#just kidding

The Northern Watertribe: The Cayman Islands of ATLA! offbeatchina:An ice castle at the entrant of

The Northern Watertribe: The Cayman Islands of ATLA!


An ice castle at the entrant of the 30th annual International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin. A sign hanging outside the sculpture suggests it’s intended to look like a branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the nation’s biggest bank.

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gilliananderson1996: When most people enjoy sports, or hang around on astroturf-covered park spaces


When most people enjoy sports, or hang around on astroturf-covered park spaces for the benefit of an undisclosed charity, they wear some sort of ill-fitting “athletic” apparel, along with sensible footwear that encourages agility, or at the very least, an approximation of stability. 

Not Gillian Anderson.

White platform mules, a mesh (?) sleeveless dress,white ball cap and, naturally, oval rose-tinted sunglasses are a killer choice for signing autographs and drinking frappucinos on a pleasant midsummer afternoon.

I must say I really appreciate when a person stays true to form in terms of their sartorial commitments. Really demonstrates something about their character.

This post was published exactly ONE YEAR AGO and it is entirely still relevant.

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If the dog next door doesn’t stop barking soon I’m going to see what happens when I give it a generous handful of antipsychotic medications.


Each day, I face pure torture. 

Lego on my bedroom floor, crayons on my bed, glitter on my stuff, and worse, CHEETOS on my laptop. Orange, STICKY, no-I-won’t-go-away-with-just-tissue Cheetos. 

I begin to think that kids don’t actually come from heaven. They’re little spawns of evil sent to torture adults until new recruits are sent and they are the ones tortured (finally). 

 And then night comes and I hear their little voices, asking me, “Can you go with me downstairs? It’s dark.” 

It dawned on me that they’re still kids. 

Little humans with legit fears. 

They use teddy bears to help make them sleep better at night. 

They get scared of the dark and whatever they imagine is beyond it. 

They’re vulnerable. 

…and I can still tell them stories that will give them nightmares.  

…I’m kidding. Sort of.

But surprise, surprise! After we boarded, the airplane was hijacked! Don’t you think that’s the worst luck? But surprisingly, a meteorite fell at exactly the right time…well, for a meteorite, it was only the size of a closed fist. Anyway, the falling meteorite struck the hijacker and prevented any further problems. Don’t you think that’s an amazing act of good luck? But…the meteorite also hit my parents,

and they died instantly.

Don’t you think that’s a terrible act of bad luck?

Last night’s workout – sarah and I went to the gym after I got out of work. Got there at

Last night’s workout – sarah and I went to the gym after I got out of work. Got there at 7:30 and stayed til 9:30. 35 minutes of cardio and bis/tris and a teeeeeeny bit of chest.

My roommate got home from a work trip yesterday so we went to dinner after I left the gym and I ordered a SALAD. I never ever eat salads. It was good though.

IG FRIENDS! Follow me : thackeryybinxx

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Маленький мальчик стихи обожает.
Как прочитает, девчонки — рыдают!
Как Маяковский — мечтает о денди…
Сеге, Нинтендо и стаканчике бренди.

Маленький мальчик тащился с кино.
Фильм с Шарон Стоун ему снился давно.
Нарния пряталась прям в гардеробе.
Столько всего, а он… на учёбе!

Маленький мальчик придумал игру
И с кирпичом пришёл на физру.
Первое место за дальний бросок.
Утром он пил свежевыжатый сок!

Маленький мальчик хакером стал.
Пароль Пентагона с ноутбука взомал!
Америка — это не наша забота.
А мальчика Дуров взял на работу.

Маленький Петя любил перемену.
Дёргать за волосы девочку Лену.
А Лене приятно, когда её так!
Девочке нравился Петин рюкзак.

Маленький мальчик нашёл МФУ.
Принтер он выкинул с криками «Фу-у!».
Деньги теперь расходует строже.
Сканит их сам, и печатает тоже!

Every Friend Group Should Include

A bimbo

A mean bisexual

An even meaner lesbian



A token straight that’s on thin ice

An astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized

And a short king



if i saw a ring of mushrooms in the forest i would step inside it actually

“you shouldn’t do that you’ll get trapped in the faerie realm!!!” and? if you knew me you’d worry for the fae

Being part of the fae realm sounds so good right now ngl

Ok, I’m having really serious art-block so I’ll take few sketchy requests, let’s say. 5 slots. It can be anything - your oc, couple you ship (I got few questions about that - yes, it can be Kylux, if you’re still interested - YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE xD), it can be your favourite character from show or book (but I need some kind of description or reference!).

Anyone interested? :D

1- taken

2- taken

3- taken

4- taken

5- taken


Thank you very much for such an interest and for such wonderful ideas, thanks to you I have the opportunity to draw things I don’t normally draw and in that way get some practise, you’re amazing! For now I’m closing the queue and get to drawing requests you asked for but I’ll probably repeat this action in the future so stay tuned! :)

jung-koook: 220529 yoongi will be written down in history books 


220529 yoongi will be written down in history books 

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Tyler obviously has a yellow suit jacket to represent how much the fandom pisses on itself


your tumblr avatar is who you are on the outside, and your discord avatar is your true self

I’ve been exposed

Old Times - Spain 1929 Just kidding :D

Old Times - Spain 1929
Just kidding :D

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