#pro woman

stfuprolifers:There are many more being posted on Twitter right now. These are “pro-lifers” applau


There are many more being posted on Twitter right now. These are “pro-lifers” applauding or defending a terrorist for killing three people, injuring eleven, and terrorizing an entire community.

If these fuckers just killed each other, the world would be a much better place. Abortion is not murder. Opening fire on women seeking medical attention and killing 3 sentient humans is murder. Go fuck yourselves, pro birthers.

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“Here I am with Mummy. She’s just finished reading me Frank Kingdon Ward’s In the Land of the Blue P

“Here I am with Mummy. She’s just finished reading me Frank Kingdon Ward’s In the Land of the Blue Poppies. After that, I renamed my teddy bear Meconopsis. I think it’s an awfully good likeness of Mummy, don’t you? OK, just kidding.”

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corsetdiary:Did anyone else remember that the First Woman Presidential Nominee was Victoria Woodhucorsetdiary:Did anyone else remember that the First Woman Presidential Nominee was Victoria Woodhucorsetdiary:Did anyone else remember that the First Woman Presidential Nominee was Victoria Woodhucorsetdiary:Did anyone else remember that the First Woman Presidential Nominee was Victoria Woodhucorsetdiary:Did anyone else remember that the First Woman Presidential Nominee was Victoria Woodhu


Did anyone else remember that the First Woman Presidential NomineewasVictoria Woodhull

“Victoria Claflin Woodhull, later Victoria Woodhull Martin was an American leader of the woman’s suffrage movement. In 1872, Woodhull was the first female candidate for President of the United States.”

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corsetdiary: Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the corsetdiary: Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the corsetdiary: Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the corsetdiary: Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the


Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the 19th century women’s rights movement in the United States, especially the first phases of the long struggle for women’s vote and the women’s suffrage movement

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They say the body modifications of corseting have a similar one one’s organs as the body modifications observed during pregnancy. 

But, where one is concaveing for fashion, the other is growing for life.

#prolife    #pro-life    #fashion    #pregnancy    #9 months    #pro woman    #mother    
It’s not another woman’s fault if you can’t have a child. It’s also not her job to have a child for

It’s not another woman’s fault if you can’t have a child. It’s also not her job to have a child for you. There’s too many neglected children in foster care to even try making this an argument. Infertility really sucks but other women didn’t make you so in order to police your body. Therefore, please stop trying to police theirs.

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