


naruto’s back blown out on his own desk?

it’s more likely than you think

Rated: Explicit

for@naruto-smut-monday ’s May 2022 prompts: Kage/Is that a Kunai?

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tematen songfic

submission for @naruto-smut-monday april prompt: “perfume”

Rated: Explicit


want your own fic or fanart? commission me or become a member on patreonorbuymeacoffee



for@naruto-smut-monday March 2022 prompt: Rarepair

I probably should have checked if it was okay to send in two submissions for the same day/prompt *before* I did it but I. Am stupid sorry I hope that’s alright!

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I like to headcanon that Kushina and Mikoto have been “gal pals” since long before Minato entered the equation, and that after they got married she just kinda stuck around as their occasional third until she married Fugaku. Nobody asks what the girls do on their weekend trips together after they’re all married: Minato doesn’t care as long as Kushina still pegs him when she gets home and Fugaku probably just doesn’t care period. And y'know, they all die before Naruto and Sasuke getting together can cause some very awkward issues XD

There’s surprisingly little content of MinaKushiMiko, so I really wanted to throw some out there! Hope ya’ll enjoy it <3

ID and full under the cut⬇️

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orotsu action

@naruto-smut-monday March 2022 Prompt: “Rarepair”

Rock Bottom



Rated: Explicit

want your own fic or fanart? commission me on patreonorbuymeacoffee! memberships also available


February submission for @naruto-smut-monday

Prompt: Ribbons and Pearls- SakuIno/InoSaku

The prompt immediately made me think of Sakura and Ino! Ribbons and pearls on their lingerie, as decoration on their bodies, and as visual appeal in the bedroom ;) I think they’d be all about the aesthetics, learning how to display their bodies for each other in new and interesting ways. Sakura ends up loving the soft pinks and ribbons framing her toned-as-fuck body, while Ino is all about sheers and sparkle to show herself off with a hint of glamour.

want perks like sneak peeks of my work? support me on patreon or become a member on buymeacoffee!

full image and ID under the cut

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