

The Problem part is not to be understood too seriously

Actually, this whole video is not to be understood too seriously…

Am I going to regret posting this? Possibly.

I still think it’s important to talk about though.

Sorry for the clickbaity title. I tried to be as sensible as possible in the video.

Very personal opinion that I’m not entirely sure I explained well. But I tried anyway…

The epic (kind of) Hashtag collection of Autism acceptance month hashtags.

There are (hopefully) going to be a lot more video’s this month, and they’ll hopefully be more entertaining than this one… They’ll also all be tagged RI2020Jontje. In case anyone doesn’t want an avalanche of videos.

autism acceptance day is over but this was what i wore for autism acceptance day complete with red light up shoes, red wig (which i also use when i dress up like a karen) and even a red chewy also autism acceptance day may be over but it’s only the beginning of autism acceptance month
