#pnf doofenshmirtz





nearly threw hands with a 9-year-old girl scout

Doof why don’t you have any real friends

at least my friends aren’t unpaid interns with father issues. talk to the hand, francis!

, Heinz, Carl says that everyone in college has “father issues”. (He referred to them with a different term that I don’t care to repeat.) Not that him and I ARE friends or anything.. Any who, rather that than a bunch of little kids and judgmental evil engineer coworkers that have nothing better to do than have their plans foiled by a bunch of animals.

Personal theory:

The creators of Phineas and Ferb took every thing they didn’t like about their childhood, from petty to silly to sad (and maybe that of some friends as well), exaggerated some, and projected it all onto Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

“Neither of my parents showed up to my birth”: guy was adopted

“Balloony floated away”: kid was bffs with their balloon, and cried when they let it go

“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill”: things they cared about were often trivialized

“A bully named Boris always kicked sand into my face”: playground bullies

“Losing to a baking soda volcano”, “Big Hands Hanz took all the frauleins”: welcome to the house of unrecognized talent

The list could go on.
