#pining sirius


Untitled and Unfinished (Literally)

Falling in love with Remus Lupin has been by far the scariest, yet the easiest thing Sirius Black has done in his entire years of existence.

It is both expected and unexpected, crystal clear and dark tinted.

James was the first to bring it up, late at night when it’s just him and Sirius in the common room. Remus and Peter had just come up to bed, when James casts a muffliato,even though there was no one else around.

“Everything alright, Prongs?” Sirius’ eyes find James’ as he registers the situation. James had never casted a muffliato since fifth year when Sirius had cried in his bed that first night back in Hogwarts after the summer.

“You know you can always talk to me about anything, right?” James starts. “I’m saying there’s nothing you could ever tell me that would ever change us, unless maybe if you sneak around with Evans behind my back.” Sirius laughs at that

“I know,” Sirius snorts and tilts his head to the side in confusion, the light from the fireplace casting a warm glow on his features. “But I have no idea what you’re on to right now.”

Sirius is lying.

He knows exactly what James is about, of course James would pick up on it by now. James had been a constant presence in Sirius’ life, it was about time that James sees Sirius’ feelings showing through, but for merlin’s sake, Sirius wished he had more time.

But, he supposes, it would be a relief to talk about this to someone. Sirius thinks he’d explode any day now if he has to keep walking around with a carefully wrapped package inside his brain, complete with a bow and a tag that says feelings for moony.

“Six years, Padfoot.” James laughs, “I’ve spent almost every waking moment with you for that long. Think I wouldn’t be able to tell when you’re lying?”
