

Lets clear something up regarding abortion, since I seem to have to make this point a lot. Especially concerning all the rape talk. 

Those who are pro choice do not “like” abortion, nor do they want people to have them. We don’t have giant liberal orgies so that we can get fun group abortions at discounted rates. Considering how expensive abortions are, and how harmful they can sometimes be, no one uses them *just* as birth control. 

That said, we know that there are things that decrease abortions on a statistically reliable basis - comprehensive sex education and access to contraceptives - and things that don’t decrease abortions - NASCAR, the NBA, Dora the Explorer, and banning abortion. 

I *refuse* to allow the anti choice crowd to use the moniker ‘pro-life’. I am *just* as pro-life as they are - It’s just that I want to reduce abortions the way that *actually* works, not the way that harms the poor, kills women, and causes financial and societal problems. 

Abortion is a *medical* and *education* problem. Using legislation to ban the practice (and put doctors in jail? Teen girls in Jail? Make impoverished, soon to be mothers pay a fine?) moves that problem from the education system (where people learn) and into the judicial system. One that already has the highest incarceration rates ever in human history. And, you can’t ban something without providing a punishment for it. That isn’t how are justice system works. 

Simply because you have a 'solution’ that comes straight out of the 1800s (Just ban it!) doesn’t mean you care more about unborn children than I do. It just means you care *less* about women than I do. 

The secret to stopping abortion (the symptom) is by stopping unwanted conception (the problem). 

I will no longer permit the holier than thou false pretense of the morally superior position. 

The pro-choice and anti-choice crowds *both* want the exact same thing: Fewer abortions, fewer children growing up without families, and more happy and productive people. 

I just chose to approach the system with a modern, rationally sound, science supported, and societal helpful policy. We tried banning abortions. It didn’t work. Other countries have tried it, it doesn’t work there. 

Just fucking stop it already.




controversial opinion on a hot topic rn: a person can be pro-choice without being pro-abortion


The understanding that your personal feelings and your values are separate issues is so very important, and I fear no one is making that distinction anymore.

You can 100% believe that people have the legal right to do whatever they want with their bodies, while having personal opinions about those choices.

You can personally think abortion should be only used in extreme circumstances while opposing the government having a say in that.

You can have a problem with drug use or drug users while also believing in legalization of those drugs.

People need to find their values and crave them away from all their personal nitpicks, because when you don’t that’s how you get a majority of the bullshit rn


“A fetus isn’t alive because it will die outside of the womb” yeah if you take something out if it’s natural environment, cut off it’s oxygen supply, and starve it, it will die, thanks captain obvious


Yes, an embryo has a heartbeat at eight weeks.

The last pro abortion argument is that the heartbeat an embryo has is not a heartbeat at all, but rather electrical signals in cardiac cells.

Let’s ignore that 1) all human hearts consist of cardiac cells and electrical signals and that 2) this claim seems to be first made by a pro choice Facebook post of someone with no medical experience and no sources to this claim as well as a biased WIRED article that also calls the child a blob of cells (very professional!) or a Cut article saying that embryos somehow don’t have hearts at all.

Anyway, according to The Developing Human by Moore et al (10th Edition, 2013) in “Chapter 13: Cardiovascular System”

The cardiovascular system is the first major system to function in the embryo. The primordial heart and vascular system appear in the middle of the third week (Fig. 13-1). This precocious cardiac development occurs because the rapidly growing embryo can no longer satisfy its nutritional and oxygen requirements by diffusion alone. Consequently, there is a need for an efficient method of acquiring oxygen and nutrients from the maternal blood and disposing of carbon dioxide and waste products.

Here’s what the heart looks like at 35 days after fertilization:

As you can see, it already has 4 chambers and is actively pumping blood.

“Initially, three systems of veins are present: the umbilical veins from the chorion, vitelline veins from the umbilical vesicle, and cardinal veins from the body of the embryos.”

Other comments the author made:

“The heart begins to beat at 22 to 23 days (Fig. 13-2).”

“Blood flow begins during the fourth week, and heartbeats can be visualized by Doppler ultrasonography (Fig. 13-3).”

“The initial contractions of the heart are of myogenic origin (in or starting from muscle). … At first, circulation through the primordial heart is an ebb-and-flow type; however, by the end of the fourth week, coordinated contractions of the heart result in unidirectional flow.”

“Partitioning of the AV canal, primordial atrium, ventricle, and outflow tract begins during the middle of the fourth week.”

As you can see, by using vague terms, euphemisms, and not actually defining the meaning of heartbeat, pro abortion advocates are able to blur the science and deny that an embryo is alive. However, the objective truth is that an embryo does have a developing heart by 6-8 weeks.


The unborn are zombies, coming from a doctor telling us to use medical words



“Planned Parenthood’s ratio of abortions to prenatal care has changed over time, and so has the way Planned Parenthood measures prenatal care. Representative Ocasio-Cortez lived in the womb in 1989. That year, according to Planned Parenthood’s annual report, AOC’s mother was one of only 3,400 women to obtain prenatal care from Planned Parenthood, versus 111,000 women who obtained abortions. The ratio of babies killed to babies receiving prenatal care was 32 to 1.

"In AOC’s youth, Planned Parenthood reported the number of patients to whom it provided prenatal care. That practice continued through 2008, when Planned Parenthood performed abortions on 342,008 pregnant mothers and gave prenatal care to 9,433, a ratio of 36 to 1. But the following year, Planned Parenthood started reporting the number of prenatal services provided,allowing the same mother to be counted more than once if she had multiple prenatal appointments. This caused an illusory high point in 2009, when Planned Parenthood committed 331,796 abortions and provided 40,489 prenatal care services — a ratio of 8 to 1. 

"And yet, despite the rosier prenatal care metric, Planned Parenthood went from 8:1 in 2009 to 41:1 today! (Imagine how much worse today’s ratio would look if the 1989 metric of number of women served had been maintained!)”

Also the sheer narcissism to think her birth somehow makes up for the thousands of abortions at the time





It blows my mind that there’s literally videos of disabled speakers crying and begging for the right to life for disabled fetuses and pro aborts will be like “actually listening to pro life disabled people is not progressive at all”

You’re right and you should say it @pro-birth-midwife-student

This also applies to literal abortion survivors who speak out against abortion and pro-abortion peeps try to change the subject instead of looking at what abortion does directly in the face

Picture a cruise liner or your home—when an invited guest, for whatever reason, becomes uninvited and asked to leave, if they refuse - they then become a trespasser. Removing them in the gentlest manner possible is the evictionist position. 

On a boat, be it stowaway, or uninvited guest, that means waiting to the next port. Throwing them overboard right then and there would be the Pro-Choice position. Forcing the property owner to take the stowaway the entire trip (9 months), is the Pro-Life position. The eminently reasonable and common sense position is to remove them at the next port of call.

Clarifying even further.. a cruise liner is on the trip for 9 months before it comes to a berth (pun intended). “Ports of call” are short stops on the way. Stowaway, invited guest now uninvited, whatever.. gentlest means possible.

The Tender (“In some ports the ship has to drop anchor some distance from shore. Tenders are covered boats that carry passengers to shore”) is the medical/technological aspect. They are involved in ferrying the person(/fetus) to safety. The risk involved in whether they make it or not (viable) depends on the technology etc. and obviously thus time.

So 100 years ago, ‘sinking’ happened all the time. 50 years ago the odds were better. Right now, (it’s probably 22weeks+ viable) and it continues to improve on avg. 1 week every 5 years in this statist environment. 100 years time, the “Tender” should make it every time. You evict at any point and the fetus remains viable. Even if you reject this, it’s a continuum problem, it’s a technological medical issue, the principle remains the same.

Pro life doesn’t mean “pro forced birth” and anyone pushing that narrative is as wrong as the people who believe sex ed shouldn’t be taught


My thoughts about the abortion ban on Texas.

Ever since October- November of last year I became pro life after being pro choice for quite some time.

It didn’t take long for me to realize how messed up the reality of this “medical procedure” was.

Women are lied to, told they won’t have to face any negative consequences after they get an abortion but that is simply not truth. (I’ll talk more about this on another post)

Abortion is a symptom that we haven’t met the needs of women. Society has told them that they can’t succeed if they have a child or are facing an unexpected pregnancy and that is pretty misogynistic if you ask me.

I don’t fully agree with everything the new bill says but all I know is that the fight for life doesn’t end there.

We should all strive to actually create a culture of life such as:

  1. Paid maternity leave
  2. More affordable and rapid adoption processes.
  3. Funding pregnancy help and resources centers.

These are just a few. What matters is that we need to stop telling women they can’t have kids and be successful at the same time. If you believe the only way women can be truly free is by killing their own child, then that’s a crappy vision of equality you got there.


If you don’t agree with way I said please be kind and respectful in the comments and tell me what your opinions are. Don’t be rude! I’m aware of how frustrating it can be if someone doesn’t think the same way I do, but this is a huge step to building tolerance with each other and not being divided.

This isn’t a one partisan issue. There are also many secular pro life organizations that work towards ending abortion by educating folks about it.

Here are just a few:

Secular Pro- Life

Rehumanize International

Democrats for Life

Feminists for Life

There’s a ton more information about this delicate topic so let me know what would you like to read next!

Stay safe! ✨











There is no right to murder a baby.

there is no right to police someone else’s body or expect them to carry a pregnancy they don’t want ❤️

Hey yeah Fuck right off with it’s “murdering a baby” nonsense. Crock full of shit that is. This is calling for the mass enslavement and mass genocide of millions of people across the country. It’s infringing on the religious rights of people (especially Jewish), that allow for such life saving procedures.


As a former Catholic the fact that you won’t even love thy neighbor and respect them in their choices, it’s a damn shame. Catholicism and Christianity is a damn shame. It’s the only religion that does not and has not ever minded it’s business and forces the people in it and around it to conform to its dogma.

Let’s be real, none of you that claim to be pro life actually give a shit about the people already alive. You’re just pro birth. And therefore that makes you pro capitalist and pro slave work force.

Fuck off.

Human = a person. Which is defined by our genetic makeup. Our DNA is what makes us a human. Obviously. We cannot be anything else other than human. Human life begins = according to 95% biologists at conception. The other 5% may say a successful implantation. Baby, zygote, embryo, all terms for stage of development but doesn’t negate the fact it’s human being. So in fact it is correct to say abortion is the murder of a child, termination of a pregnancy is exactly that.

You are completely wrong about Jewish law. Nowhere in the Torah or in the Jewish law does it state abortion is good, in fact the shedding of innocent blood is explicitly prohibited in the Ten Commandments. Just because Jewish people support abortion doesn’t mean it’s in their law and let’s not forget how religion is coded in polls. Judaism is an ethnoreligion so someone who doesn’t even practice their faith can identify as Jewish. Orthodox groups like Agudath Israel of America, have long promoted is the regulation of abortion through laws that generally prohibit the unjustifiable killing of fetuses while protecting the right to abortion in exceptional cases. The only exceptional cases to them are when the mothers life is in danger, but this isn’t a case for abortion.

“United States Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop stated publicly that in his thirty-eight years as a pediatric surgeon, he was never aware of a single situation in which a preborn child’s life had to be taken in order to save the life of the mother.”

And in these cases they are not actually considered abortions and a mother would not be persecuted, neither would the doctor, to be performing a life saving c-section. An abortion terminates the pregnancy, in life threatening situations our modern medicine is able to try and save both lives through c-sections. The purpose of the surgery was not to kill the child which is what abortion is, but to save the life of the mother. The death of the child was a tragic and unintended secondary effect of life saving efforts. Sometimes they can only save the child and not the mother. And before abortion was even legalized, these cases were LEGAL and no one was punished by law when trying to save the mother. IE: ectopic pregnancies- which are considered miscarriages not abortion or when something is wrong with the mother.

So exactly how is it genocide and mass killing? How will children be affected by this? Also, you aren’t using the law of love thy neighbor correctly. Love thy neighbor comes after obeying and loving God with all your heart. If you aren’t doing the first you cannot do the second. And loving thy neighbor doesn’t mean allowing the murder of children to take place it means offering support, encouragement, other pathways of good for the pregnant woman and her child. Which MANY pro lifers do. And to equate pro-birth to pro-slave workforce is extremely misogynistic of you. To be ANTI-birth is to be anti-woman. Perhaps you should choose your words more carefully and look at what pro lifers are trying to change in the medical world to ensure mothers aren’t abused in the birthing realm. Or how we want to change the societal outlook of teen pregnancy or single motherhood and change sex Ed to incorporate fertility awareness method. Also a huge advocate for paid maternity leave. How about telling women they can be both successful and a mother? That isn’t only reserved for men. What choices do you propose besides abortion?

A quick google search would prove that when the mother’s life is at risk, abortion is allowed in Judaism.

I’m not going to respond to the rest of the garbage that you typed but for you to assume that I am any less of a person or a woman or mysognistic or even anti woman IS misogynistic. And you’re already set on your ways so I cannot find a single ounce of a damn to argue what should have been law centuries ago with your closed way of thinking.

To assume that birth and motherhood is exclusive to personhood and motherhood is absolutely asinine.To be anti choice is asinine. The fact that your beliefs and your faith is so shaken and based upon how other people should be allowed to live their lives is asinine. You don’t believe in shit. You believe in controlling other people.

Pro lifers and Christians / Catholics who are pro lifers are so self obsessed and fetishize being victims because you love being at the center of attention of things that are and should be none of your business.

Pro lifers do not give a shit about teen pregnancy rates. They do not give a shit about the lives that already exist. Pro lifers are in reality only pro birth, pro capitalism, pro slavery, racist to marginalized groups as well as anti-Black, and to think otherwise is completely delusional and out of touch with reality.

What you said is putting words in my mouth. It’s anachronistic, out of touch with reality, so abhorrent. Pro life will be the death of people and no one gives a fuck other than preserving a bastardized delusional version of a religion that would send Jesus running the other way from all of you delusional people. Fuck off.

When the mothers life is at risk is NOT considered an abortion, I work in the healthcare setting. An ectopic pregnancy is NOT an abortion. If a mother has uterine cancer and her life is at risk because of her pregnancy that is not considered an abortion. The surgery performed is not an abortion type procedures. So of course it’s “allowed” in Judaism because it’s not medically considered an abortion. Life saving procedures are also allowed in Christianity. So there’s that.

It’s so funny how you said you aren’t going to argue but then decide to try and state my beliefs? Everything you stated is wrong. I actually care deeply about teen pregnancy rates and proper sex Ed which is why I went into midwifery in the first place. I care about teaching women about their bodies, when they ovulate, how to prevent unplanned pregnancies and even how to get pregnant. I volunteer with embrace grace which is a program that gives financial aid and resources to single mothers. We provide a safe place for them to live, free medical care, free food, free baby resources and help with the adoption process if wanted.

Also, how can am i anti-black when your side advocates for the killing of black children and was founded upon eugenics? The founder of planned parenthood was a racist who deliberately called for the sterilization of black women. Abortion centers are located in more black communities than white and target black women more than any other race. Do you actually go out and offer support to black mothers or do you tell them killing their black children is good for society and good for themselves?

And yes, being anti-birth is anti-woman because only women can get pregnant. Again, I don’t see your side advocating for medical reform or even for reform in any other areas of reproductive health? Yet pro-lifers are on the front line in wanting to reshape womens healthcare and how pregnant woman are treated.

How on earth do i fetishize victims? Your side is the one who always uses rape victims as a scape goat as to why abortion is needed, yet offer no solutions for them.

If you are gonna argue then actually debate instead of trying to put words in my mouth and tell me what I believe in.

I believe all humans are equal

I believe human rights are intrinsic and not decided by the government and not based on arbitrary standards

I believe abortion is never safe

I believe in science which states conception is when life begins

I believe in paid maternity leave, a reform in sex Ed, a reform in healthcare and a reform in pregnancy care

I believe rapists should be castrated

I believe abortion harms women and empowers men

I believe in reforming adoption and foster care

I believe women can be mothers and be successful

Should I go on?

You’re completely asinine and you don’t get a soapbox on my blog. You’re blocked. Bye.

You didn’t block me yet <3 glad to know you can’t handle arguments because you know you are wrong. It’s okay though ❤️ I forgive you and your wrong opinions.


Honestly, this is kind of standard precaution. People get too heated up these days, a simple fence for the small few who would do something awful, or just to make sure people don’t cross any lines, is necessary.

I won’t lie, though, this post has a lot of January 6 vibes to it. Implying the people would stop a fairly handled legal system because they don’t like the results is kind of… Inappropriate.

