#astrological notes


{astro notes; pt. 6}


[Long post ahead; Juno in the signs and houses!]

I wanted to get back to discussing asteroids for quite some time now, and I felt like this is the perfect placement to start again. Asteroid Juno (3) has been a very popular asteroid for a lot of people who wanted to know more about their Future Spouses.
However, it is imperative to know that Asteroid Juno (3) is not the end-all-be-all determinant for your Future Spouse’s characteristics. If anything, this asteroid is all about what you want or seek in a potential Future Spouse. It is what you believe is right for you, your preference, your standards, and what traits they have that attracts you to them.
In this post, I’ll be discussing both the sign and house your Asteroid Juno (3) is in, and what it means for your potential relationships that could lead to marriage or life-long partnership.

Part 1: In the signs •

Juno in Aries

  • Thefirst group of people with this placement are those who act in a dominating way during first impressions. These natives want to know if potential partners have what it takes to handle their fiery and strong energies. The second group are those who want a partner who is dominating and assertive in nature! They might purposely play coy and damsels-in-distress to see how those potential partners react. They need to see what the other person will do, or how they react to certain situations — if the potential partner can be as assertive as they are. And lastly, the third group is a mixture of the first and second groups. They might swing back and forth with their dominating, self-reliant attitude, to becoming a passive spectator in the next moment.
  • Out of all the placements, this may be the one who does not want to marry after all. These people’s self-reliance and confidence in their own company may overpower their desire for romantic partnerships. (I have this placement, so I know the struggle of this particular placement very well).

Juno in Taurus

  • People with Juno in Taurus are a lot of good things, but above all else, they are the ones looking for safety and security in a partner the most! Depending on which house this asteroid is placed, people with this placement tend to look for “something” from a potential partner; may it be financial stability, emotional maturity, creativity, being good with kids, or maybe a free spirit. But people with Juno in Taurus usually would want their potential significant other to tick off the boxes on their “standards list,” so most people would dub them as choosy or picky.
  • However, these natives tend to be happiest when their partner is providing them that personal brand of safety and security (according to what they actually want). I’ve observed that most people with this placement have a soft spot for when they’re being given personalized gifts by their partners or potential partners. It makes them feel very thought of, and that their partner is truly thinking about them when acquiring that present.

Juno in Gemini

  • Juno in Gemini natives crave intellectual connection the most. It might sound cliché for a Gemini/Mercurian placement, but the truth is that no matter how attractive a person is, it won’t truly matter to a Juno in Gemini native unless the mental connection is there. I have personally met a couple people with this placement, and they have identified as sapiosexuals (or sapiophiles). They just find mental stimulation as appealing as physical attraction, and they believe that lifelong partnerships and/or relationships are based on intellectual compatibility.
  • Without intellectual compatibility, these natives might find their relationships shallow, or without “anchor,” as someone with this placement once said. It’s as if there’s no real common ground if conversations are going nowhere, and the mental energies are not matching. People with this placement need someone who can establish cerebral rapport, and keep it interested that way.

Juno in Cancer

  • Emotional maturity and empathetic intelligence are what Juno in Cancer natives yearn for. For them, this is the bread and butter of any relationships they have and might have — regardless if it’s platonic or romantic. This is a non-negotiable trait for the people with this placement. Moreso, this placement gives the natives a sort of “radar,” in which they’d identify if the person who’s pursuing them is not being genuine in their approach. A lot of people can fall for sweet words, but not a Juno in Cancer native. They just know.
  • In addition, they’d want someone who can handle their emotional depth. They don’t want being hindered in expressing emotions because most of the time, they are already being suppressed by the coldness of society; these natives would never want to be in a relationship that extends that cynicism to their emotional needs.

Juno in Leo

  • Out of all the signs, people with natal Juno in Leo are the ones that wanted to be showed off. The refuse to be hidden by their partners as if being ashamed of being seen together with them. These natives also want someone who they can be proud to show off to people in their lives; which means someone who looks and sounds presentable, and someone who doesn’t need to be looked after. They want someone confident and outspoken, but not arrogant.
  • In addition, people with this placement want someone who can share creative ideas with them! Being able to express their creative side is one of the most important things they need in a relationship. And someone who shares the same amount of interest in the creative fields they are in is definitely a plus. They want their partners to also enjoy what they are creating. These natives are definitely going to create something with their partner. It could be a collaborative art piece, a dance, a song, a dish, a literary work, etc. Juno in Leo natives are most likely to treat their partners as their muses and inspirations.

Juno in Virgo

  • Juno in Virgo natives look for partners who are and can be put together. Most people underestimate the importance of accomplishing the mundane routines and everyday tasks. But these are things that do not go unnoticed by people with this placement. They want someone they can rely on to successfully execute a daily task, and do the necessary things to make life easier for them. They don’t want a partner that’s going to be “deadweight” to them. They didn’t get married (or entered into a lifetime relationship) to be treated as a secretary.
  • Furthermore, they want a partnership that fosters a progression in learning. These people abhor mental stagnation, and would want to be in a partnership that stimulates their minds so that they can learn from each other. Also, open communication is a must for the people with this placement. They absolutely hate misunderstandings because that results in a mess and unnecessary delays. In result, both them and their partner are working hand in hand to make daily things go smoothly for them and other people.

Juno in Libra

  • When Juno is combined with one of the ruling signs of Venus, people with this placement may be seen or regarded as the embodiment of spouse-material. A lot of people want to be with these natives; or at least, others have fantasized what it could be like to have this native as a long-term partner or spouse. And while these natives can be aware of the general population of their admirers, they tend to underestimate the depth that their admirers’ affections toward them. This is because Juno in Libra natives are very charming, welcoming, pleasant, can be romantic in their own way, and is the apple of people’s eyes.
  • On the other hand, while these natives seem to be receptive to the general public’s attentions, they are very strict with their standards. A couple of flowers and chocolates are not going to win their hearts that easily. They are easygoing in love but they are no going to stoop down to a standard they don’t want. They will not tolerate unsavory behavior from their partners, and will not hesitate to cut connections off if their peace is being disturbed.

Juno in Scorpio

  • As with all Scorpio placements, Juno in this sign is not exempted from intensity, passion, and emotional depth. Juno in Scorpio natives are your ultimate ride-or-die when it comes to their connections and relationships (regardless if this is romantic or platonic). When looking for a significant other, these natives can be quite reclusive and even cutthroat. They want to know if potential partner have what it takes to handle their intensity and seriousness when it comes to relationships. They have the habit of sizing-up their potential partners; even going as far as intimidation.
  • Most of the time, these people avoid casual relationships — or situationships — simply because they don’t want to be someone’s “for the meantime” partner. They want a partner who will treat them with the same seriousness and depth they’re willing to give back. If unhealthily aspected, they might even go as far as seeking a partner who would obsess over them, and exhibit possessive behavior towards them. This is something these natives have to watch out for because just like Juno in Libra, people with Juno in Scorpio are not in shortage of admirers. It’s just that their admirers are mostly keeping their desire hidden, and tend to go overboard with obsession.

Juno in Sagittarius

  • People with Juno in Sagittarius value experiencing life to the fullest. They have a lot of places, experiences, and knowledge they want to earn in this lifetime. Therefore, what they look for in a partner is someone who will not hinder their quest to accomplishing these goals and aspirations. These natives are one of the most open-minded people out there, and they do not mesh well with partners who limit their thirst for higher knowledge and the academe. This ability to absorb a huge amount of information about different topics at the same time can be polarizing to a potential partner of a Juno in Sagittarius native because these natives can stay afloat comfortably within two seemingly opposite ends of a topic’s spectrum. They don’t mind not taking a side for a while if it means they can see the biggest picture possible as they come to their own conclusion.
  • With that said, they would want a partner who they can converse with, and exchange thoughts and opinions to broaden their body of knowledge altogether. As a placement under the fire element, they don’t want boring life routines; they want dynamism and growth in a relationship instead of settling for the mundane and calling it a day.

Juno in Capricorn

  • Juno in Capricorn natives live their lives with a clear purpose. Whatever it is that they set their minds on, they will achieve one way or another. And this attitude bleeds through their approach in relationships as well. They would like a partner who is decisive in life choices and actions because these natives wouldn’t want to be with someone who can slow them down, or render them ineffective due to their partner’s hesitations. These natives don’t like an aggressive partner; they just want someone calm yet convicted. Someone who is level-headed, decisive, and grounded. This is because these natives really deserve someone who can take the wheels for them effectively every once in a while to give them a break.
  • In addition, Juno in Capricorn natives have a unique sense of humor that not all people can understand. It can range from dry to sarcastic, and sometimes even insult jokes — which can rub some people the wrong way. But truly, once these natives find someone who can take the jokes and handle it with grace, you found the shortcut to these natives’ hearts. They might seem too serious in relationships and friendships. But if you get their jokes, they’ll warm up to you more quickly, and they’ll feel more safe to express themselves to you.

Juno in Aquarius

  • When person has their natal Juno in Aquarius, this makes them one of the most open-minded people out there. The individual is often open to new ideas and takes on how relationships can work. While they can be your typical, traditional partner (if they want to), they often find themselves being alright in unconventional kinds of relationships as well. They’re also not bothered by other people who silently — or even outright — judge their relationships because in these natives’ minds, as long as they’re feeling happy and okay in these atypical partnerships, they don’t care about what others would say.
  • This isn’t to say that all natives with this placement have unconventional relationships. Most of the time, this placement calls for the native to look for someone who can be comfortable with unconventional things with them without judgment! I’ve also observed that people with this placement can be in relationships that are very proactive with human rights, going on parades for the marginalized and the minority; they’re that couple who are very outspoken with what’s going on in their community and their countries. And even what’s happening in the world!

Juno in Pisces

  • As with water sign placements, Juno in Pisces natives are looking for that emotional depth, intensity, and maturity. But what sets this placement apart from Juno in Cancer and Juno on Scorpio is the mental connection and total spiritual compatibility. I’ve known one person with this placement, and they refuse to be with someone who doesn’t feel like they are completely compatible with one another. They have this internal “scanner” that doesn’t fail them, and they can see past first impressions when people put their best foot forward in order to look or sound really good. Best believe these natives can see you underneath all that act immediately.
  • This is why they want authenticity above all else. Natives are those who want to deep-dive into their partner’s psyche to really understand who they’re being with. The thing is, they expect the same level of understanding to be given to them by their partners but not everyone can be ready for that. So, there’s the possibility of feeling isolated in friendships and relationships. What these natives look for is someone who isn’t afraid to introspect with them, and explore their internalized thoughts together. Only then would the native truly feel seen, heard, and understood.

• Part 2: Houses •

Juno in the 1st House

  • People with their Juno in the 1st House are looking for someone who is unabashedly themselves. They want someone who isn’t afraid of showing who they really are, without pretense. These natives usually feel on the first impression when a potential partner is pretending to be someone they’re not — or those with a different side to them that isn’t being shown on the surface. Juno in the 1st House natives are really good at spotting those have ulterior motives with them, and these natives are absolutely not afraid to call it out. This ability is a gift in disguise because these natives can easily weed out those who aren’t being genuine with them with this attitude of calling people out for their sketchiness. They just want someone who shows their true colors.

Juno in the 2nd House

  • When Juno is placed in the 2nd House, this urges the native to find material, tangible, and over-all security. There’s a sense of needing a “safe place” to stay at the end of the day where you can let loose, and just feel secure from all of the outside elements — like hunger, exposure from danger, monetary lack, and people that can do harm. There’s a real primal feeling in this house that you can combine with the particular sign that Juno is in. Therefore, they look for partners that can make them feel safe above all else. They yearn to feel that protection and security from their potential partners because they’re willing to do the very same protection they’re wanting to receive. They want someone who can act like a “pack” with.

Juno in the 3rd House

  • It’s safe to say that everyone wants a healthy open communication dynamic with their partners, but this is especially highlighted when a native has their Juno in the 3rd House. They go beyond hi’s and hello’s with their partner, and really do the work necessary to be crystal clear with their words and intentions and thoughts — no matter how uncomfortable this can be for their partnership sometimes. They aren’t afraid to speak their minds because they know it’s necessary to say what’s on your mind. The good thing is, these natives are really good with maneuvering vocabulary as to not sound harsh. They have a talent to choose their words wisely.

Juno in the 4th House

  • If Juno in the 2nd House natives yearn after the security and safety of a house, Juno in the 4th House natives yearn to make a “home out of the house.” People with this placement want to feel emotionally secure with the partner they’re with that goes beyond material things or tangible results. This is especially true if Juno is in retrograde. The native might have seen the unsavory dynamic of their childhood families, and may want to “do it all over” in a proper way to rectify and soothe their inner child. But they also could’ve had a good and emotionally secure childhood, and wouldn’t want to lower those standards their loving parents have established.

Juno in the 5th House

  • What these natives look for a partner is someone who isn’t afraid to explore theor creativity, dynamism, and unique approaches to life. Juno in the 5th House natives wouldn’t want to be with someone who is boring, or someone who would settle for the “tried and tested methods.” People with this placement are not afraid to try new things according to their personalities, and would want a partner who can encourage them to be more authentic; and someone who can dish out their own creative takes! Also, these natives want a partner who is good with kids! Someone who isn’t afraid to be playful and innocent — someone who isn’t afraid to be unapologetically themselves.

Juno in the 6th House

  • Duty calls for natives with Juno in their 6th House. They would want someone who’s reliable, trustworthy when it comes to accomplishing important things every day, responsible, and accountable. Speaking of routines, these natives would really like someone who their can incorporate into their daily routines with ease. They don’t like someone who is really hard to get along with. But most of all, they absolutely abhor potential partners who can be deadweight to their every day activities. Juno in the 6th House natives can be real cutthroat when people in their lives make their tasks and jobs harder than it already is. They’d rather not have a partner than deal with useless people every day.

Juno in the 7th House

  • Juno in the 7th House natives are more than love and romance. While this house certainly deals with those themes, they thrive in relationships that prove loyalty to their cause. They would want a partner who can protect them (or at least back them up) when unsavory people try make an enemy out of them. Frienships are also important with these natives. It can really turn them off if they can’t get along well with their significant other’s friends. Also, they like it when their partner can understand the nuances in they way they speak towards different people. Sometimes, this native can be casual with people they’re comfortable with, but stiff with those they’re skeptical of. And they want their partner to pick up on this.

Juno in the 8th House

  • People with Juno in the 8th House look for someone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty with diving deep inside the intricacies of intimacies. They don’t waste their time and effort on someone who isn’t willing to be as close and personal as they are, and to those who are only in a relationship with them for shallow purposes. Furthermore, these natives have a knack for getting into the inner workings of their potential partners like second nature, which can get very overwhelming for the person being mentally probed. But to those who can take it, they’ll find that these natives are more than what they seem.

Juno in the 9th House

  • Stagnation and mental inactivity — especially intellectual decay — are something that Juno on the 9th House natives absolutely abhor. These natives wouldn’t want to be with someone who is close-minded; or worse, someone who is ignorant by choice! They want a potential partner to be someone who can introduce them to new ideas and experiences, and those who can enjoy new places and information with them with no prejudices beforehand. Judgmental people are an absolute no for these natives. An ideal partner is that person who can mesh well with people from different walks of life.

Juno in the 10th House

  • People with this placement need someone who can understand the level and depth of dedication they have when it comes to their craft, their work, and most of all, their ambition. These natives cannot be with someone who isn’t going to help them achieve their goals, those who doubt their abilities, and those who settle for less. Juno in 10th House natives thrive with a partner who can push them to succeed when things get challenging, someone who trusts that the native can accomplish their work goals, and who can believe in the native’s leadership skills.

Juno in the 11th House

  • Natives with Juno in their 11th House look for someone who can understand their innovative way of thinking. These natives have a really fresh take on life and living, and being with someone who always does things by the book (or with “tried and tested” methods) without giving these natives’ ideas a chance would not be an ideal partner. Being able to share novel ideas with different people, and exchanging meaningful debates are something integral for these natives. They also prefer someone who can introduce them to eccentric and fresh connections. But most of all, these natives want a partner who can make socializing easier for them.

Juno in the 12th House

  • Juno in the 12th House natives put so much importance on connections that help them fulfill their karmic debt. These native wouldn’t waste time on potential partners who give them meaningless interactions or sweet nothings that don’t make an impact in their lives — and life purpose. These natives can develop a habit of looking for intense partners that can give them the internalized satisfaction of experiencing life-changing moments and/or lessons. They also tend to look for a partner who can really get into the depths of their psyche, it feels like they’re being psychologically undressed.
I believe this might be my longest astrology post ever. I don’t think I’ll do a post this long again! I just thought it would be a better idea to put both the houses and the signs in one post instead of cutting them in separate posts. I hope you all enjoyed this one!


Copyright © 2022 by TarotWitchy

[Do not repost, copy, or reword]




It seems like I need to copyright all of my work.

You know, it’s really disheartening when people copy your work. There’s a distinct difference between taking inspiration from your work, and completely copying word per word. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me. I’ve found my writings copy-pasted on IG without my permission as well. But to see my work plagiarized on Tumblr as well really is the final nail on the coffin. I have to address this because enough is enough.

I really don’t want to have to stop doing my tarot and astrology posts because I truly enjoy what I do. But most importantly, this is my source of income.

I didn’t want to resort to having to copyright my works since astrologyandtarot isn’t my property to begin with. But to see a lot of people from different social media literally copy and paste my posts (and making money out of it!) is really heartbreaking. Please don’t do this to me. Please don’t do this to other content makers on Tumblr because we really, really work hard for what we have on our blogs. These posts aren’t made out of nothing. We’ve made this from scratch, and it’s not easy formatting posts.

Thank you to all the people who have messaged me privately, and helping me address these issues. You have no idea how thankful I am to all of you over the years (especially during these recent months) for helping me tackle these.

(I probably should copyright this rant, too). ☹️


On Instagram there are so many Astro accs just screen shotting Astroblr posts. Even though the owners have it in their bio to not repost.

Thank you so much for reblogging! I really appreciate your opinion on this matter as I’m facing a Tumblr plagiarism issue right now. This is a Tumblr account reposting my stuff on their blog. So, this is really saddening to me. They don’t know how many hours and effort it takes to make a post, and all they do is copy, paste, and claim it as their own. This shouldn’t have to happen these days! It’s 2022, everybody!


It seems like I need to copyright all of my work.

You know, it’s really disheartening when people copy your work. There’s a distinct difference between taking inspiration from your work, and completely copying word per word. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me. I’ve found my writings copy-pasted on IG without my permission as well. But to see my work plagiarized on Tumblr as well really is the final nail on the coffin. I have to address this because enough is enough.

I really don’t want to have to stop doing my tarot and astrology posts because I truly enjoy what I do. But most importantly, this is my source of income.

I didn’t want to resort to having to copyright my works since astrologyandtarot isn’t my property to begin with. But to see a lot of people from different social media literally copy and paste my posts (and making money out of it!) is really heartbreaking. Please don’t do this to me. Please don’t do this to other content makers on Tumblr because we really, really work hard for what we have on our blogs. These posts aren’t made out of nothing. We’ve made this from scratch, and it’s not easy formatting posts.

Thank you to all the people who have messaged me privately, and helping me address these issues. You have no idea how thankful I am to all of you over the years (especially during these recent months) for helping me tackle these.

(I probably should copyright this rant, too). ☹️

{pick-a-card readings}


  • For this PAC, I want to do something really colorful and loud since it was my birthday on the 8th! I received a lot of Macarons since everybody knows they’re my favorite sweets.
  • I know it’s been a long time since I posted anything Tarot related on this blog. But I thought I’d give a birthday surprise to my followers with something FS related. And it’s my first time doing a 6-pile reading, so I hope you enjoy!
  • Pick the pile that you feel drawn to, or is standing out to you the most in this selection. You can choose your favorite color; but using your intuition when choosing is the best method.

❌ Please do not plagiarize my work, or post it elsewhere without my permission and credits. Thank you! ❌

Pile 1: Pistachio Green

8 of Cups • Death • 4 of Cups • Elephany

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Right off the bat, your Future Spouse is someone who isn’t afraid of deviating from the tried and tested methods of society. If a certain norm isn’t working out for them, they can immediately turn their back against those close-minded people who keep on insisting that there is only one way of doing things. For example, this type of attitude can reflect in their workplace. Your Future Spouse is someone who isn’t afraid to voice out their opinions on things they deem wrong. If the workplace hierarchy is unjust and unfair, they would most likely be the first person to report these unfair treatments to the HR — or the higher-ups.

It is because of this that most people tend to dislike and avoid your Future Spouse. Most people are afraid of the new and the novel because they don’t like going off the beaten path. Majority of the people that surrounds them are those who are wary of fresh ideas, or spearheading new methods of development. However, your Future Spouse is someone bold, outspoken, creative, and very open-minded towards contemporary thinking. If something sparks their interest, they’ll most likely explore that idea without hesitation.

On the other hand, your Future Spouse is someone who can be hampered down by negativity every now and then. Don’t get me wrong; they are strong-willed and can hold their own against those who doubt them. It’s not easy to rile them up. But they have the tendency to bottle up their feelings until it eats them from the inside without anyone else knowing about how they truly feel. And for that, they’d hope that the partner they’ll get is someone who can understand what they’re going through without the need for too much words. I believe that those who picked this pile are those who are sensitive to emotional disturbances around them, and can help this person to cope with their negative feelings in a healthy way. You’ll be their safety net and their safe space.

Pile 2: Wisteria Purple

9 of Pentacles • Ace of Cups • King of Wands • Wolf

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Your Future Spouse is someone who is very self-assured in their position in life. They know their own power, their capabilities, the strength of their words, their confidence, and their survival skills. Just like the previous pile, they aren’t afraid to go off the beaten path. They know that in order for you to rise above the challenges, you have to let go of the systems and people who no longer help you reach your full potential. Now, this might sound cutthroat and harsh; but your Future Spouse isn’t afraid of sacrificing some things in order to make way for the greater good. They can even compromise their own comforts for a little while if they see that this will have a fruitful outcome.

Furthermore, your Future Spouse is someone who isn’t greedy. They aren’t afraid of sharing the resources they can afford to give. They’ve been in the position of helplessness in the past. And they can feel for those who can’t help themselves. They give opportunities to those who seek it. I feel like this will inspire you to become a greater version of yourself as well. Your Future Spouse will inspire you to rise to the greediness and injustices that this society does to each other. They are also someone who won’t hold you indebted if they helped you financially. If you needed a little assistance, they will give you more than you need; and they won’t hold it against you. Just seeing you thrive and achieve your goals will make them feel very proud of you.

And because of this, your Future Spouse is financially capable and stable. They’ve earned their riches, their material wealth, and all the things they have in their possession. They’ve worked hard on it, and they know the hardships that most people go through. This makes them empathize with others easily. If they own a company, you won’t see them being unfair and cruel to their workers. They pay and treat their employees right because they know how it feels to be in their position. They know how cruel and cunning some business owners are in order to secure extra income. They won’t be like that, and I know that as their partner, you’ll be proud of your Future Spouse for being just. And you’ll sleep well at night knowing that the money is earned in the right way.

Pile 3: Red Velvet

5 of Wands • 8 of Wands • King of Swords • Black Egg

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

As I am typing this, the time is exactly 11:11AM. When these cards showed up, I already know that your Future Spouse is someone who has a touch of destiny in them. When someone gets the King of Swords as a descriptive card, you get someone who is outspoken and decisive. Coupled with the Black Egg card, your Future Spouse is someone who won’t allow other people to pressure them into doing something they don’t want to do. They are never afraid to say “no” in the face of the best persuasive salesperson. This isn’t to say that they are rude or uncouth; they’re just protective of their boundaries and their limitations, and that no one is allowed to cross them with the use of sweet-talking or under-the-table schemes of other people around them.

With the combination of 5 and 8 of Wands, your Future Spouse is someone who worked for literally every single thing they owned from the ground up. They may have even come from an impoverished background during their childhood. Their household may not have been stable, and their family may have fostered the behavior of competing against each other’s siblings for material resources. It is with this childhood upbringing that made them the person they are today — someone who will do everything in their power to get what they need in order to achieve the life of comfort, and not left wanting. There’s a theme of healing childhood wounds here.

In relationships, your Future Spouse may not be the most romantic partner. They may have a hard time expressing their emotions to you because this isn’t what they grew up with in their household. They weren’t allowed to voice out their feelings. So, I believe that their love language could be Giving Gifts or Acts of Service. They express their devotion through demonstrations, not words. They will also expect the same from you as they are very much a give-and-take kind of person. Also, they would most likely appreciate it if you would sit them down and talk about your issues with them in a clear, logical way than emotional displays of distress. (They don’t know what to do with tears, reader. )

Pile 4: Aqua Blue

King of Wands • 10 of Cups • 8 of Swords • King Cobra

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Immediately, I got the sense that your Future Spouse is someone that is very responsible — almost to a fault. But they are someone that a lot of people depend on! They are someone experienced when it comes to taking on huge roles in their workplace, or that they are prominent figures in their communities. For some of you, they may even be a politician or someone who works in the government. That’s how important their role is. People who know them will tell you that your Future Spouse is someone trustworthy and reliable when it comes to handling important business that others are counting on. They may even be regional managers, executive project handlers, soldiers, military officers, or chief executive officers. (Regardless of sexual and gender orientation!)

The flip-side to this is that deep inside, they feel really restricted by the obligations and responsibilities they have. The fact that a lot of people look up to them for progression and development is a huge pressure on their shoulders that they keep bottled up all this time. Your Future Spouse may have the idea that in order to live “properly,” one has to have immense duties make yourself useful. Now, that isn’t necessarily wrong, per se. But there’s a distinction between being an active part of your community, and martyrdom. At this point, your Future Spouse is doing their duties at the expense of their comfort, safety, and sanity.

I believe that your role to them as their partner is to remind them that we are only human; and that we aren’t responsible for every single person that we come across with. There is the value of helping people who are in need of a lending hand. But you know what they say, “teach a man how to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” And in your partnership, your Future Spouse may also teach you the value of being lenient towards community service. This is a connection of teaching each other the instilled values from one another, and balancing each other out.

Pile 5: Citrus Orange

6 of Pentacles • 7 of Wands • 4 of Wands • Camel

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

Your Future Spouse can be described as someone whose focus in life is on the well-being and security of their family. Just like Pile 3, they might not have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. For some, they might even have to stop schooling for a year or two just to make ends meet for the family’s financial situation. But in spite of the hardships, your Future Spouse does not harbour ill-will towards their family for these challenges. Instead, they want to make things better for everyone else so their siblings, parents, grandparents, and even their relatives won’t have to experience financial lack in this lifetime ever again. They work not just for themselves but for those who need their help. Maybe they have a younger sibling who’s still in school. Your Future Spouse may be the one who pays the tuition fee, or provides materials for them to finish their education because they experienced how it feels to halt their own education — and they don’t want their siblings to experience that.

This is just a general hunch… but for some of you, your Future Spouse belongs to the marginalized group of people who really have no choice but to pull themselves up with whatever scraps of resources are thrown their way. Perhaps, they experienced evictions throughout their childhood and experienced homelessness, and that really made them extremely determined to have a stable and secure home for themselves and their loved ones. This type of outlook in life runs deep for your Future Spouse.

There will be two types of people who will choose this particular pile — those who had the same type of childhood experiences as your Future Spouse, and those who are relatively privileged enough to afford the comforts and security in life. For those who knows how it feels like to live in less than desirable situations, you will be able to understand your Future Spouse in an entirely deep level. You will share this vulnerability with them, and will understand where they’re coming from. You won’t be one of those people who’ll tell them that their worries are exaggerated because you know how it feels like to lose everything you have. For those people who lived their childhoods comfortably, even if you can’t completely empathize with your Future Spouse, the best thing you can do is to hear them out. Do not belittle or invalidate their traumas and fears even if they sounds ridiculous to you at times. They’ll thank you for that, and you’ll be their most trusted and valued confidante.

Pile 6: Galaxy Swirl

The Lovers • The Magician • The Tower • Raccoon

Note: This PAC does not describe the whole rundown of your Future Spouse’s personality. These are just the little things about them that you should know outside of their main personalities.

This is, by far, the most intense pile out of all. And I didn’t do it on purpose to put this spread on the fancy looking macarons; it just fell like this. All Major Arcana cards with three contrasting meanings speak loudly about the type of person your Future Spouse is. The Lovers card in this scenario makes me feel like they are someone who’s been through different types of relationships in the past. They’ve experienced a wide array of relationship dynamics with different people, which makes them quite well-versed when it comes to handling emotional matters with romantic partners. They know how to woo someone based on emotional displays of the person they’re trying to win over. I’d also like to add that they’re someone who is really decisive about who they want to be with, their conviction over the partnership when other people around them aren’t approving of the relationship, and their overall grounded nature of sureness.

The Magician may signify you Future Spouse’s ability to be like a jack-of-all-trades. They know a whole lot about specific things that most people would not know about, or only experts would understand. The gas pipe in the kitchen is leaking? They can surely fix that immediately. Your phone’s speakers aren’t working? Give them a few minutes, and it’s back in top shape. Writing a paper about Mesopotamian literature? They can tell you all about it and more, you’re guaranteed to get a perfect score. Think of the character MacGyver — and mix Aladdin in the picture, and you get the perfect smooth talkerplussmooth operatorperson.

However, The Tower card is telling me something else. There’s the tendency for this person to crash and burn, if you know what I mean. Sure, they really know how to pull themselves out of a negative situation. But it’s through their own impulsive actions that will be their own undoing. It’s like stepping on the gas going on a hundred miles per hour without slowing down on curved roads. As their partner, the best thing you could do for them is to ground them back to reality. Grounding is a good way to slow them down, take a moment to assess the situation instead of rushing in like a raging bull, head first. You have the ability to calm them, and make them see another way of doing things with the least amount of damage. It’s like you’ll be their “emergency stop button” for when things get out of hand, and beyond their expertise. Overall, there’s a give and take symbiosis between you and your Future Spouse.


Copyright © 2021 by TarotWitchy

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notes about signs and houses - a deep outlook pt.1

Libra / 7th house

Libra / seventh house represents a more guided approach in human experience, in exchanges, in the demands of others. Who are you when you are with the other? Libra focuses on the effects of human relations and exchanges, and this sign teaches us the importance of expanding our knowledge about the other through human relations. Self-discovery through relationships. Relationships as mirrors.

Libra and seventh house also represent the knowledge of yourself that ends up being acquired through the exchange, experience.

Libra and 7th house, when in transit or in the progressed chart, can bring up intense experiences in the area of ​​relationships. In addition, it can bring questions / need for change, especially if it comes to Saturn transiting your 7th house.

Saturn in the 7th house in transit: - Who I have been? - What image people expect from me? - I have supplied the needs in my relationships? - Am I accepted any relationship in my life? - What do I want for my love life? - What is the ideal partner for me? Among other issues.

Butthe 7th house is not only about loving relationships. Exchanges generally are experienced from that astrological house. Partnerships to build business and even enemies. After all, you are not born enemy of a person. Something occurred in the exchange between you so that the enmity would emerge.


Aquarius does not necessarily represent detachment and independence in the sense of being alone.

Aquarius is consciousness, the expansion of mind, and when Aquarius or its modern regent, Uranus, touches the area of ​​its relationships (for example through an aspect, Uranus conjunction Venus, whether on the natal chart, synastry, transit or progressed), this does not necessarily mean that the person in question will be alone or wants to be extremely independent in relationships.

We cannot forget that Aquarius also represents the friendships, so when a person has Aquarius in the seventh house, for example, it becomes more focused on building a deep relationship, not only based on romantic feelings and exchanges. This person wants independence, but it can be independence of distinct types: independence to do things, independence in mind, does not necessarily represent an aversion to monogamy. This position - as well as other Aquarius involved, seventh house, Uranus, Venus, does not necessarily represent an aversion to stay together and stabilize. It all depends on the set of placements, reading the entire map.

Aquarius and Uranus, when related to love (Venus in Aquarius, Uranus in 7th House, Aquarius in seventh house) do not mean independence and sentimental distance. In fact, this position relates to a very companion approach in the relationship. This sign values ​​trust and even a little presumption of things - once they open up for you and trust you, they expect you to do the same. They hate no meaningless mistrust. Aquarius also values ​​mental exchange, conversations that instigate the mind and demonstrate that the person has content.

Aquarius is also the expansion of consciousness, observation of things to be improved at collective level, Aquarius represents human exchanges, mind in constant movement and search for improvement.

Aries / 1st house

Aries is not only about the self in the individual sense, impulsiveness, and things like that. Aries can also represent self-consciousness, the ability to delineate the first identity that your Self want to express for yourself and others. Aries is the sign of certainty or the need to have a certainty, represents the need to find a goal and aimed at reaching it. Aries also demonstrates the first stage of individuality.

The 1st house denotes the first steps of the self, where we say who we are or who we want to be. Here, the characteristics of which the person has consciousness are externalized, become visible to everyone who are being able to see. Exactly because it is the origin of the self, which still will need to go through many transformations, the first house denotes everything that relates to beginnings. The first vision of yourself, the first image transmitted.

However, in a deeper analysis, if we look at the first house as the one that happens to the 12th, in order to start a process, the 1st house takes on the role of externalizing the lessons after a deep introspection and learning in solitude. The 12th home solitude does not necessarily need to signify isolate from others, but the solitude demonstrates a capacity of the individual process his/her emotions and his/her deepest internal issues: doubts, fears, insecurities, dreams, desires.

Taurus / 2nd house

2nd house / Taurus are not only material goods and earthly things. Taurus is the stabilization of values, of what was learned through the exteriorization of Aries, is the search for the maintenance of something that brings comfort and stability to the individual. Taurus / second house represent the need of feel safe in the world. These needs not necessarily have to do with only material, earthly things (money, goods). It also means an ability to delimit your own value, something that is not bodily, but tends to be more concrete. From Taurus / 2nd house, we recognize our own value and our rights. We have an earthlier view of life, but this is not restricted to capital and material resources, as it also relates to the practical approach that the person wants to have for life itself.

After learning with Aries / first house the need to establish a structure of a self that will show the world, even if it is not fully established in your content, Taurus comes to teach the importance of knowing who you are and what you need. Taurus seek something more fixed, more practical, and stable in terms of personality and what we give and receive. Taurus is the stabilization of desires and the encounter with your internal needs - which do not have only financial and material sense.

12th house

12th house represents a search for getting lost but also represent meet yourself. Pisces house, Pisces that go to both sides, opposite directions, seeking to find the “correct” direction. There is no correct, pre-defined direction. There is one that is healthier and ideal for you at any given time. The 12th house represents the search for a greater meaning, whether in things, in itself, in the world, or in all this at the same time. A person who has 12th house on personal planets, tends to be someone with sensitivity and that may feel a need to find his/her purpose in life, or simply the answer of something. When the 12th house is on transit or progressed charts, it demonstrates a need to connect to yourself and at the same time, with the world. The duality External world x Internal world represents the possibility of expanding in areas of life and in your personality that were not touched before.

The 12th house represents the need to dissolve internal blocks related to the mind or emotional in order to make the invisible visible, make you aware of what is unconscious, enabling a greater growth of the individual, an awareness of their behaviors.

The 12th can represent the individual’s emotional intelligence. The ability to know how to address your emotions to the right people, and especially, to deal with your insighting phases without wanting to prune bad feelings. The 12th house is to accept being lost and recognizing that it is through this stage of the individual who can perceive what and where it improves.

The 12th house makes us face everything that we could not see with clarity, but that was being malefic, making us have certain behaviors, thoughts, patterns, worldviews, without us to perceive.

Finally, Pisces and the 12th house represent dreams, but also wake up, being awaken, and have a greater awareness of your personality, weaknesses, strengths, emotions.
