#prince sidon x link


This is kinda vent-ish sorry;;; (update: had to type this two times through because my computer shut down for an unknown reason right after i finished it the first time)

Pairing: Sidlink (sidon x link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: T

Word Count: 576.

Warnings: PDA, Anxiety

Some days, such as this one, Link felt like he was sinking.

A somebody who couldn’t even remember his own life, he wasn’t sure how he was expected to save the kingdom from a threat he had already failed to defeat. Even now, a hundred years in the future, he walked amongst the results of his shortcomings. Ruined buildings, roaming guardians, and desperate people all reminded him of everything he failed to do. As time went on, he struggled to keep his head above the water.

How come nobody else could see that he wasn’t enough? He wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t fast enough, wasn’t brave enough, and it was Zelda who paid the price. Yet, she was the one who had Link revived, and as he looked out across the world that was supposed to be familiar to him, he wondered why. The current was strong and the weights around his ankles were dragging him down.

He honestly didn’t believe he deserved Sidon. All that positivity seemed wasted on him. As much as the zora encouraged him, he couldn’t seem to keep up with his happiness for long. And yet, Sidon never gave up on him. As he looked up and the divine best he just barely defeated, he realized that if he weren’t currently on Sidon’s back, he really would be drowning.

As he laid in bed that night, he found himself unable to sleep, haunted by all the things he could be doing right now. How could he be resting when Zelda was waiting for him? After defeating Vah Ruta, King Dorephan had insisted he stay and gave him a guestroom that was far too nice for him. He sighed as his fingers brushed against the sheets. He no longer noticed it when he started crying, and this time was no different. What was another drop of water in the raging river he was constantly being sucked into?

He jumped when a gentle, uncertain knock rapped on his door. After waiting to see if the visitor said anything, he quickly shuffled to his feet and rubbed the tears from his eyes, glancing in the mirror. His looked gross; his hair was tangled and his eyes were bloodshot, but it would have to do.

He wasn’t sure why it surprised him to see Prince Sidon, especially since he was the only zora he knew well at this point, but it did. Sidon offered a trademark smile and began another rant about the hylian’s greatness before quickly trailing off as he glanced at the hero. Link shuffled in the uncomfortable silence, as he was unable to break it himself. He settled for tapping Sidon’s arm.

“Ah, forgive me,” Sidon stuttered, snapping out of his own thought. “But are you quite all right, my friend? You don’t look well.”

Link wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that, but he quickly found he didn’t need to. His failed attempts at steadying his uneven breaths spoke for itself. Before he could understand what was happening, he was wrapped in Sidon’s arms. It wasn’t like the quick, bone-crushing hug he had been given before, but more like being held.

“I can’t even imagine the stress you’re under. I understand you may not want to share your emotions with the world, but please, confide in me. I want to help you.”

It was the first time in a long while Link had cried freely, and for once, he floated.

#sidlink    #link x sidon    #prince sidon x link    #prince sidon    #princess mipha    #king dorephan    #princess zelda    #loz botw    #legend of zelda    #breath of the wild    #pda tw    #anxiety    #anxiety tw    #anxiety    #hyrule    #hylian    #zora domain    #fanfiction    #fanfic    #drabble    

I’m sorry this one is so short. I almost didn’t do a ficlet today but I felt too bad about breaking my streak. I’ve managed to post a oneshot everyday since I started this blog and I didn’t wanna break that trend. Sorry if this seems rushed I’m kinda stressed out.

Pairing: Sidlink (sidon x link)

Fandom: legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: G

Word Count: 493. (Again sorry it’s so short.)

Warnings: None

Ever since Vah Ruta had reappeared near the Zora Domain, it had rained.

Water was something the zora were used to, but the constant stream the divine beast was generating began to threaten the lives of other races nearby. It was for the sake of those lives that Sidon had convinced the elders, especially Muzu, to begin to look for outside help.

When he had first met Link, it was still raining. At first, he didn’t call out to him as he had to the other few hylians that had come down this road. He was momentarily fascinated with the way Link’s hair was shimmering, drizzled with rain. He pushed it aside as mere curiosity of the hylian race, which he wasn’t completely familiar with. He conveniently ignored the fact that the other hylians he had seen never sparked such a reaction.

When he finally found his voice again, the first thing he noticed about the boy was his bright blue eyes. Sidon soon became so caught up with Link’s appearance that he didn’t even make the connection between Link’s name and the Link that his sister had loved one hundred years ago. How could he be so clumsy?

When he first brought the hero to his father and he found out about Link’s ambitions, he was floored by his bravery and selflessness. Here Link was, having woken up in an unfamiliar place, having to rely on the words of others on where he was and who he was, and yet he strove onwards, determined to save the princess and the champions. Sidon immediately blurted out that he wanted to help him. Everyone else in the room assumed he meant with fighting Vah Ruta, but in reality, Sidon meant he wanted to help Link with the entirety of his quest. Even if all he could do was offer emotional support, he wanted the assist Link.

He felt relieved as Link approached him at the East Reservoir Lake, completely unharmed from the Lynel. He assumed this relief came because Link would need to be in top shape to defeat Vah Ruta and whatever lied inside it, but he also cringed at the thought of the knight baring even a single wound. When Link had climbed on top of his back, the zora’s first thought was how light he felt. Worried Link could be thrown across the lake easily, Sidon found himself being far more cautious and protective than he needed to be.

As Link climbed on top of the platform, he turned and their eyes met. Link mouthed a silent “thank you”, never glancing away even as the platform began to raise. Sidon swam backwards, attempting to keep his eyes locked on the hero for as long as possible. Once Link had finally left his line of sight, Sidon swam a safe distance away from Vah Ruta before looking up at the overcast sky, praying for the safety of the hylian.

And it rained.

Mornings had different meanings to Link, depending on where he was at in his journey.

Pairing: Sidlink (Sidon x Link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild.

Rating: G

Word Count: 735.

Warnings: PDA

When Link had first awoken in the shrine of resurrection, all he could feel was confusion. Where was he? Why was he here? Why couldn’t he remember anything? Confusion quickly turned into fear as he learned of the daunting path stretched out ahead of him.

His first night in the wild was a sleepless one. He stayed huddled against a cliffside, scared for his life. His knuckles turned white as he held onto his weapon like it meant life or death. In reality, it did. He trembled, praying that no monsters came near him. The morning sun rising over the horizon was a great relief to him.

As more nights went on, he got more used to his surroundings. Bokoblins and keese no longer scared him. He grew used to not sleeping most nights, and the mornings lost their meaning. The rising sun was just another reminder of how little time he had left.

There was no the sunlight the first time he had ventured in the zora’s direction. The clouds and rain had covered it all until he reclaimed Vah Ruta. But once the divine beast was on the side of the light once more, the first light of dawn that fell across the Zora Domain was breathtaking. Though his brain urged him to hurry onwards, he ignored it, and stopped to watch for a little while.

Spending mornings with Sidon became something Link frequently did. It was a nice break from his usually hectic mindset of never managing to do anything fast enough. It amazed Link that Sidon always managed to be available every day. Even if it was early, surely Sidon had people expecting him? Yet every morning, Sidon sat in wait for Link, greeting him with a smile. Link wasn’t exactly sure what had started this daily ritual, but he wasn’t about to complain.

Today was no different than any other day, with Link teleporting to the nearest shrine and meeting up with Sidon. When the zora heard Link approaching, he turned around and gave him one of his trademark smiles and the usual greeting.

“Good morning, Link! How is your quest going?”

Link couldn’t really reply, not with words, but he always smiled and nodded in return. As the hero approached Sidon, the edges of his vision went blurry, but he ignored it. He sat down next to the zora, watching the rising sun. For a while, there was silence between the two, until Link felt the world starting to spin. He stuck a hand behind him to steady himself, the other going to his forehead. He didn’t seem to have a fever.

“Link?” Sidon asked, concerned. “Are you quite all right?”

The knight nodded, because he thoughthe was, but his own body suddenly felt excruciatingly heavy. Internally, Link counted how many days he had gone without sleep. In his current state, all he could determine was that the answer was too many. Before he completely crumpled underneath is own weight, Sidon scooped him up and began hurriedly carrying him to the healer. The last thing Link saw was the sun, which was now high above the horizon.

When Link woke up next, he wasn’t in an infirmary of any kind. He recognized this place well; he was in Sidon’s room. Still coming to his senses, he looked around. He could see the rising sun out a window. It was still mostly hidden under the horizon. Link’s eyes widened, realizing that this meant he had been out for almost an entire day. He scrambled upwards, attempting to climb out of the bed he was placed in. This drew Sidon’s attention, and he quickly rushed to Link’s side, laying him back down before he could protest.

“Link, you’re completely exhausted! You need rest!” Link eased back against the bed, although unhappily. He didn’t have time for this, there was too much at stake! What about Calamity Ganon? What about Zelda?

All these thoughts (and all other thoughts as well) left his head when Sidon laid down next to him, wrapping his arms around the small hylian.

“Just for a little while,” Sidon pleaded, “You need to stay here for just a little while longer.”

Link complied and turned to lean against the zora. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep, a smile on his face.

Off all the mornings he had experienced, this one was by far Link’s favorite.

#sidlink    #link x sidon    #prince sidon x link    #prince sidon    #loz botw    #pda tw    #hyrule    #hylian    #zora domain    #legend of zelda    #breath of the wild    #drabble    #oneshot    #fanfiction    #fanfic    

Sidon is fascinated by Link’s hair, given that zora’s lack it and he’s never been in close contact with a hylian before.

Request: “Have you done a fluffy calm Sidlink moment like Sidon being utterly enthralled with brushing Link’s hair or smth because Zora don’t have hair at all and ‘It’s so silky, Link! I’ve seen a few Hylians with longer hair, but never had the opportunity to touch it! It’s so different from animal fur.’ ficlet? (I haven’t had the chance to read all of the sidlink ones yet sorry I’m workin on it though)” Requested by @kikuriki-kikuriki

Pairing: Sidlink (sidon x link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: G

Word count:

Warnings: PDA

They had escaped the sudden downpour of rain a little too late, both soaking wet. Naturally, this didn’t mean much for Sidon, but Link was drenched to the bone. Despite how uncomfortable he must have felt, he was laughing. He tried to wipe off his clothes a little, but it was hopeless. Link pulled his hair tie out, curling his hands around the damp blond strands in hopes of wringing the water out. As Sidon watched him, he became fascinated with it.

Without thinking, Sidon reached out and brushed his hand down the side of Link’s hair, studying it as the ends passed through his fingertips. He jolted back to his senses when the hylian casted him an odd glance. He sharply pulled back, worried he had overstepped some kind of boundary.

“Ah, forgive me, Link” he sputtered, trying to find the right words. “It’s just that-well, I’ve never really…” Sidon gestures to Link’s head. “…touched hair before. As you can see, the zora don’t really have any.” He takes a step back and stretches out his arms, spinning around a little.

Link laughs and Sidon lets out a small sigh of relief, glad he hadn’t offended the hylian in any way. Link steps towards Sidon before turning his back to the prince. The hero reaches behind him and offers Sidon the hair tie. The prince freezes momentarily, glancing back between the hair tie and Link.

“I…you want me too…?”

Link chuckled and nodded and that unfinished question.

Sidon swallowed, gingerly taking the blue band from the knight’s palm. “As I said before, I’ve never touched hair before, so I can’t promise perfection, but…” He runs a clawed hand along the underside of Link’s hair. “I’ll certainly try my best.”

They stand like that for a good fifteen minutes, Link trying not to laugh as Sidon continues to pull his hair into a ponytail and then pull it out again, trying to make it perfect. Eventually, Sidon decided he couldn’t do much better and steps back. There’s nothing special about it, just an average ponytail. Regardless, Link runs a hand across it and smiles. 

The champion turned around and faced Sidon, resting his head on the prince’s chest and, to the best of his ability, wrapping his arms around him. Sidon returns the almost-hug, looking out at the world outside the awning they stand underneath. The rain continued to pour, and they’d probably have to brave it once more if they wanted to make it inside before nighttime came, but this was a perfect moment, and Sidon didn’t want to interrupt it. Besides, they still had a little time.

Sidon lifted Link up to give him a proper hug and rested his head on top of the hero’s should. He let his lips rest on the side of the hylian’s head for a moment before turning to look back out at the rain. He ran a hand through the Link’s hair, over and over, growing more fond of it by the second.

This, he decided, he could easily get used to.

#sidlink    #link x sidon    #prince sidon x link    #prince sidon    #loz botw    #pda tw    #hyrule    #hylian    #zora domain    #legend of zelda    #breath of the wild    

Kinda angsty, spoiler warning.

Pairing: sidlink (Sidon x Link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: G

Word Count: 615.

Warnings: PDA, Spoilers.

Sidon didn’t know how long he had been standing under the frozen figure of his sister. Probably at least three hours, given that the sun had set since he began. He had to remain strong for his people, for his father, for Link. But, sometimes, it was a lot harder than he would like to admit.

He was a young child when he was told his sister would never come home, and no doubt it affected him greatly. He didn’t stop crying for days, didn’t come out of his room for weeks. He was young, but he had been old enough to process what death was, and what it meant. He never knew how his father mourned, for when he finally emerged from his room, the king put on a brave face.

Even for the zora, a cenutry was an awful long time. But the small, sinking feeling he got in his gut whenever he happened to glance at Mipha’s statue never went away. A century was an awful long time, yes, but a century and a year was even longer.

As of today, she had died 101 years ago. The significance of the day’s date was probably why nobody had disturbed him. But now, as the moon shined bright overhead, nobody was awake to even pass him a pitying glance. He was so absorbed in his own thoughts, trying to recall as many memories of his sister as possible, that he jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Sidon spun around, facing the champion of Hyrule. He relaxed, but he still seemed out of sorts.

“Sorry Link, I didn’t hear you come up to me.” Link gave no signs of hearing Sidon’s words as he sat down next to him, following the prince’s gaze to Mipha’s statue. The hero’s expression seemed pained. “Do you…” Sidon began cautiously, “Do you remember anything more about her?” Link nodded, but gave no details.

Sidon went back to staring at the statue. For a while, the silence remained between the two. The zora jumped once again when he felt Link’s hand rest on his cheek. The knight seemed extremely concerned, looking the prince dead in the eyes, his mouth a firm line. Sidon cocked his head to the side, confused, until he felt liquid smear underneath the hylian’s thumb.
Tears. He was crying.

He quickly grabbed onto Link’s forearm in an attempt to reassure him. “No, don’t worry! I’m perfectly fine!” He flashed one of his signature smiles, but it felt so fake. Judging by Link’s reaction, it looked rather fake, too. Carefully, the hero cupped the other side of Sidon’s face before pressing his lips to his right cheek. Sidon’s reassurances quickly became muttered words of confusion.


Link gave no answer to any of these one-word questions, his lips tracing the trails tears had left behind before moving to the other cheek. Sidon fell silent, instead closing his eyes and basking in the love he was being given.

The only time Link spoke that night was after the tears had been kissed away. The hero lifted his head, but Sidon’s face remained cupped in his hands. He rested his forehead on Sidon’s, their gaze locked on each other. For a moment, Sidon wondered if loving Link would be going against Mipha’s wishes, but he quickly shook it off. Mipha was dead, as much as it pained him, and she couldn’t have anything with Link now. Besides, holding himself back wouldn’t do any good, either. Mipha would want him to be happy.

“I love you.” Link whispered, pressing their lips together. And for the first time that day, Sidon smiled.

#sidlink    #prince sidon x link    #prince sidon    #link x sidon    #princess mipha    #loz botw    #fanfiction    #fanfic    #drabble    #oneshot    #spoilers    #loz spoilers    #botw spoilers    #loz botw spoilers    #hyrule    #hylian    #zora domain    #legend of zelda    #breath of the wild    #pda tw    

Sidon can be kinda overprotective when it comes to his smol boyfriend.

Request: “Sidon gets irritated because of how much time link is spending around other people and how they look at him so he gives link hickeys and bites to mark him as his.”

Pairing: sidlink (sidon x link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: T

Wordcount: 655.

Warnings: PDA, Biting, Blood, Mildly Suggestive Content

Sidon hated the ugly part Link could bring out of him. It wasn’t the hylian’s fault, naturally. Sidon doubted the hero had an impure bone in his body. However, he couldn’t deny Link played a huge part in the aggression currently stirring in the pit of his chest.

Sidon never expected Link to spend all of his time with him. Link had his own friends, responsibilities, and life. Sidon respected that; he had the same. However, Link had arrived at the Zora Domain with Zelda half an hour ago to discuss relations, but Link hadn’t even greeted him yet. Despite arriving for a diplomatic meeting, neither of the two seemed to be doing anything work-related. They were hunched over, leaning towards each other. Zelda seemed to be whisper-ranting, and Link only nodded his head every once in a while.

This continued on for another hour, neither of the two leaving their spot, and Sidon began to grow agitated. It had been ages since he had last seen Link, but now that he was here, Sidon seemed to be pretty low on the priority list. The prince tried to reason with himself, arguing that whatever the two were discussing was probably important, especially since it was taking so long, even though Zelda’s gentle nudges and Link’s quiet chuckling seemed anything but professional.

It only took another fifteen minutes for Sidon to finally lose it. He knew it was ridiculous for him to be jealous of Zelda, but all logic went out the window when she leaned against Link’s shoulder. The zora rose from his hiding place with an alarming amount of neutrality. He strode over to the two, his face expressionless. The fact that he went unnoticed until he cleared his throat only strengthened his resolve. 

“Excuse me,” Sidon spoke evenly, “But may I borrow Link for a minute? It’s rather important.” Link knew Sidon well enough to recognize that something was wrong. He looked up and gave him a questioning look, but Sidon refused to meet his eyes, who was instead completely focused on Princess Zelda.

“Oh, of course.” she responded, looking around as if she had forgotten where she was. “I should probably meet with King Dorephan now, anyway. I’ll meet up with you later, Link.” She rose and began her ascent to the throne room. Once she had disappeared from sight, Sidon grabbed Link’s hand and began pulling him along. Link yelped at the sudden tug, but quickly matched Sidon’s stride. He looked up at the prince, whom offered no explanation.

They wandered down a familiar hallway until they reached Sidon’s room. The zora pushed Link ahead of him, slamming the door shut behind him. Before Link could turn around, he was shoved up against the wall. The look in Sidon’s eyes was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

“Do you know how long I waited for you?” Sidon growled, sounding more hurt than aggressive. “It’s been six months since I last saw you in person, and once you finally arrive in the Zora’s Domain, the first thing you do is talk to the princess for nearly two hours straight, despite seeing her everyday!” Link’s mouth opened and closed, as if looking for the right words. Sidon shoved his lips onto Link’s, whom accepted the kiss wholeheartedly.

“I know I’m being unreasonable, and I’m going to regret this entire thing later, but you’re mine, Link!” he hissed. Pushing aside the part of the knight’s tunic that rested on his shoulder, Sidon bit into the same chunk of flesh he usually did. Numerous teethmark-shaped scars were littered across Link’s shoulder and collarbone. The hero inhaled sharply, wrapping his arms around Sidon’s neck. 

When the two finally emerged from Sidon’s room half an hour later, Sidon had returned to normal and Link had to make up an excuse for his flushed face the the specks of blood that stained his tunic.

#sidlink    #prince sidon x link    #prince sidon    #fanfiction    #fanfic    #drabble    #oneshot    #loz botw    #pda tw    #blood tw    #hickey    #hickies    #hyrule    #hylian    #zora domain    #legend of zelda    #breath of the wild    #princess zelda    

The request asked for a beauty and the beast au for sidlink, and i debated long and hard on who was who (especially after I wrote Wild), but I ended up putting Link as Belle and Sidon as the Beast because I was pretty sure that’s what the requester meant. I had a really hard time writing this so it’s pretty bad, sorry.

Request: “Beauty and the Beast AU Sidlink Lil fluff?” Requested by anonymous.

Pairing: Sidlink (Sidon x Link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: G

Word Count: 550

Warnings: PDA, Injury.

Link’s brows furrowed as he focused on the wound before him. He dunked the washcloth into the bowl of water beside him, carefully dabbing it over the scratches on Sidon’s arm. The prince hissed as it made contact with his skin, jerking away. Link glanced up in frustration at Sidon, placing the washcloth in the bowl.

“It hurts!”

“It wouldn’t hurt so much if you stopped moving!”

Sidon offered nothing in reply, opting instead to glance out the window. Below the remains of the Zora’s Domain continued to deteriorate and gather dust. It had been destroyed and abandoned since the curse. Only the statue of Mipha showed any signs of being maintained. He flinched, turning his head back around. Link had gotten up and was shuffling through a bag, looking for bandages.

Link walked back over, taking a seat beside Sidon and grabbing his wounded arm. Carefully, Link wrapped the bandages around the wound, sneaking a glance at Sidon. The prince’s eyes were clouded, gazing off into the distance. Even after Link had finished, he said and did nothing. Link waved his hand in Sidon’s face, finally getting a response.

Sidon blinked and looked down at the hylian. Link huffed and crossed is arms, looking as if he were waiting for something. “Did you…did you ask me a question?” Sidon asked, confused. Link sighed, shaking his head as he stood up again.

“See, this is why you keep getting hurt.You’re always spaced out.”

“The first time was to protect you!” Sidon weakly protested.

“Only the first time.”

Link grabbed Sidon’s arm and brought the wound to his lips. Sidon went rigid, staring at him in wonder. Out of all the times Sidon has returned injured, Link had never done anything like that before. Slowly, Link lifted his head back up, refusing to look Sidon in the eye. He grabbed the bag he used as a makeshift first aid kit and began scooping the access materials into it. Just as he finished, he felt arms around his waist. He was about to protest before he felt Sidon bury his head into Link’s shoulder. He could feel the prince’s smile around his neck as the “tail” on his head wagged, brushing against the hylian’s hair.

Link was lifted up, and this time he did protest, but Sidon didn’t seem to hear any of it. He was brought over to the bed Sidon had been sitting on when Link was treating his injury. He collapsed onto it, hylian in hand, and snuggled up against Link. He mentally went through all the reasons why he shouldn’t be enjoying being so close to his captor, but it all went out the window when he saw the look on Sidon’s face.

The prince had already fallen asleep, but his lips remained curled in a carefree grin. Slowly, Link raised a hand and cupped the side of his face, letting it trail down to the side of his neck before removing it. Giving in, Link leaned against Sidon’s shoulder, glancing out the window for any sign of the sun. The sky was mostly pitch black, but a single line of blue coats the horizon.

The morning would be here soon, but for now, Link supposed he could remain like this for a little while longer.

I’m not gonna do an intro sentence because I think the request summarizes this gloriously.

Request: “Did you see that post about Bear Grylls!Link and Total Aristocratic!Sidon? Like prim and proper Sidon gazing adoringly at his half naked BF wrestling with Wolf!Link as Muzu looks on in horror. I’d personally love to see a story about it.” Requested by @absolmon (sorry the normal linking system wouldn’t work for some reason.)

(Here’s the post mentioned in the request.)

Pairing: Sidlink (Sidon x Link)

Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Rating: T

Word Count: 510 words. (It keeps getting lower, sorry.)

Warnings: Mildly Suggestive Content

Muzu would admit that in the beginning, his hatred for Link was bigoted and unreasonable. Despising him simply for being a hylian was an awful thing to do. As much as hated to admit it, he still held some resentment for Mipha’s death, even though he knew it was out of the hero’s control.

This, however, he was confident was a justifiable cause for his horror. 

Link had been calmly sitting beside Prince Sidon, chatting the afternoon away near one of the railings outside of the throne room, when Link had somehow managed to spot a rare fish swimming in the waters below. With barely a word of warning, Link jumped up, ripping his shirt of his person and hurling himself over the railing, screaming the whole way down.

What’s worse, Prince Sidon; their calm, mannerly, graceful Prince Sidon, stared after him in adoration.The Prince stood up, leaning over the railing and shouting encouragement at the knight, even if he wasn’t entirely sure what he was encouraging him to do. When Link finally climbed up the ladder to rejoin Prince Sidon, he was dripping went. His hair tie had been pulled out somewhere in the process, and he carried the fish under his arm. 

He pushed some hair out of his face, holding up the fish to Sidon as a way of explanation, who clapped and immediately began to praise him. When Muzu noticed the prince’s eyes dragging up Link’s frame a little too slowly, he whipped around in disgust. This was entirely too much, Prince Sidon was one of the most sophisticated princes the throne room had ever seen. How could he be interested in…that?!

He marched into the throne room, knowing full well that King Dorephan would let his son date whomever he pleased, but that wouldn’t stop the elder zora from whining about it. Besides, the king seemed to find his grumpiness on the situation hilarious, so why not amuse him?

“Did you see that entire scene, my king?! He completely abandoned his conversation with the prince to go after a fish! A fish! And he didn’t even give a warning or explanation before stripping himself and jumping into the water nearly 50 feet below him! And he was screaming the whole way down!” He continued even though King Dorephan was obviously holding back laughter. “Why couldn’t the Prince find a nice, normalboy? If I-” he cut himself off as Sidon entered the throne room alone, looking quite unsure of himself. This set Muzu on edge, as it was rare for the prince to be lacking confidence. Figuring it was personal, Muzu began to leave before he caught the beginning of the conversation.

“Father,” Sidon asked timidly, “Are we still in possession of the zora sapphire?”

Muzu stopped dead in his tracks.

“Yes, we are. Why do you ask?” The King questioned, even though Muzu could tell he already knew the answer based on the smile stretched across his face.

“I…I intend to ask for Link’s hand in marriage-”

Muzu choked on air.

#sidlink    #prince sidon    #prince sidon x link    #sidon x link    #loz botw    #marriage    #proposal    #king dorephan    #fanfiction    #fanfic    #drabble    #oneshot    #hyrule    #hylian    #zora domain    