#radfems touch


it is an insult to women all over the world and throughout history to suggest they are oppressed because of gender identity. no one rapes someone’s gender identity. they rape and oppress based on biological sex. to contest this is ludicrous.

 “how does people being trans affect you?! let them live their lives!!!”

yeah, not like women are out here loosing their jobs because they refuse to believe in gender identity.

it’s not like we’re literally being told that someone is going to throw themself off a bridge if we call a man a man.

it’s not like transgender activists are vandalizing women’s shelters and rape crisis centres and trying to shut them down.

it’s not like we’re being told to suck “girl dicks” whenever we talk about sex based oppression.

it’s not like word “woman” is being banned in the name of inclusion and diversity.

it’s not like i was told to kill myself because “terfs deserve death”.

it’s not like transgender activists are comparing us to nazis.
