


The same people who scream at women outside of Planned Parenthood are laughing at babies being teargassed at the border.

Spoiler: It was never about being “pro-life” and always about control.

Better #RepealThe8th than pregnant

It’s not often that we celebrate the sight of blood but ask a 22 year old cowering in a bathroom cubicle in UCD of a Thursday morning after a sleepless night and panicked purchase of a pregnancy test and she’ll tell you there’s no sweeter visual. Ask anyone who’s had a pregnancy scare and they’ll tell you the same thing. They’ll recount a similar tale of how mild panic turned to joy when they…

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I am so tired of the toxicity of today’s culture. Anyone who disagrees with the mainstream way of thinking is treated awfully and, instead of there being some kind of rational and productive conversation, all that happens is that the character of the opposing side is attacked. There is no more dialogue, there’s just shouting and insults.

You want the truth? No one supports abortion by default. Even little children know that a woman doesn’t carry a clump of cells in her uterus, she carries a baby. Point out a pregnant woman to a child and ask what’s inside her, they will say it’s a baby.

If abortion wasn’t wrong, it wouldn’t be such a traumatic experience for women. Women wouldn’t feel awful about losing that child even years, decades after they have gone and gotten that abortion. I wasn’t traumatised by the removal of my appendix, so if a pre-born child is just a clump of cells, then why is there post-abortion therapy?

But guess what, those who disagree don’t give the opposing arguments any thought anymore. They just get annoyed. They won’t try to see where you’re coming from, they’ll just tell you, “I thought you were kind-hearted. I’m going to think less of you now.” Even if you disagree with the above, who gives you the right to insult my dignity as a person? That is just the entitlement you feel because of the toxic culture we live in.

And if reading this annoyed you - congratulations, you’re part of the problem.


Pro-aborts went real fast from “abortion is only 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services” to “overturning Roe v Wade will completely eliminate Planned Parenthood,” huh?

Nobody I know is going to like this take, but we need to talk to each other about abortion.

I don’t know any “pro-life” folks who actually want to force victims of rape or incest to carry full term. I know very, very few “pro-life” people who aren’t ok with allowing abortion for any reason before a certain stage. And I don’t know any “pro-life” people who aren’t understanding of and OK with abortion in cases where the mother’s life is in danger and/or the child isn’t viable, whether that’s early on during an ectopic pregnancy or whether that’s third term when a pregnancy is futile and/or the mother’s life is at stake. But the liberal politicians and powers that be would have us all out here thinking that anyone who is even the slightest bit uncomfortable with any type of abortion is a full-on Handmaid’s Tale fetishist. And that’s crazy, and insulting to all our intelligence.

I also don’t know many (if any) “pro-choice” people who are OK with a woman casually having a late term abortion for no valid medical reason. More importantly, I’ve literally never heard of this happening. I’ve literally never heard of a woman carrying to the point of viability- or anywhere even close to it- and then just deciding she doesn’t want to do it anymore. This just is not a thing that happens. But the conservative politicians and powers that be would have us all out here thinking that anyone who considers themselves “pro-choice” is totally fine with a woman ending a healthy pregnancy at 35 weeks because she just like, changed her mind. And that’s crazy, and insulting to all our intelligence.

Truly, it is just the single easiest and most failproof way to rally each base and not only get them to vote the way you want, but get them to overlook everything else you’re doing. You tell the people on the left that the people on the right want to force 14 year old rape victims to carry full term. They don’t give a shit if you’re fully owned by Goldman at that point, they just want to protect girls and women and believe you’re the only one who will do that. You tell the people on the right that the people on the left want women with a healthy 36 week old fetus to abort because she got in a fight with her boyfriend. They don’t give a shit if you have internment camps at the border at that point, they just want to protect viable babies. Both sides are horrified beyond comprehension at the casual cruelty of the other and will do anything to keep public policy on their side. And it’s all absurd. Nobody sane wants either of these things to happen.

Most of us have pretty moderate, nuanced and compassionate views about abortion. This country would do itself a huge favor if we’d all tune out the few and far between radicals. There are total maniacs on the far end of each side of this debate. They like to shout, a lot. And the politicians and the people in power love nothing more than to amplify them, to tell us that those are the voices we are each up against on the other side.

We’d all be better off if we’d agree to ignore them and more importantly, stop painting everyone and anyone who is even a degree off from sharing your exact viewpoints as one of them. People a little to the left or the right of you are not crazy, and most people who don’t stand exactly where you stand on this issue are in fact just a little to the left or right of you. We could talk to each other, but all we do is scream past each other.


White Evangelical Christians are on the front-lines of America’s ‘pro-life’ movement. But not so long ago this group was disinterested in abortion and largely apolitical. They’re a crucial faction of Donald Trump’s base, motivating him to further restrict abortion rights across the country. So how did it all change?

#abortion    #pro choice    #pro choice    #pro-life    #prochoice    #prolife    #evangelicals    #planned parenthood    #stop the bans    #abortion bans    

Yes, that post does stem from real life occurrences. Not only on this blog, but also on my personal blog, self professed feminists have told me that they hope that I get raped and am forced to have the child. In real life, I have been told this at least a half a dozen times though substantially more than that on Tumblr.

I have received respect, despite disagreement, from less than a dozen (high end) of pro-choice feminists yet wishes of rape from more than a dozen (low end) and angry, hating statements from more than three dozen (low end).

If you disagree, disagree with respect and class, not with hate, because hate is the whole reason the world is in turmoil. This blog stayed here, did not go to anyone’s ask box calling them offensive gender based names or swearing nonsensically, so if anyone felt that this blog was attacking them, perhaps you should not come to this url because that was certainly not how the blog was intended. It was created as a source of AMUSEMENT for Catholic girls, not an apologetics blog.

If you say ‘be tolerant of others’ yet are not tolerant yourself, where does that leave the world? Disagree with respect and perhaps some common ground might be reached.

PS I apologize if this post seems condescending. It’s definitely not intended in that manner.

Yes, that post does stem from real life occurrences. Not only on this blog, but also on my personal blog, self professed feminists have told me that they hope that I get raped and am forced to have the child. In real life, I have been told this at least a half a dozen times though substantially more than that on Tumblr.

I have received respect, despite disagreement, from less than a dozen (high end) of pro-choice feminists yet wishes of rape from more than a dozen (low end) and angry, hating statements from more than three dozen (low end).

If you disagree, disagree with respect and class, not with hate, because hate is the whole reason the world is in turmoil. This blog stayed here, did not go to anyone’s ask box calling them offensive gender based names or swearing nonsensically, so if anyone felt that this blog was attacking them, perhaps you should not come to this url because that was certainly not how the blog was intended. It was created as a source of AMUSEMENT for Catholic girls, not an apologetics blog.

If you say ‘be tolerant of others’ yet are not tolerant yourself, where does that leave the world? Disagree with respect and perhaps some common ground might be reached.

PS I apologize if this post seems condescending. It’s definitely not intended in that manner.

Catholic Girl Problem #50: Be pro-life. Pro-choice ‘feminist’ hopes you get raped.

Catholic Girl Problem #50: Be pro-life. Pro-choice ‘feminist’ hopes you get raped.

Post link


You may purchase the book here. The book is about 150 pages written to persuade readers to stop debating and talking passed one another, and instead, take action together. I think I indentify common ground that makes this possible. I synthesize the pro-life and pro-choice positions not by taking the better parts of each and fusing them into a new one, but by dissolving both perspectives and inviting everyone to adopt a fresh perspective that, while accounting for the insights of both, goes further in paying much needed attention to the issues surrounding the decision to have an abortion. It’s a short, insightful, and hopefully persuasive read. Thank you in advance to all who purchase a copy!

You may purchase the book here. The book is about 150 pages written to persuade readers to stop debating and talking passed one another, and instead, take action together. I think I indentify common ground that makes this possible. I synthesize the pro-life and pro-choice positions not by taking the better parts of each and fusing them into a new one, but by dissolving both perspectives and inviting everyone to adopt a fresh perspective that, while accounting for the insights of both, goes further in paying much needed attention to the issues surrounding the decision to have an abortion. It’s a short, insightful, and hopefully persuasive read. Thank you in advance to all who purchase a copy!



This poor child was dragged back to her abusive mother. I say that the mother is abusive because she watches Sophie get molested by her boyfriend and does nothing. Sophie is screaming for help infront of a CPS worker and the cps worker just ignores her. Spread the word about Sophie.

Friendly Reminder that the Black Lives Matter Organization is not the entire Black Lives Matter Movement. Just like there are several pro-life organizations and not one defines the entire movement. You can support the BLM Movement without having to support the BLM organization.

Friendly Reminder that the Black Lives Matter Organization is not the entire Black Lives Matter Movement. Just like there are several pro-life organizations and not one defines the entire movement. You can support the BLM Movement without having to support the BLM organization.


We’re forcing women to birth children in a country that cannot feed babies or protect children. Tell me again how this whole pro-life thing works?

TW: abortion, rape, sexual violence 

I suppose I should probably start by explaining what I mean by “Pro-choice = pro-life”, before you condemn me as an uneducated idiot. Pro-choice is the school of thought that says that the decision to have, or not have, an abortion is the decision of the individual pregnant woman in question, and pro-life is the idea that any fertilised egg counts as a human life and to have an abortion is equivalent to murder.

“So how can you say they are the same thing?” I hear you say. By removing a woman’s right to choose, you are often condemning her to a life she does not want. I am by no means suggesting that a woman who continues with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy will despise her child, because often she won’t. But she will live a life that she did not want, which isn’t exactly pro-life, is it? So maybe we can start to use pro-life to mean pro-female life, a stance which seeks to value women’s lives and choices.

We are lucky in the UK to live in a country where attitudes to abortion are comparatively modern. It is legal and free for a woman to have an abortion (yay). This doesn’t mean that everyone is pro-choice, and there are still plenty of barriers to this choice (you can read more about this here), but compared to the 74 countries (yes, 74!) where abortion is illegal, except in extreme circumstances, we are pretty lucky.

These countries are:



South America:Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Gustamala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nigaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela,

Sub-Saharan Africa:Angola, Benin, Central African Rep.Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Gabon, Guinea- Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mauretania, Mauritius, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda.

Middle East and North Africa:Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Sudan ®, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

Asia and Pacific:Bangladesh, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka.

Europe:Ireland, Malta.


The Americas and the Caribbean:Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru,

Sub-Saharan Africa:Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe

Middle East and North Africa:Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabi

Asia and Pacific:Pakistan, South Korea, Thailand


El Salvador has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world, partially due to the fact that 67% of sexual violence victims are under the age of 17. The men who commit these crimes can be sentenced to 6-10 years in prison. The victims who choose to seek out illegal abortions to liberate themselves from some of the consequences of these crimes could be sentenced to up to 50 years in prison, five times the punishment of the man who forced her into the situation, if new legislation is passed.

Before you stop me and say “but she chose to get rid of her baby, she could have just kept it, so she’s just as bad”, many of these women are too young to care for a baby and/or not in a position where they could financially care for a baby. Few women, few people, would choose to bring a child into a world where they know that that child will go to bed hungry every night, won’t have clean water to drink, and will never have the chance to go to school, if they knew there was another way.

By introducing these increased penalties, not only women who choose to have abortions, but also the innocent victims of obstetric emergencies, will be punished. Women have already been imprisoned for allegedly attempting to have abortions, when actually their babies were still-born. Perhaps one of the most painful experiences a woman could have, topped off with a jail sentence. As if she hadn’t suffered enough?

If you’d like to try to block this new legislation in El Salvador, and support a woman’s right to choose, please sign this petition, and show you’re pro-(female) life.


[Red Pen: “Ban Abortions! Call your senator!”] [Black Pen: “eat a dick, Abortions

[Red Pen: “Ban Abortions! Call your senator!”]

[Black Pen: “eat a dick, Abortions Are AWESOME!  No Babies? yes plox”]

I found this in my register at work today, and then traded one of my $5’s for it.

Post link

To people asking “Where is the ‘pro-life’ side fighting for Syrian refugees, immigrants, etc.”: When will you realize that “pro-lifers” view pregnancies as punishment for having sex and don’t care about lives at all? When will you learn that “Pro-Life” is and always has been as empty a political euphemism as “All Lives Matter” for which you keep falling hook, line, and sinker?
