


girl help

[Text ID: a tweet from POLITICO that reads,

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and obtained by POLITICO.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Alito writes.]

What I’d wear while voting YES for SSM!, Jeremy Scott

What I’d wear while voting YES for SSM!, Jeremy Scott

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“They took our land, they imprisoned our queen, they banned our language, they forcibly made us a colony of the United States. America says they are democratic, that is a lie! They have never been democratic with Native people! They have never been democratic with Indians! They have never been democratic with Hawaiians!”

It’s a sad shame I have to post back on this.

But@ithelpstodream​ blocked my new blog, for whatever reason. My guess is that they assume I’m just a stupid Nigger POC, whose ideas and opinions on topics are so wrong that they need to be blocked and suppressed.

Either way, when it comes to topic on my home state, I take a certain bit of….passion on the issue.

So let’s get this clear. I don’t stand with this and where it will lead. For all this is going to do is lead to bloodshed.

Yes, the US did take over a sovereign monarchy by force.

Yes, the Hawaiian natives were treated like trash. Horrible working conditions and overall a bitter time until state hood.

However I have to ask, by saying these words, what are you trying to get out of it? 

A Hawaiian Kingdom restored? A Democratic nation under the control of Native Hawaiians? Because as ideal as I would wish to see that, I see no logical method of doing so.

Bringing up history like this, in this fashion, doesn’t really do much, but bring up bitter emotions that is pointless at best, and can lead to bloodshed at worst. 

“Donald Trump wants to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out. Bernie Sanders will have t

“Donald Trump wants to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out. Bernie Sanders will have to build a wall to keep business owners in.”

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These are the 28 members of Congress that voted to overturn the 2020 election results who will be speaking this weekend at CPAC Texas.

“If the Chinese and the Russians starts politicking in Beijing by guaranteeing Chinese pairs the gold and Russian ice dance teams the gold and screw P/C (politics started in euros already), I want P/C to pull a Savchenko.”
