their relatives won’t have to experience financial lack in this lifetime ever again. They work not just for themselves but for those who need their help. Maybe they have a younger sibling who’s still in school. Your Future Spouse may be the one who pays the tuition fee, or provides materials for them to finish their education because they experienced how it feels to halt their own education — and they don’t want their siblings to experience that.

This is just a general hunch… but for some of you, your Future Spouse belongs to the marginalized group of people who really have no choice but to pull themselves up with whatever scraps of resources are thrown their way. Perhaps, they experienced evictions throughout their childhood and experienced homelessness, and that really made them extremely determined to have a stable and secure home for themselves and their loved ones. This type of outlook in life runs deep for your Future Spouse.

There will be two types of people who will choose this particular pile — those who had the same type of childhood experiences as your Future Spouse, and those who are relatively privileged enough to afford the comforts and security in life. For those who knows how it feels like to live in less than desirable situations, you will be able to understand your Future Spouse in an entirely deep level. You will share this vulnerability with them, and will understand where they’re coming from. You won’t be one of those people who’ll tell them that their worries are exaggerated because you know how it feels like to lose everything you have. For those people who lived their childhoods comfortably, even if you can’t completely empathize with your Future Spouse, the best thing you can do is to hear them out. Do not belittle or invalidate their traumas and fears even if they sounds ridiculous to you at times. They’ll thank you for that, and you’ll be their most trusted and valued confidante.

Pile 6: Galaxy Swirl

The Lovers • The Magician • The Tower • Raccoon

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

This is, by far, the most intense pile out of all. And I didn’t do it on purpose to put this spread on the fancy looking macarons; it just fell like this. All Major Arcana cards with three contrasting meanings speak loudly about the type of person your Future Spouse is. The Lovers card in this scenario makes me feel like they are someone who’s been through different types of relationships in the past. They’ve experienced a wide array of relationship dynamics with different people, which makes them quite well-versed when it comes to handling emotional matters with romantic partners. They know how to woo someone based on emotional displays of the person they’re trying to win over. I’d also like to add that they’re someone who is really decisive about who they want to be with, their conviction over the partnership when other people around them aren’t approving of the relationship, and their overall grounded nature of sureness.

The Magician may signify you Future Spouse’s ability to be like a jack-of-all-trades. They know a whole lot about specific things that most people would not know about, or only experts would understand. The gas pipe in the kitchen is leaking? They can surely fix that immediately. Your phone’s speakers aren’t working? Give them a few minutes, and it’s back in top shape. Writing a paper about Mesopotamian literature? They can tell you all about it and more, you’re guaranteed to get a perfect score. Think of the character MacGyver — and mix Aladdin in the picture, and you get the perfect smooth talkerplussmooth operatorperson.

However, The Tower card is telling me something else. There’s the tendency for this person to crash and burn, if you know what I mean. Sure, they really know how to pull themselves out of a negative situation. But it’s through their own impulsive actions that will be their own undoing. It’s like stepping on the gas going on a hundred miles per hour without slowing down on curved roads. As their partner, the best thing you could do for them is to ground them back to reality. Grounding is a good way to slow them down, take a moment to assess the situation instead of rushing in like a raging bull, head first. You have the ability to calm them, and make them see another way of doing things with the least amount of damage. It’s like you’ll be their “emergency stop button” for when things get out of hand, and beyond their expertise. Overall, there’s a give and take symbiosis between you and your Future Spouse.


Copyright © 2021 by TarotWitchy

[Don’t repost, copy, or reword]

hi everyone! squeezing in one more PAC before college starts again and this time it’s just one thing you can look forward to this year. it feels like a lot of us are bracing ourselves for yet another difficult year, so i decided to come through with one that’ll be at least somewhat positive! pick a stone that means something to you and scroll down for your reading~


my aquamarines, it looks as though you’ve been wanting to be a leader in some way for a while. some of you have been wanting to start a business, others of you have been eyeing a leadership position. regardless, you’ll finally get there this year! now, i want to first remind you to research, research, research! you’ll need to constantly update and upgrade your knowledge to stay ahead of the pack. if you have a senior in your field, which i feel most of you do, don’t be afraid to go up to them to ask for guidance on how life is like as you climb this career ladder. the second thing i want to mention is imposter syndrome. you are in the right place, you have earned your right to this leadership opportunity. yes, you were not completely ready before, but that doesn’t somehow make you un-ready in some weird mental gymnastics way. you have the universe’s full approval to go for it and take control. the last thing is: don’t feel that you owe the people you beat anything just because you beat them. it’s a competition— people win and people lose. that’s just how it goes. you play your cards right, you get a better outcome. one last little thing that might resonate for some of you: know that you don’t have to cave to every one of your parents’ requests just because you can. your ultimate happiness and peace comes first!


hello, dear ametrines! this year, you’re going to be handed a sword. and with this sword, you’ll shatter glasses and cut off people, but i promise you it will all be for the best. you seem to be surrounded by very superficial and egotistic people, and i don’t think things have been horrible with them, but brace yourself— they might be soon. in my opinion, these periods always come right after huge improvements and successes in life, because that’s exactly when jealousy rears its ugly head. so i’m sorry that this isn’t entirely positive, darlings, but it’s something that has to happen, and you’re going to be much stronger and clearer because of it. you’ll see things and people for what and who they are, you’re ready to ditch the crutches. you may take some time this year to rehash things you thought you were over and re-heal from them. and there’s no shame in that at all! sometimes we go back and realise we were more hurt than we were ready to realise back then. point is, you’re becoming much more aware and clear about the world around you, and that’s a great thing.

you’ll also have more clarity in terms of your spirituality. you’ll be learning loads about what works and doesn’t for you in terms of rituals, habits, and so on. your intuition will be crystal clear and sharp at the end of this!

and if you remember nothing else from this reading, then when you’re staring at the shattered wine goblets, i hope you remember and trust me when i say they were all filled with poison anyway.


hi, my peridot friends! this year, you can look forward to some companionship. i’m getting a hard-to-love vibe from this group, maybe it’s hard for you to make many friends, maybe you lost a couple last year, or maybe you let someone who was just a little more get away. maybe you’re like me! all my friends are going overseas on their exchange programmes this year, and most of them won’t be back until we all graduate. regardless, the year does start off a little lonelier and quieter than you would have preferred. it won’t be this way for too long, though, because the tables have been a little unfairly not in your favour for a while now, and they’re about to spin the other way and become unfairly in your favour. i’m seeing one really stable friend, at the very least. it’s probably a libra, but if you’re venus dominant then it’d be a mercurian. anyway, if you’re single then i know what you’re thinking… is this love?? unfortunately, i don’t have a straight answer to this. for the better part of the year this person is a friend, but the cards are not ruling out romance per se. i would suggest leaving ulterior motives at the door for this one, but i don’t think you really need that warning. you’re probably someone who already takes all types of relationships slowly and carefully anyway. regardless, i don’t think you’ll be scrambling for more, because i see you being very fulfilled by this new connection and just thankful that you’re not as alone as you were bracing yourself to be after everything that happened with that person that tampered with your heart. take your chances and believe in your worth!


okay, there’s definitely a burdensome connection over here. i can see it being a partner, co-worker or boss. it seems that whatever heart you’ve been putting into this has been ignored because of how result-oriented the other end of this connection is. and yeah, results are important, but we can definitely spare 30 seconds to acknowledge effort and ask “how did everything go?” instead of… whatever the hell is going on right now.

sometime this year you lose your patience. and it’s kinda sad, because i think at one point you thought this was a match made in heaven. you were excited to be with or work with this person, but it just didn’t go the way you hoped. and everything is stable, and the cogs are turning fine, sure, but what happened to feelings, really? why should you be feeling so empty and discontented with life? i see an ultimatum here— you’re done waiting so either this person does better (whether that’s connecting better with you or just a pay rise lol), or you walk. it will be different outcomes for different people, but you will get the best out of this situation, and that’s what you should look forward to! you haven’t been properly valued for a while now, so you’re getting what you deserve this year. this journey will lead you to realise what it is that makes you truly happy, and it will help you protect your ego and heart better. stay strong, upgrades are on the horizon!

This week, Jupiter moves into Aries. Expect big changes ahead.

Is it someone you suspected?

That solar eclipse will bring you something big. ✨

Venus has something to tell you. ❤️

This is your week leading up to the eclipse. ✨

What you think vs. What is true

Are you delusional or do they really love you?

We should be feeling the force of the full moon in the days ahead. ✨

Will the solar eclipse be nice to you?

Before doing these weekly readings, I also pick my own card.

It’s been two months now, and so far the readings have manifested for me. I hope they do for you too.

The answer may not be so easy to hear…

You ready?

Is it by choice?

A sneak peek of your week

Your best life, summarized in under 10 minutes.

Hope your astrological New Year brings you the fruition of your dreams!

What gift does the astrological New Year bring?

Your weekly reading, as promised.

That’s a lot of time for everything to change. ⏳
