#pidge gunderson



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This just reminds me of the circus au and it kills meThis just reminds me of the circus au and it kills meThis just reminds me of the circus au and it kills meThis just reminds me of the circus au and it kills me

This just reminds me of the circus au and it kills me

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More drawings on Post-Its at work. First two are OC’s, third one is Pidge from Voltron becauseMore drawings on Post-Its at work. First two are OC’s, third one is Pidge from Voltron becauseMore drawings on Post-Its at work. First two are OC’s, third one is Pidge from Voltron because

More drawings on Post-Its at work. First two are OC’s, third one is Pidge from Voltron because I just needed to draw that messy hair. As you can probably tell, I had to wrestle with the sketch…

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Well, I am so very soft for the s8 dropping in just a few hours so I guess I will just put it here for the record, and maybe, future animatic/cover or whatever. Or maybe one of you guys would like to do something with this. In that case, I’m more than welcome and definetely would love to see people doing something with it!
I had this Man up song (from The Book of Mormon musical) version since two years. And I’m quite proud of it so I really wanted to share it with people out there. There’s the audio
And the lyrics are here:

What did brother do
When they expected him to fight
Did he try to run away?
Did he just break down and cry?

No, brother dug down deep
Knowing what he had to do-
When surrounded by alien ships
Brother knew that he had to…

Man up.
He had to man up.
So he get on that ship
and flied ahead
And he manned up.
Damn, he manned up
And taught us all what real manning
Up is about!

And now it’s up to me
And it’s time to man up!
Brother has his time
Now it’s mine ta MAN UP!

I’m taking the reins,
l’m cutting my hair!
Just like brother
I’m bearing my fate!
I’ve gotta stand up,
Can’t just clam up,
It’s time ta-

‘Cuz there’s a time in your life
When you know you’ve got to
Don’t let it pass you by,
There’s just one time to

Watch me man up like
Nobody else!

I’m gonna man up all
Over myself!

I’ve got to get ready,
It’s time ta,
Time ta!

What did Shiro do
When they kidnapped all his crew?
Did he scream like a girl?
Or did he take it like a man?
When some one had to fight
He was right there to help
Shiro said “I’ll do it!”
And he took it on the chin!

He manned up!
He manned up,
He inspired both me and you
That’s man up.
Real man up.
And now it’s my time ta…


Time to be a hero
And beat the galras!
Time to battle Zarkon
I’m not your prisoner!
I’m gonna time ta, just watch me go!
Time to stand up and blow up his reign
Time ta!  Mine ta!
Time ta!  Time ta!

Altean city
A place of hope and joy…


And if they want to get here
They just have to find that lion!

Time ta!

Can you please tell me
Why did the Garrison expelled me?

Alternian city…

Hasta la later, Keith!

More to the point,
What did they do to Shiro in that ship?

Alternian city
You have to save him!

It seems I’m not alone anymore

Man up!

Now these dorks will know my suspects

Mullet boy

We are going where the lions are


Listen to the wild cat call!

My time to, time ta,
Now it’s my time to,
Time ta!

Altea is also a ship!

No time to, not time ta,
No, now it’s time to time ta!


I’ll be leader for the
very first time!

Time ta!

I dont think you can
drive us straight!


Can’t you guys just
please flippin’ calm down
It’s time ta,
To form

ALLURA:                                         CHORUS:                KEITH:
 Altean city!                                      Hay ya ya!                 Form Voltron
Altean city!                                      Hay ya ya!                  Form Voltron
Altean city!                                      I’m coming…
Altean city!           

ALL:                                                                                   FORM VOLTRON!
Worm hole!

It’s time ta-

I dont think thats a good idea but whatever!

#VoltronDOODOODOODLEDLEDLEand silly my brain again.As I remember, nurse always checks the name befor#VoltronDOODOODOODLEDLEDLEand silly my brain again.As I remember, nurse always checks the name befor#VoltronDOODOODOODLEDLEDLEand silly my brain again.As I remember, nurse always checks the name befor

and silly my brain again.

As I remember, nurse always checks the name before doing anything during hospitalization.

I think we will never know about those even after S8 airs.
Time to bed.

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Here’s my gift for @gloynporslen for the @vldhalloween exchange! This was really fun to do! I love L

Here’s my gift for @gloynporslen for the @vldhalloweenexchange! 

This was really fun to do! I love Lance and Pidge as a couple, and I couldn’t help myself from drawing wolf!Lance and vampire!Pidge when ‘creatures of the night’ was one of the prompts, LOL. It’s pretty soft for the ‘trick’ prompt but I hope it’s all right. ><

I hope you like it. ^^ Thank you for giving such fun prompts. 

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Pre-orders for Spectrum have closed and we were given permission to post our submissions! So here’s

Pre-orders for Spectrum have closed and we were given permission to post our submissions! So here’s mine. ✨ Trans female Pidge and trans male Matt with their supportive asexual boyfriend Lance!

To everyone who pre-ordered the zine or has shown their support, thank you so much! I can’t wait for y’all to see the finished products of everyone’s work. 


If you want to read my commentary, please see under the cut!

For this piece, I thought about how both Matt and Pidge like to joke that they got the wrong body at birth but are both supportive of each other’s transitioning.

The Holt twins are both trans and Lance is so very much romantically in love with them. He loves them so much and is a great, supportive boyfriend to them when they’re battling dysphoria and struggling with their bodies. He helps them whenever he can and encourages them when they’re having low periods, giving them space when he knows they would rather hole up in their rooms, and in return the Pidge and Matt give Lance all the love and affection he needs - because they love to cuddle Lance and enjoy making Lance smile and happy. Their dynamics is usually full of snark and sass, pranks and jokes, but at the end of the day they’re in love.

Anyways, this is really gay and I love it and it was a huge honour to work on this project with everyone! 

Also, before anyone throws rocks at me, Lance is dating Pidge andMatt but Pidge and Matt are onlydating Lance. There is no inc*st involved in this OT3 so please don’t jump the gun and assume otherwise, lol. The way I see this relationship is that Lance didn’t know Pidge and Matt were twins since they’re so different in looks and personality. Pidge and Matt both knew Lance was dating someone else because they’re in an open relationship and communicate with each other, and the twins both understand that Lance has so much love to give so they don’t try to control who he gives it to unless it’s a danger to himself. They all found out when Lance shyly asked if they were okay with hanging out and seeing a movie together. (It was one memorable night, with endless teasing on Lance’s behalf with Matt and Pidge joking that he has something for gingers, Holts, and twins.)

Basically I just like Latte and Lidge, and the Holt twins headcanons.

These are strictly my headcanons of the characters and their relationships and do not represent VLD/Voltron as a whole. 

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My entry for Emerald, a Pidge centric zine

Lance: So, Keith, are you alright after that last mission? You didn’t get hit?

Keith: What? No, I would have-

Lance: So you didn’t get, say, stabbed? By a sword or, let’s say a lance. Was there a lance inside you?

Keith: No, what are you-

Lance: Would you like there t- *gets tackled by Pidge who does Not want to have the rest of that tacky sentence spoken aloud Ever*

Not Himself (Part 3)

Alright so I was busy with a lot (and to be honest, working on a Dear Evan Hansen fic on AO3) and sort of forgot about this for a while, but I couldn’t leave it where I did.

The next thing Lance knew, he was stumbling out of a cryopod.

“Lance!” Hunk yelled, hugging his friend.

“Careful, Hunk.” Allura said. “We’re still not sure what happened, if they’ve both been affected by something.”

“I can handle him. Besides, you guys would back me up, right?”

Allura gave a small smile. Hunk finally released Lance, who was still trying to get a grip on what was happening.

“Lance, are you alright?” Coran slowly approached.

Suddenly Lance’s eyes were wide open.

“The Castle! We have to move the Castle, Haggar’s probably on her way, how long was I out, we might not have much time to-”

“We moved it as soon as we got you in the pods.” Allura said. “I knew something wasn’t right with-” She stopped and took a breath, holding her eyes shut for a moment. “So Haggar is involved?”

“Princess, perhaps we should give the poor boy a little while to adjust before getting answers out of him?” Coran suggested.

Allura looked at the ground. “You’re right. But we need to keep an eye on him. We don’t know if-”

“Of course, princess. We won’t let him do anything rash.”

Allura nodded, then smiled at Lance. “How about you eat something? Hunk spent a lot of time cooking while you were in there. We can discuss things later.”

“What happened to Shiro?” He asked.

Her smile fell a little. “We managed to knock him out, and we were pretty sure that he was the one of you who caused this, so we put him in a pod and Coran set it so he won’t wake up until we are ready to deal with whatever happened to him.”

Lance nodded, then walked towards Hunk, who was beckoning him towards the kitchen. He was delayed when he was pulled into a hug from Pidge and Keith.

Wait, Keith?

“When did you get here?” He asked when the hug ended.

“Red called out to me. I couldn’t understand him but I could tell he was pretty freaked out. I rushed over here and barely made it before Allura moved the castle. I thought-” He scratched the back of his neck. “I kinda thought you were already dead.”

Lance’s first thought was of Red. He had called to Keith. Did that mean he left Lance for good? Lance internally shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. “Me? Dead? Come on, Keith, I’m not that bad at combat. You don’t have to worry about-” He stopped when he noticed Pidge leaving the room without a word. “Uhhhh…”

“Pidge is just a little shaken.” Hunk explained. “Don’t worry about it, come on.”

Lance had to take a step back when he saw the amount of food that was in the kitchen. “Geez, Hunk, how long was I out? Were you cooking the whole time?”

Hunk looked a little nervous. “Uh, you weren’t out for long, it was only like 3 hours? We were all just kind of stressed about- you know.”

Lance looked at the ground. “Yeah.” He shook his head. “So all this stuff looks delicious, I don’t even know where to start!” He grabbed a plate and started tossing things on it. He didn’t know what they were, he just wanted something to focus on besided what had happened.

Eventually the food was gone and he felt a hand rest gently on his shoulder. Allura. “Lance…” She paused. “I know you might not want to think about what happened, but we need to know so we can figure out what to do next.”

Lance looked up and realized the whole team was looking at him expectedly.

He sighed. “Well, you know how Shiro’s been off lately? I went down to the lions and they did this weird brain connection thing so Black could tell me what was going on. And so I learned that Haggar’s had control of Shiro since we got him back and- and when I woke up, Shiro was there, and he found out, and-” He paused for a moment. “And then he attacked me, so I went in my lion, and I would have warned you guys, but Haggar-Shiro held the bayard to his throat and threatened to kill him! So I- uh- well Red told me not to, and I didn’t listen, and he left me, so I guess- huh, guess I’m not a paladin anymore, or whatever.” He shrugged. “So I kneeled in front of him and closed my eyes but he just gave me my bayard and said-” He screwed his eyes shut. “He said I had to do it myself. And that’s when you guys came in.”

“Lance,” Allura started gently. “You-”

“What the hell, Lance?” Keith’s voice rang out. “You can’t just give yourself to an enemy who’s planning to kill you!”

Lance stood up. “It was me or Shiro!”

Keith stepped forward. “No, it was you or a possessed Shiro who could’ve gone on to help Haggar kill the rest of the team!”

“He’s still more help than-” He choked on the rest of the sentence as he saw Keith’s eyes widen in disbelief.

“I think we should all take a breather and-” Hunk was cut off.

“Finish the sentence, Lance.” Keith dared him, secretly hoping there was another way it could possibly end. “What were you going to say?”

“God, what do you want from me? You all know it too, my plans suck, I’m always screwing up, I’m annoying, I’m the goofball, and now I don’t even have a lion, so yeah, I’m a weak link and probably drag the team down more than any enemy. Sorry you’re all so shocked that I know it too.”

The room was in shocked silence until he heard loud sobbing. He looked over to see Pidge with her face in her hands and shoulders shaking.

Lance softened, moving towards her. “Hey, Pidgey, it’s alright, it’s okay, I’m sor-”

“No!” She sobbed. “It’s not alright and you shouldn’t be the one apologizing, and I’m sorry for- for calling you a goofball I- I didn’t know you were- you should have told me it bothered you! I was joking and I’m just- I’m sorry!” Pidge threw her arms around Lance and continued sobbing.

Lance didn’t know what to do. He had never seen Pidge like this, whenever there was a problem she’d just be all the more motivated to do something about it.


There wasn’t some way to engineer or code her way out of this one.

Hunk was crying too, ad Keith was on the brink of tears.

“Lance,” He cleared his throat. “Losing Shiro would be awful, and we’d all be upset, but we’ve been there before and- we could pull through. You, you’re the only thing that held us together during that. If we lost you-” His voice cracked. “We’d be a disaster. When I rushed over here thinking you were gone, I- I didn’t know how we’d- I thought it was only a matter of time before all of Voltron came down, because we couldn’t recover from that. Not quickly.”

Hunk spoke up. “Yeah, I mean, I’d probably make so much food there wouldn’t be any room left in the castle, and then where would we be?”

Lance laughed, grateful for something at least partially light-hearted to repond to. “Of course, buddy.”

Allura cleared her throat, and Lance could see her fighting tears as well. “Lion or no lion, you are a part of this team, and I know Shiro wouldn’t want you to die for him. We can’t change what happened, and I will do my best to find a way to get Haggar out of Shiro’s head, but should this happen again- you shouldn’t choose yourself to die so easily.”

“Okay.” Lance didn’t know what else to say, but he smiled. Maybe he was a little important to the team. He thought back to how upset they looked when they were getting the issue under control. How the lion was saying that it would be better if he went after Shiro, that it was best for the team, that Lance could be a leader, that-

Wait. That was after Red left him. If it wasn’t Red, and it definitely wasn’t Blue because he knows her voice, then-

There was something akin to a chuckle in his mind. “That’s right, cub.”

Oh! Lance could have smacked himself for not realizing. “Uh guys? I think I’m the black paladin now.”

Anyway Hunk and Lance have a battle going on with Pidge and Matt in which each group takes pictures of each other doing only slightly odd things and sending it to the other group and saying stuff like “This guy just sat on the counter out of nowhere!!! The absolute madman!!!” and you can’t tell me otherwise

Some doodles inspired by commission I’m doing and my life where I’m told to get a haircuts everyday

///ko fi commission info///

KIDGE MISSION WEEK!Season 7 may have finally given us a keith and pidge mission but now that we got


Season 7 may have finally given us a keith and pidge mission but now that we got a taste of it, we need more.

Date:September 17th - September 23rd


  • Diplomatic / Infiltration
  • Timed / Escort
  • Rescue / Protect
  • Communication / Revelations
  • Success / Failure
  • Together / Apart
  • Free Day / AU


  1. Use the tag #kidgemissionweek in the first five tags of your post (if your post does not appear on our blog within 24 hours, then please message us or submit a link to your creation so that we may reblog it)
  2. Specify in your post, either in the description or tags, what day your creation is for
  3. Since this is a “Kidge Mission Week”, make sure to include them being on a mission in your creation. Pre/post-mission creations are ok, as long as you mention the mission somewhere in your post.
  4. Nsfw content is allowed. If you do choose to do so, tag appropriately and put it under a read-more (if possible)
  5. Platonic content is allowed
  6. Deadline for creations is one week after the week has ended. No creations will be accepted past that date

If any of the prompts are confusing or not self-explanatory enough, we’ve supplied a detailed list for your convenience.


Diplomatic / Infiltration

  • Diplomatic: Representing voltron/the coalition, hosting/attending parties, shenanigans at said parties, formality stuff etc.
  • Infiltration: Stealth missions, infiltrating galra ships/fortresses, pretending to be a couple to sneak their way into somewhere, mission impossible type of missions etc

Timed / Escort

  • Timed:How well can Keith and Pidge react when they have to race against the clock? Do they have to disarm a bomb? Escape a galra ship before it explodes? Retrieve a special object before time runs out? That’s for you to decide
  • Escort: No one likes escort missions and with Keith and Pidge’s short tempers, they most likely would not enjoy them either. But it could also be a opportunistic escort mission. Perhaps they have to escort a child back to their parents and this child brings Keith and Pidge closer together. Or maybe they have to protect a special object of some kind.

Rescue / Protect

  • Rescue:Them rescuing each other, someone else or maybe team voltron has been captured and they’re the only ones left.
  • Protect:Protecting each other, other people like aliens, an object, their lions, a base or perhaps Voltron.

Communication / Revelations

  • Communication:Team missions require a lot of communication. As we’ve seen in s7, they’re quite good at it. This prompt is an opportunity to explore it further. Or perhaps you could decide to flip it and show them not communicating well
  • Revelations:Being alone together for a long time can lead to many things being revealed. Maybe some are just quirky facts. Maybe others are secrets they never meant to reveal. Maybe something like a flower with special pollen or a love-bug makes them reveal something that they tried to keep hidden. Or perhaps it could not be about them and about them finding out something else, like a secret location. Or maybe their bayards/lions reveal a upgrade that helps them on their mission.

Success / Failure

  • Success: Celebrating completing a mission, hugging/kissing after a dangerous mission, celebrating with friends, celebrating with each other later etc
  • Failure:Getting captured, their friends/lions/voltron getting captured, suffering casualties, one of them suffering near-fatal injuries. Basically, this prompt is for angst

Together / Apart

  • Together:Them working together, getting together, hanging out together, doing stuff together etc
  • Apart:Them being split apart on a mission, them arguing/disagreeing, being forced apart etc. This prompt is angsty but you can make it something else if you wish

Free Day / AU *

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