#rain magic


✨ rainy day witchcraft ✨

some little things you can do on rainy days, as a witch ✨

collect rain water in bottles and jars to use later for spellwork

fill a basin with rain water and use it to soak your feet or wash your hair to cleanse

make tea with rain water and any herbal tea blends used for cleansing and renewal

make hot soup, stew, etc. with a little bit of rain water to put intent into your meal

go outside and stand in a downpour, dance in it, jump into puddles, yanno, enjoyit

or stay inside, and meditate to the sound of raindrops on your windows

practice spells concerning renewal, reinvigoration, cleansing

draw sigils with rainwater for protection, calmness, or focus

admire rainbows right after a rainstorm
