


A soft wind blows through the grass,

As soft as her fingers through my hair,

It rattles the chains of the nearby swingset,

Accompaniment to the quiet sounds of trafic on an empty street.

Her smile is cool and gentle,

I see its outline while squinting up at her,

The blue sky halos her head like a crown,

My head is resting on her lap.

I kiss her hands as she smooths my stubbly face,

The whole world erases itself, save this park on the side of the road

It’s a good afternoon….

#poetry    #ukulelemollie    #3 am thoughts    #writers on tumblr    #writerscreed    #poets on tumblr    #good day    #best day    #the first day of my life    #poetpardy    #poetpastry    #poetpage    #poetparty    #twcpoem    #twcpoetry    #twcprose    