#please reblog this





If you have anything at all to spare, my friend’s family would really appreciate the help with offsetting the cost for an upcoming funeral. My friend is legit the kindest and most generous person I know, and she’s been devastated since the car accident that killed her younger brother almost 2 weeks ago. If you can’t donate anything, could you please at least reblog this post? Every dollar really counts here. Thank you in advance. ❤️

As of ½/22:


As of 1/3/22:


As of ¼/22:


partypuppyyes:skelezoid:ALSO! if you want to know why some of them think that this decision is okay partypuppyyes:skelezoid:ALSO! if you want to know why some of them think that this decision is okay



ALSO! if you want to know why some of them think that this decision is okay and the so-called “reasoning” behind their votes, here is one guy in particular you can hate:

Some high-level ignorance in the notes, so:

1) lifesaving medicine should be free to all who need it

2) insulin is not expensive to produce

3) people with type 1 diabetes, a genetic autoimmune disorder and nothing to do with diet and/or lifestyle, need insulin daily to live, regardless of their diet and/or lifestyle.

Post link





My roomate and I are homeless, disabled, and trans. We are still both recovering from being very sick, and we need help with our hotel bill and necessities. Rn, we need $160 for the hotel by tonight, and we are in immediate danger of being kicked out bc we are late on the bill. We also need $205 for necessities. Dm for details or proof. Please share!! any amount d0nated helps us a lot, and if you cant d0nate please reblog!!!!

Our dear friend @hostile-flower will do art for anyone who donates $50. Please do not rush them at all, everyone is having a hard time these days.

Venm0: @tab-99

Ca$app: $creepiecrippl

April 16

We are $200 behind on the hotel bill and will be kicked out today if we can’t catch up!!

April 18

We are $51.09/$300 goal changed for today’s total. Not kicked out yet, been avoiding hotel personnel.

April 19

Ko-fi doodles commission-updated!-1coffee/1doodle

I’ve decided to try out my Ko-fi page,and now I do doodle commissions too.

1 x coffee ( 3$ ) = A character doodle (bust/half body/full body) in black and white or in color,you decide.

If you would like a doodle,please go to my Ko-fi page and when you buy the coffee,please fill the message box with full description( Would you like it in color or in black and white? Portrait/Half body/Full body? etc.) or link of reference images about what would you like.

I will post all commissioned doodles to my Tumblr (under the tag ko-fi commission) and my Ko-fi gallery.

If you have any questions,feel free to ask me!

Thank you very much!

If you would like a more detailed commission,you can find more about here  in my tumblr post

Pencil drawing Commission
Pen drawing Commission

Plus: Digital Drawing Portraits


Commission Prices:

+extra character: 12$
+extra animal character: 9$
+simple background: 5$
+extra object: 5$
+Color: 7$

Commission information:

Important: The commission is a digital file and there is no hard copy nor any kind of physical item to be shipped.

I will draw: fan art,ships,original characters,animals

I will not draw: NSFW,graphic gore,offensive/hateful material

Artwork can be finished in 7 or 10 days,but if there is any delay,I will contact you.  

Please let me know if the commission needs to be finished by a certain time.

I reserve the right to refuse any commission.

Commission Process:

  1. Contact me on tumblr ‘ask’ (non anon) or tumblr message or on my e-mail:[email protected] to discuss your commission.
  2. Please write down all the details about what you would like and please add any reference images you have for the character/characters and what you want to include in the artwork.
  3. After we agreed on the details, I will send a Paypal invoice to your e-mail address.Half payment upfront,and the remaining half upon completion.
  4. Once you pay the first half of the invoice, I will start to work.
  5. I will send images about the working process,so you can approve or add any changes.
  6. Completion of the commission- I will send a low resolution/watermarked image about the finished piece.
  7. Once the remaining half of the payment has been paid,I will send you the full resolution image of the commission.

Completed commissions are non-refundable.

I retain all rights to the artwork I produce and may use it for self promotion online in my portfolio, social media,etc. (If you wish to keep your commission private, let me know!)

You may use the commissioned artwork for personal use (T-shirt,card,banner,cellphone case,icons,etc,) so long as it’s for non-profit,and solely for your own personal enjoyment or a gift.

Please do not resell the artwork.

You may post the finished artwork on your social media,but please credit me.

Thank you very much!

Sorry for the long post!

If you have any questions, please ask me here on tumblr or on my e-mail address:[email protected]

Emergency commissions time, babey!!! I am having difficulty recovering financially

Basically I am currently homeless with my mom younger brother and dog and we’re living out of a hotel. I need to raise money to cover some bills and help pay for things like laundry, water and snacks. Ideally I am aiming to raise an initial 200 dollars by August 1st.

Emergency commissions are head or bust icons. 10 dollars for flat colors and 20 dollars for shaded.

I can draw any character you’d like, no restrictions at the moment. The icons are free to use wherever with credit, and will take about 3 days to complete. Payment is in full, you can email me at [email protected] or you can dm me through tumblr or Twitter.

If you can’t afford a commission please reblog this post to boost it!




My good friend Eva ( @smashbike, or @/culturre on Instagram where she’s more active) has started a survey to see just how many congoers are being harassed at cons. She has gotten an overwhelming amount of responses already but we’re still begging you guys to fill it out! Even if you haven’t had an uncomfortable experience at a con you should take it for statistics sake. Eva plans to use the results and share them with large cons in hope that we can do something more about this. Please take the survey and share this, thank you!




Apparently there is a post and a blog  that being sent anonymously to several people around the internet. this is a little disturbing, and when it first came out, honestly, I didn’t know what to do. The post implies that I am a rapist and raped my sister. the post doesn’t provide proof, but that’s certainly enough for some people on tumblr. 

My sister and I DID deal with some shit. together. and I don’t have a bunch of juicy hearsay, but i do have my sister’s own words. 

I called my sister, the only person in the world who can really vouch for me on this. I told her about what was going on and I didn’t really know what to do. She was extremely willing to help me after hearing the situation. This is something both of us have lived with for years. As CHILDREN (under 13), both of us had some very serious experiences, including abuse from others. But as an older sibling I felt a lot of guilt growing up about this. The older I got the more I blamed myself for what went on, even though i’ve learned that nothing was really my fault CONSIDERING I WAS A CHILD and BEING SLIGHTLY OLDER had no baring on what we went through.

The other thing that I generally keep private is that when I was 18-19 (which is about the age that this post suggests i would be) I was sexually abused by a boyfriend for extended periods of time. Several friends can back up this story, though I shouldn’t have to back up my own rape. However, if you are skeptical, you can feel free to message me and I can put you in contact with people who know whats up here. 

There is ONE person who knows both of these details. She had tried to use them to sway mutual friends during our fallout. The person in question originally had sent messages to people I knew, only off anon. Basically, this is a personal drama situation that has been blown out of control by someone so malicious that they would twist two personal experiences from my past that they were told in confidence and fabricate their own story out of it.

This is someone that is so intent on their personal vendetta that they felt the need to anonymously create a blog where they would threaten me and use triggering instances of my past to try to hurt me publicly. Had they had much real evidence besides some goofy tweets i’ve made, they wouldn’t be interested in hiding anonymously. 

On that note, here is my primary source. I wasn’t 100% sure how to do this without putting my sister in danger, but we have tried to work something where not only could she express herself in her own words, but she could also confirm her identity enough that it would be worth more than an angry anonymous person. 

This person isn’t just threatening me. They are threatening my family. They are throwing something out into the void that affects people’s lives, and all for the sake of a petty grudge. 

It’s absolutely disgusting that I would need to call up my 20 year old sister (who has her own life and struggles and does NOT need to be reminded of this time in her life) to speak for me here. Its ridiculous that as a victim of rape, I would have to defend myself against an accusation that I inflicted and perpetuated the very thing that happened to me only 6 year ago, or that I should be forced to address some VERY PERSONAL parts of my life publicly. This is a really fantastic example of why tumblr witch hunts can be dangerous. 

So here you go. 

 heres a screencap of her message


I am at an utter loss of words as to what i just read. ) I am literally at a loss of words because that is literally all bullshit. you must especially believe me because yes- i have and always have had a love-hate relationship with my sister. and I have always been aware that it is the same way around. we are both female, and 4 years apart. we were always at different stages, trying to out cool or out shine each other. trying to put our foot in the door into similar groups of people, and then separating into different lifestyles and clashing very normal. but she is also my older sibling. and even when we didn’t get along, we have always shared a similar sense of humor and a love of stories and movies and characters and books-
and someone is  is claiming that she raped me(??????) I feel so beyond offended and appalled and honestly more than anything violated that someone is claiming that  she was the cause of a traumatic event that happened to me- especially that my sister, whom i love and respect endlessly, to be the abuser whoever would have the audacity to to such a thing is out mf my reach to mentally even imagine. I feel crushed that my sisters character has ever been questioned or misconstrued or warped like this. I’m not sure if I’m mostly heartbroken over this or enraged. I know a lot of people who know her have probably read this, and I am absolutely sure that they feel the same way. I don’t really have any sort of “internet presence but felt the need to speak out about this. not only for my sister, but for myself. i have NEVER felt abused by my sister. anything that happened to us happened to both of us. It was something that we suffered together.

and a close up


heres a photo of her with the message she sent.

here is a photo of her timeline, to prove that her facebook account is legit


You can also contact her via twitter if you feel the need. She created this account to liveblog game of thrones to me a few months back. 


basically whoever posted this shit is scum of the earth, and for every disagreement my sister and I have ever had, we agree on this one absolutely. I doubt this post will get as much traction as the sleezebag who made the slander blog considering i don’t plan on anonymously dropping it into people’s inboxes, but hopefully all of this primary source is enough to basically squash this piece of garbage who thinks its cool to use someone’s personal trauma and tumblr’s tendency to witch hunt as a way to hurt me.

on a related note, it’s really classy of OP to use this particular brand of abuse as a way to attack a rape victim. way to go i guess. 


























I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.

PLEASE reblog this.

I have reblogged this about three times now and I will never not reblog it

i actually heard of this happening in atlanta not that long ago. that shit is terrifying as hell.

idc if it may ruin my blog look or whatever, if it means word gets out about these bastards then imma reblog x1000

reposting on my friends account

holy shit, that’s absolutely horrifying… definitely gonna reblog this shit, this could fucking save people’s lives.

Maybe this will be useful to some of my followers! 

Everyone should see this, it’s really important

I reblog every time

If you don’t reblog this you’re auto required to leave

I fucking told you, auto



oh god oh god oh god




Stay alert ladies!

be warned



I’m used to not rebloging anything ………..BUT HECK YEAH I’M REBLOGING THIS!!!!!!!

This is horrifying! Everyone please be careful!







OH SHIT! I have never heard of this happening! PLEASE REBLOG

I will never not reblog this kind of stuff.

This deserves more and more reblogs. Stay safe out there, ladies.




Do y'all remember being in fandoms and wanting to read a reader insert fic that included a character you liked? Or maybe even your favorite character? You were a little excited to see the world and storylines this author came up with and imagine yourself in the story but then you come across something that isn’t quite right. Right isn’t necessarily the correct word but for the nature of the type of fanfiction it didn’t really make sense?

It’s a general insert, right? A fic where every reader is supposed to imagine themselves and feel included in the fandom but oh-

You see a comment about pale skin. Or maybe a comment about flowing hair. Or someone very explicitly describing someone’s cheeks as red or pink. The same for their lips or if it’s smut…well, you know. Pink everything else. They talk about throwing their hair into a messy bun or if they’re gripping something, it’s always “white knuckled”.

You get this oh moment. This moment where you realize that despite what this author says, this wasn’t written for you at all. Despite how inclusive they claim to be, someone who looked like you clearly wasn’t in mind when they wrote it. It’s blatantly a white reader even though it doesn’t say it. And you try to think they didn’t do it on purpose but doesn’t that make it worse? The fact that people who look like you are such a non factor that it didn’t even cross their mind that you…exist? You’re a little disappointed because you wanted to enjoy it but how can you when the reader insert portion of the fic is clearly not what it’s supposed to be?

But it’s fine though because that’s just one writer!

But it’s not one writer or even two or even 5. It’s majority of the writers in the fandom. Whether it was Marvel or 1D or whatever other fandom you were in. It was a plethora of writers going out of their way to exclude people. To make it clear who they wrote for and who they wanted reading their fics. And if you bothered to point it out, you were belittled. Your feelings were invalidated because “it’s not that big of a deal”. Your feelings just didn’t matter.

To make matters worse, these fics had thousands of notes. It was a sign that people didn’t care. They didn’t care that people were being excluded and made to feel left out and like they didn’t have a place in that particular part of the fandom. For years people showed that they couldn’t care less and you wonder why you’re even in the fandom at all. Why even interact with these people who’ve made it clear they kind of don’t want you here? The fandom isn’t fun for you and these people have made it that way.

And now those same people wonder why people go out of their way to write things like specific black inserts. Why people go out of their way to make people who’ve been excluded for years feel included. Why they would want to make a safe space for readers like that. Take a wild guess…

Black fic writers here on tumblr have been getting anon hate simply for the audacity to write black reader inserts or OCs. Nah. Fanfiction, creativity, fantasy, and a platform to express yourself are for everyone. I feel ridiculous having to state that, like I’m talking toddlers who haven’t learned to share.

i know for sure im guilty of the ‘red blushing cheeks’ thing but its been so long since ive fic im not sure if there’s much else because i tried to be very conscious about being non-descriptive.

if ive ever made someone feel excluded with my writing i whole heartedly apologize and if i ever do get back into writing fic i promise i’ll do better.


hi guys i just had to front the travel costs to get to a mandatory work meeting and my rent is due tomorrow. i have my electricity bill and phone bill too and im likely going to be about 100 short on rent. im so stressed. if anyone can help no matter how much or just by reblogging i would appreciate it

Venmo: Anna_Foster3

Cashapp: $agfoster97

