#please kill me


Went out on a limb to tell a boy how I feel today…

“Aw that’s so sweet”

“It lovesss you, Eddie. Even after all you’ve done to it.”

Eddie should apologize, on his knees and with a giant heart-shaped box of chocolates 2019.

The Amazing Spider-Man: New Ways to Die #6

NO HELP SOMEONE ASKED WHAT I WAS INTO AND I SAID, “Oh- uh, I donno, like, bdsm and shit, why?” AND HE SAID “Oh I meant like- like do you play instruments or sports or something…” HELP WHO WANTS TO LITERALLY KILL ME

“It’s nice to do a night walk on a night sky right?”

“Now I also wish I can make your smile to shine even more.”

“Didn’t I say I’ll escort you until you satisfied tonight?”

I have no words… Just; I’m sorry
