#random thoughts with nature


Sorry for not posting in a while… I’m more active on other blogs and sites right now, but I’m dropping in today because I’ve noticed that the Presidential Elections in America have started and people are freaking out.

So, I just wanted to say, whatever the outcome of your election is… Don’t do anything drastic, okay? Things are scary right now. Believe me, the rest of the world is worried, too. But even if the worst comes to worst, please don’t give up. I’ve seen people actually wanting to kill themselves over the election and that’s horrifying. Please don’t. Things are getting bad, yes, but losing you will make it so much worse.

Just hold on there, okay? Even when the dust has settled and a decision’s been made, there’s still a chance for you to fix things and/or make things better. You can still do something to save your country even if the worst comes to worst. 

It’s not the end yet. Things can still change for the better. I and so many people want you to be alive to see that change. To contribute to it.

Signed, a very concerned Filipino person

Eurgh, Tumblr froze one of the GIFs on my last GIFset and now it won’t move :/ It moves on my blog/on edit mode though, I dunno what’s up with that…


ugh I’ve had such a bad week

and because of it I haven’t been able to work on my Org. XIII week entries

I’ll work on them in a while
