#poppet murray

Not necessarily a backlog papercraft, but still on the backlog!Dropping this super fun illustration Not necessarily a backlog papercraft, but still on the backlog!Dropping this super fun illustration Not necessarily a backlog papercraft, but still on the backlog!Dropping this super fun illustration

Not necessarily a backlog papercraft, but still on the backlog!

Dropping this super fun illustration made for the book tin in Illumicrate’s The Night Circus 10th Anniversary collection box in collaboration with @erinmorgenstern , featuring Marco, Celia, Poppet and Widget!

I’m already a super fan of doing artwork for these tins, because the interactivity of there being an outside/inside or before/after with the lid offers so much opportunity for storytelling. With the previous DOSAB tin, we were able to mimic the setting of Brimstone’s shop literally acting as the door between worlds. Here, we have Marco welcoming guests into Celia’s tent, sneaking her a rose while she waits on the inside.

On the back, Poppet and Widget are seated on the main circus clock, one looking forwards, the other backwards. The spine shows a transition from the Bonfire to the Wishing Tree.I seriously can’t get enough of these tins, I use them for everything! ✨

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Remember when Bailey’s sister told him to grow up and he replied with

“That is precisely what I’m doing,” Bailey says. “I don’t care if you don’t understand that. Staying here won’t make me happy. It will make you happy because you are insipid and boring, and an insipid, boring life is enough for you. It’s not enough for me. It will never be enough for me. So I’m leaving.”

Hey gurl you dropped something MY JAW

no but remember when Marco Alisdair asked Celia Bowen if she remembers all her audiences and she said she only remembers the ones who look at her the way he does and then he asked her what way might that be AND THEN CELIA SAID THE ICONIC “LIKE THEY CAN’T DECIDE IF THEY ARE AFRAID OF ME OR IT THEY WANT TO KISS ME” AND MARCO HAD THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY TO ANSWER WITH “I’M NOT AFRAID OF YOU”-

I just finished The Night Circus! I took this in a little bit of a rush because I’m spending the wee

I just finished The Night Circus! I took this in a little bit of a rush because I’m spending the weekend in the city for a friends birthday, but if you want to check out my full review, my goodreads is oliviaslibrary or you can just talk to me about it on here!

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