#radical feminst



What really irks me about TERFs and their concept of bio-essentialism is like: your views are just as bad as the patriarchal and systemic views of intersex people, which is so counterintuitive to their position as feminists.

If your stance on “"womanhood”“ is reliant on what part you have between your legs and it’s function you are literally just parroting the "woman are inherently different than men for biological reasons” that the system has been feeding you that you I would assume oppose.

Women ARE inherently different than men for biological reasons.

Women are physically weaker on average than men and the female reproductive system is designed to give birth. These two biological realities made women both easy to overpower, and the only way to create more men.

Feminine gender standards are designed to make women believe they are lesser and that their worth is determined by how sexually submissive and available they are to men or by how many children (especially sons) they can provide for men.

Femininity literally would not exist if women were just as strong as men, or if men could birth their own children.

That is why womanhood is not a gender identity. Womanhood is the state of being part of the oppressed sex, a person whose body parts make them easier to turn into profitable human property. Without feminine gender being imposed upon us, without men controlling, beating, raping, and killing us, we can be every bit as successful and capable as men are allowed to be.

This is why sex matters and gender should be abolished. Sex is the body, gender is the chains.


So, we have this IG account, “Feminicidespar” ( Feminicides By) who counts every woman killed by their husbands, ex-husband, boyfriend ect, every year, voluntarily.

They’ve been under attack those last 2 days because they’re apparently “Transophobic”

The accusations came from the IG account “NousToutes”, an ex feminist account who already harrassed the accounts :

“Tasjoui?” ( Owned by Dora Moutot, féminist writter which account was the first talking openly about female pleasure in France.),

and Marguerite Stern ( Ex-Femen, feminist writter and creator of the Collages Against Feminicid also called “Femmages”), again because they were transophobic.

The reason of the accusations are the exact same for all 3 accounts : they had the AUDACITY of not talking about transwoman.

But the funny thing is :

NousToutes, ( the account who throw the accusations), has decided to stop counting feminicids until the other account ( FeminicidesPar) decide to count also transwoman in their statistics.

Knowing that : since the creation of the account, no transwoman died in the hands of their husband or boyfriend.

Again, why not just creating an account specialized in transwoman murders ?

Because it won’t validate them. They need everyone to compile to them, or they’re scared they cease to exist ( Like Tinkerbell much)

So here we are : In France, the only account who gives us the faces of the victims, who help us remember them, who name them, is possibly gonna disapear, because men didn’t like that they weren’t the center or attention. Again. And that’s sad.

So please, if you are French, go follow IG/@feminicidespar, give them some support ♥️

Also my apologies for the lame writing, English is not my maternal language ! ( Duuh)

Take note gxrls and mainstream media !!!

Wanting a man to treat you like a “princess” is disgusting, abhorrent, and sexist. You’re better than that. You’re better than politeness and gender stereotypes.


I just listened to Yeon-mi Park’s speech about her experience in college.

And I stand by her professor’s statement.

If you’re the type of woman who actually likes having doors opened for you by men …




today is my birthday
every year I wish that women will be free
maybe one day, that will be
until then
I am grateful for the women that fight every day to make that happen
I love you
Thank you





Awareness about Italian DDL ZAN!!!!

DDL ZAN is a law that should protect homosexual and trans people, but has a lot of flaws.

Radfems! I want to talk to you about what is happening in Italy, the Chamber of Deputies passed this law and its now heading to the Senate.

DDL Zan is simply an excuse to implement the SELF-ID and because of the pandemic the government is taking the chance to pass.

If it pass, it will be a disaster because it will implement the “gender identity” and everybody could identify as a woman.

In Italy this would be very dangerous, this country is very misogynistic and anti women, we have to fight for us, because otherwise our oppression won’t be seen as such anymore.

Domestic abuse is a serious question here and I can’t stand to see how being a woman will be considered a feeling.

Radfems make pressure to not pass this, but especially awareness about that.

Our future, Italian women’s future, is at risk.

I can’t accept a law that protect me as lesbian, but not as a woman. If I want, I can hide my sexuality, by I can’t hide my sex.

We need to protect women and I want to protect all of my sister.


It’s not at risk.

In no country where this is working has TERF fearmongering ever come to pass legally. In fact the only people self iding to do the shit terfs are warning about are terf allies are right wingers trying to prove a point no one but they are making.

Misogyny is very bad, especially in the South of the country it’s like being stuck in the 60’s, a woman doesn’t have easy access to an abortion, if we are raped it’s our fault, if we are killed by a man parter everybody will talk about how he was a nice guy.

There is a huge pay gap and unemployment for us is very bad, since one of the first questions we are being asked during a job meeting is if we want children/family, so they can put in trash our job application.

Femicide rates are so high and because of lockdown the reported cases are higher than usual.

A woman knew she would end up dead because of her ex-boyfriend, so she payed HER OWN funeral in advance, this happened in mid February 2021. Translate and read the article.

We are at risk, because DDL ZAN will protect people from gender identity discrimination, which is bullshit because oppression is based on sex otherwise I wouldn’t be fucking catcalled every time I walk down the streets.

This is the tip of the iceberg, if DDL ZAN passes at 99% they will pass a SELF ID law and is pure craziness.

Now I’ll leave here a video.

A video that summarise what us as woman have to endure everyday in Italy. A man catcalled a group of girls of the ages between 15 and 17, he walked out his car and negated he catcalled them.


We have to endure this kind of things EVERYDAY.

I want to talk also about a 22 years old girl who have raped while JOGGING at around 7 in the morning. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON IN ITALY?! Translate and read the article.


Then another one, the other days authorities have found a 21 years old girl that has been kidnapped and raped for a WHOLE year. Translate and read it.


OR a 17 years old girl brutally killed by her 19 years old boyfriend, because he was “jealous”. Her body was burned and thrown down a downhill or something similar. The boy the media has been described as a “nice guy”. She wanted to broke up with him, but she was scared. Translate and read the article.


This is what us Italian women fear everyday, we are oppressed by men who want to control our lives and nobody wants to protect us.

DDL ZAN would be another way to keep us silent and in our place.

I am lesbian, but in first place I am a woman. It’s not fun, but I can hide my sexuality if I feel in danger, but I can’t hide that I am a woman. A law that protects me as a lesbian is useless if I’m not protected as a woman.

I can’t accept to stand quiet and see how all my sister suffer, I am a lesbian, but firstly I’m a woman and a radical feminist.


sorry for grammatical errors

Again while what you and southern Italian women go through is fucking bad the trans effective parts of this argument are literal lies and fucking bullshit.

Which is why you buried it in this fucking stuff.

Again NO actual LEGAL doom/gloom actions that Terfs cite actually happens in ANY legal or political courts in any nation.

OP is outright lying and scamming people vs trans people with horrible acts that have nothing to do with this law and will not change in the slightest way even if they win.

Because it’s bullshit, it has nothing to do with actual fucking trans people.

And she should be ashamed of herself for hurting feminism this much by fucking openly lying this much.

When we can’t give to our oppression a name anymore, we’ll have to suffer even more.

Why should I lie about something that affects me so much.

Gender identity hurts so much women, because classify being a woman as a feeling.

I don’t feel, I AM A WOMAN.

Just say you are a privileged misogynist that has never seen how some women live.

Be ashamed of yourself.

You are closing your eyes in front of a woman that is talking how this law can make my life harder.

How the fuck can I fight for my rights if I’ll be considered a feeling?


what the hell is wrong with tiktok kids

These people need REAL psychological treatment.

I feel so sorry for them.
