



If you are a witch, and think you cannot afford herbs, crystals, or essential oils  PLEASE visit these sites!! 

Spirit Apothecary

It is BY FAR the best out of any place I’ve seen! Don’t go on Amazon, don’t go on Etsy.  Those sites are grossly over priced.  I see a lot of people trying to sell stuff for WAY MORE than it’s worth and it really makes me mad.  

I mean, $2.50 for an ounce of Lavender flowers from France! 

OR go to Mountain Rose Herbs. You can save $1.00 by buying lavender there.  (They sell it for $9.00 for 4oz.)  They’re prices for herbs are great, too! 

Spirit Apothecary has better prices for essential oils though- for example: Bergamot Essential Oil is $8.00 @ S.A. for 1/3 oz.  it costs $16.50 @ M.R.H. for ½ oz.  That’s over twice the price, but you don’t get twice as much, so I get all essential Oils at S.A.

MRH doesn’t sell, crystals, but SA does.  They are good quality and by far the most inexpensive.  Also they both have a facebook page.

If you really want to buy herbs, oils, and crystals, but think you can’t afford them, PLEASE, PLEASE check these sites out!!

Reblogging to add the Monterey Bay Spice Co.


Note: These are a collection of tips found in various places on the internet and through close friends of mine. While some of these are my own, they do not all belong to me. Most of these did not include a credited author, so I have not included them.

•Mix together Salt and Pepper and sprinkle to prevent trespassing
•Add coffee to a bath to break a curse
•Place sachets of dried rosemary around the home for protection
•Sprinkle around garlic powder to keep evil at bay
•Add lime to your water for protection
•Carry a clove with you for courage
•Mint attracts business - try hanging a sprig above the door to your private workspace
•Place a sprig of thyme under your pillow to bring about prophetic dreams
•Hang a braid of garlic in a sickroom to trap the negative energies
•Put a vial of rosemary water in a sickroom to promote healing
•Stash an onion beneath a sickbed to soak up wandering negative and harmful energies
•Seaweed can be used to ward off evil spirits
•Scatter dried or fresh chilli peppers to break a curse
•Throwing rice into the air promotes rain
•Lilacs rid unwanted spirits
•Black Obsidian is great for scrying
•Stitch sigils into clothes, blankets, etc
•Too Cold outside to storm call? Storm calling / weather magick will work just fine when facing your window and looking out
•When showering, imagine all the impurities and negativity being washed off you by the water, and down into the drain
•The Fae enjoy sweets as offerings the most
•Wear your pendulum as a necklace when on the go
•Use amethyst crystals to recharge your energies. Left Hand - Out with the old. Right hand - In with the New.
•Soups and stews not only are great for healing the body, but they have many magickal properties too!
•Himalayan pink salt can get seriously expensive. Unless you plan on eating it, buy Himalayan Pink Bath Salts. They’re so much cheaper and you can buy them in even larger bags.
•Use coffee filters and elastic bands to make the perfect bath bags
•Use sea salt when sweeping the floor to soak up the negative energies and cleanse your home
•Store your Black Salt in a dark glass jar, away from sunlight.

Feel free to add all you like to this list and share it. Once again, I do not own every piece of information within this post. It is a collection of knowledge found from multiple sources. Blessed Be Dearies!



I get a lot of messages asking for links and information that is actually very readily available online! Here are a few websites that will likely be able to answer most of your basic witchy questions!

⛥ - A favorite site of mine



The Way of The Witch



Pagan’s Path

Cyber Witchcraft

Wicca Net

Everything Under The Moon

The Witch’s Corner

Moon Muses

Wiccan Spells

Witches of The Craft

I also have quite a few masterposts:

Ways To Use Crystals

Plant and Herb Properties by Name

FAQ #1

FAQ #2

Ways To Banish Negative Energies and Entities

Different Types of Water and their Magickal Uses

Crystals/Stones and their Physical and Mental Properties

If none of those websites can help you out there are a TON more that I didn’t have the time to mention. If you have a general question you can always Google search it and an answer should come up!



Personal Posts

Informational Posts

Stones and herbs

Witchcraft Information

Wiccan Information

Spells and Recipes

Psychic Development

Deity Work

Witch Tips


a small list of easy to find magick ingredients!

  • Salt (protection, cleansing, purification)
  • Pepper (protection, banishing negativity, inner strength)
  • Allspice (money, luck, healing)
  • Apple (garden magic, love, healing, wisdom)
  • Basil (love, wealth, sympathy, protection)
  • Bay Leaf (protection, purification, wisdom, healing, success, strength)
  • Blueberry (protects children, keeps out evil)
  • Chamomile (love, sleep, protection, purification, stress reduction)
  • Chili (love, passion, hex breaking)
  • Cinnamon (success, healing, protection, luck, money, power, strength)
  • Cloves (protection, banish negativity, money, love, divination)
  • Dandelion (leaf: healing, purification, wishes, spirit magick. root: divination, wishes)
  • Flax Seed (money, healing, protection)
  • Garlic (health, protection, purification)
  • Ginger (money, success, love, power)
  • Mint (protection, communication, vitality)
  • Nutmeg (money, luck)
  • Orange Peel (abundance, luck, love, happiness, divination)
  • Oregano (health, vitality, joy, justice, defense against evil)
  • Parsley (strength, passion, vitality, communication with the dead)
  • Peppermint (sleep, love, divination, healing)
  • Rosemary (love, protection, faery magick)
  • Thyme (loyalty, love, affection, good luck and psychic powers)

this is not a complete list! almost anything can be used in magick, this is just some of the easiest to find ingredients! blessed be

Some things baby witches should know

Scrolling through witchtok -ew- I’ve come across a ton of misinformation, even some one here. So I’ve decided to put together a small list of things I feel like baby witches should know.

1. Not all spells need to be in a jar

2. Deities don’t talk to you like normal people do

3. You don’t have to be wiccan to be a witch

3. You don’t need to be religious to be a witch

4. Not every herb is safe to burn

5. Most essential oils cannot go on your skin

6. Some herbs/teas can have side effects

7. Do not try to cleanse your outdoor space regularly. Say youre doing a one time spell, yeah sure but nature doesnt need to be cleansed


9. There are other pantheons beside the Greek.

10. The Greek gods are nothing like Percy jackson

11. Shifting is NOT apart of witchcraft

12. Your pet does not automatically become your familiar

13. Entity work/Deity work requires at least 2 years of practice and research IMO

14. Keeping a BOS/Grimoire is not needed but will help you…A LOT

15. You do not need to attend every holiday or full moon


Herbal Protection Jar

So I recently posted a beginner banishment spell, and so to go along side that I am posting an herbal protection jar.

For this spell, you’ll need…






-Bay leaf


-Black peppercorn


-Sea salt

-Black salt

Cast a magick circle, light your incense and cleanse yourself, your space and all your materials. Make sure to cleanse the lid of the jar as well. Meditate with your herbs, focusing your intention into each one. Then one by one start adding the herbs and salts while saying your intent with each one. Light your candle, close your jar and seal with the hot wax. Focus again on your intent, this time on the whole jar. Visualize yourself being protected. Take down your circle and place your jar some place where it will always be close to you. Maybe on a night stand by your bed.

Blessed Be

A quick and easy healing spell I did for a friend today!


[] Jar

[] Incense

[] Lighter

[] Green Candle


[] Chamomile

[] Allspice

[] Bay Leaf

[] Mugwort

[] Pine

[] Amethyst

[] Tigers eye

[] Fluorite

[] Green Adventurine

[] Pink Salt

[] Sea Salt


Cast a circle with all materials needed first. Cleanse a jar with incense (cleanse the lid as well!!). Slowly add your herbs, stating which each one’s one’s property you are using for the spell, next add crystals while stating their properties, then add your salts. Charge your spell with the intent of healing by talking to the spell itself and focusing your energy into the jar. Put on lid and seal with green candle wax. Once again pour your energy into the spell and intent.


Reading candle flames and soot!

tall/strong flame: lots of energy; barriers coming down; quick, happy results are likely.

small/steady flame: less energy (still good!); positive results likely/may be delayed. stay focused on your goals!

small/weak flame: flickering and bending is generally a sign something is not working; timing may be off; asking for something unfavorable; if flame falters and dies, it’s a sign your spell won’t be granted at this time.

high/dancing flame: possible chaotic energy; successful spell, possibly with some complications/other wills may be working against you.

rapidly flickering: dims and brightens; spirits are present; usually indicates success and that your message was heard.

blue flame: a sign of spiritual presence; higher spiritual beings have taken an interest in your spell; power added to the spell.

popping and stuttering: noisy candles indicate that outside forces are present; communication w/spirits; can mean interference or sending a message to you/increase concentration on the spell.

flame suddenly goes out: spell has been extinguished by outside forces; usually means spell did not work; sit and rethink/meditate longer.

candle won’t light: possible wick issue or this spell won’t work for your purposes; the outcome is outside your control; try again after reconsidering your intention and cleansing/smudging your space.

black pieces in wax: (unintentional) black debris signifies unintended consequences; more spell work may be required; karmic baggage/guilt. Try some cleaning up.

black soot on glass: signals negative energy/interference.

black soot on top of the jar only: negative opposition has likely been overcome.

black soot entire/majority of jar: spell unsuccessful; may need to cleanse and repeat work another time.

white soot on glass: rare, represents spiritual communication and assistance.

candle forms tunnel/crater in middle: incomplete candle burns w/lots of leftover wax isn’t a good sign; will/focus too weak; ineffective energy to complete the task; spell blocked.

candle explodes/container breaks/cracks: dramatic endings in candle magick are a sign your spell has been stopped by a higher power and you shouldn’t be doing that spell work; reconsider intention/spell.

wax left in the container: lots of wax left on the bottom or sides of the candle container can indicate blockages to the success of your spell; might need to cleanse space and try again.

I love dropping little blessings into the comments of my friend’s selfies. “May this year be kinder than the last”, “wishing you health and laughter”, “sending success and acclaim your way”: all tiny enchantments ferried along by the miracle of technology.

Sometimes the only witchcraft I have the energy for all week is singing love songs to myself while putting a charged face mask on.

At least with a happy heart and clean skin one night a week I can feel like I’ve achieved something ✨

So cute and helpful!!

So cute and helpful!!

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