#queues in the slammer




Adult life tip.

Do not buy a cabbage unless you have one of the following:

1. A recipe that uses a whole cabbage

2. 200 recipes that use some cabbage

3. A desire to waste an entire half cabbage

4. A desire to aid your local cabbage merchant who’s struggling financially because so much of their crop was destroyed in a series of bizarre incidents involving a twelve-year-old martial artist.


“are you okay?” NO i’ve been the same height since i was 14





(Via) @/ryanhdlombard


S e n s o r y

Every day I learn that I’ve never had a unique experience in my life


[video by tommcgovern27. original caption: this one’s going out to anyone living in a studio apartment rn]



you know, i’ve always been a little confused about why fuckbuddies-to-lovers fics are my favorites, even though i’m ace. i think i finally understand now, though.

see, the point of fuckbuddies-to-lovers fics is that sex isn’t enough. so many fics end with the characters getting together in a final “we’re finally kissing/having sex!” sort of way. we’re finally complete now! but with sex-to-love fics they’ve been fucking the whole time, but that’s not the part that matters. i guess i just really enjoy the idea that sex does not a relationship make, and all parties are hurting so bad because they need more than just sex.

I assume both slow burn and coworkers to lovers are my faves because of the ace thing. Randomly meeting someone and spending an hour with them and having sex makes no sense to me. Going through years of life or death peril side by side and developing a deep bond of trust then sex, much more logical.


i can’t believe “adults writing fanfiction about teenage characters is kinda creepy even if it’s g-rated” is a take that i have had to read with my own eyes on more than one occasion.

like…buddy. where do you think the source material came from? exactly how old do you think the original creators of your blorbos are? i am begging you to think about this for ten seconds.


moments in tv history







When a “funny” dude likes you and anytime he sees you anywhere he will be like “yoooo wassup it’s Jelissa!” (Or whatever) like “omg Miranda is here whaaaat” for literally no reason why do they do that

They are more likely to do this the more meek and shy they perceive you too. They are less likely to do this if they think you’re loud and confident. Idk what it is it’s not even necessarily bad or annoying it’s just like why.

This is a VERY sweet take and I hope it’s sometimes true

Okay I thought this behavior was annoying before but now it’s actually quite endearing thank you extroverts who want introverts to feel included.

There was a stoner I liked very much when I was playing age of Conan some ten or more years ago. He would roll up into the vent, yell my name and rip a fat one on mic before vanishing again. Always made me feel special. It was like a dog that would greet you by barking as loud as possible and wagging his tail so hard it leaves a dent in the wall when your car rolls up. Everyone was luke warm to cold on him but he was my fucking buddy and I loved him because he made me feel wanted which I sure as shit wasn’t getting at home!!

Eventually I made the decision to start emulating behaviors that made me feel happy and started doing that in other places. To this day my whole discord chants the nickname of whomever joins the call, like a pack of seagulls who just locked eyes on a delicious spare French fry. There’s nothing quite as amazing as walking into a room and hearing a chorus of loved ones drawing out your name like they were going to sweep you off your feet if they could, slash like a pack of feral dogs ready to bowl you the fuck over.

I’ve reblogged this before but fuck does this last story really make it


mystery kids :)

rileyclaw:im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it rileyclaw:im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it rileyclaw:im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it rileyclaw:im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it rileyclaw:im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it rileyclaw:im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it


im very sick right now and had a fever nap dream about this exact scenario earlier and it had to be done before i go to sleep again omg

Post link


That’s it. That’s their friendship.


today’s date is the 3rd? what’s next, the 4th? the 5th? the minor fall, the major lift? 


reblog this and tag with a food you no longer have access to (closed restaurant, state you moved away from, ex’s mom’s cooking, etc) that will haunt you until your dying day, mine are the spicy chicken sandwich on the employee menu at the fine dining restaurant I was a prep cook at, and the onion bagel from the kosher place down the street from my house when I lived in the city


new question being asked from the little bubble I live in! do y’all do “fend for yourself” nights in which there isn’t a meal cooked for the whole household so you have to look in the cabinets and make your own meal (or get takeout if you can) and as the title says, fend for yourself? my friend just informed me that a lady she mentioned doing this too seemed horrified and now I’m curious on like how common it is to have fend for yourself nights for everyone!
