

Herbal Protection Jar

So I recently posted a beginner banishment spell, and so to go along side that I am posting an herbal protection jar.

For this spell, you’ll need…






-Bay leaf


-Black peppercorn


-Sea salt

-Black salt

Cast a magick circle, light your incense and cleanse yourself, your space and all your materials. Make sure to cleanse the lid of the jar as well. Meditate with your herbs, focusing your intention into each one. Then one by one start adding the herbs and salts while saying your intent with each one. Light your candle, close your jar and seal with the hot wax. Focus again on your intent, this time on the whole jar. Visualize yourself being protected. Take down your circle and place your jar some place where it will always be close to you. Maybe on a night stand by your bed.

Blessed Be

Saturn/Lead piece from the “Solve & Coagula” collection inspired by alchemical symbo

Saturn/Lead piece from the “Solve & Coagula” collection inspired by alchemical symbols with a Protection Nornir Bind-Rune. To be completely honest, I haven’t crafted in a while and I miss it. A lot. I am planning a new collection and I am hoping to release it soon. Can you guess the theme(s)? . . . . #underthepyramidstreasures #underthepyramids #portablemagick #portablemagic #greatwork #alchimie #alchemy #Saturnmagic #Saturn #solveetcoagula #runes #runejewellery #runejewelry #bindrune #bindrunes #protectionmagick #heathenry #darkacademia #thegreatgodpan #theoldgods (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8WAB9t-8Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=

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@giachinyeb wearing his Runic Amulet II in Taiwan. I love thinking of all the places my creations ha

@giachinyeb wearing his Runic Amulet II in Taiwan.
I love thinking of all the places my creations have travelled to, already!

Photo by @sunyi.yisun
#underthepyramids #underthepyramidstreasures #portablemagick #portablemagic #runes #RunicAmulet #darkaesthetic #witchaesthetic #witchythings #lichen #protectionamulet #protectionmagick

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