#trans autistic


autism acceptance day is over but this was what i wore for autism acceptance day complete with red light up shoes, red wig (which i also use when i dress up like a karen) and even a red chewy also autism acceptance day may be over but it’s only the beginning of autism acceptance month

Throughout #autgust I will be posting portraits of other Autistic People of Color to celebrate the diversity of autistics and challenge the way society has engrained in us to see autism.

“You don’t look autistic.”

Yes I do.

Here’s Part 1… Everyone in this^ post is a nonbinary autistic person of color. These are volunteers.



(Autistics only)

Welcome to the 2nd annual Autgust! - Autistic Rebellion Month & Autistic Pride Month.

Tired of having an allistic chosen month be all about how allistics should be aware of or accept you?…Tired of allistic feelings being centered and spending a month defending yourself?… Welcome to Autgust! Grab your denim jacket and chew toy and lets ROCK OUT.

The prompts above are just fun suggestions. Celebrate any way you want. This month is for YOU.There are no rules - just rebellion.

Allies can reblog and share, but should not participate.<3

image transcription below:

1. Selfie! (or portrait, etc)

2. Special Interests

3. Autistic Memes

4. Intersectional Disabilities

5. Pets & Service Animals

6. Favorite Autistic Animal Mascot

7. Self Diagnosed

8. Sign Language & Alternative Communication

9. Autigender ⚧

10. Autistic Adults

11. ACTUAL Autism Parents (Autistic Parents)

12. Autistic Kids (4 Autistic Youth to SELF Advocate)

13. Queer Pride️‍

14. Favorite Autistic Characters (& Headcanons)


15. Light

16. Sound

17. Texture

18. Smells

19. Favorite Foods

20. Your Stims! 

21. Flapping Pride


22. Autistics of Color

23. Nonverbal 2 Hyperverbal

24. Introverts 2 Extroverts

25. Autistic Love

26. Neuropunk Looks

27. VENT(Ableists get lost.) 

28. Trans Autistics️‍⚧️

29. Autistic Artists

30. Autistic Writers and Stories

31. Autistic Rebellion

(You know what? Maybe steal september and make it “allistic awareness month”)
