#retail is hell



I feel like the Good Omens fandom should see this, even if it does smack of USA…

Me, popping back into the fandom after a brief break (work’s kicking my ass and other Internet communities I’m part of have been filled with news/drama/etc):

  • Customer demanding a refund for a product that’s passed its return date?
  • Customer insisting you to perform a company service for free on a product they didn’t even buy from your store?
  • Did somebody just tear apart the stacks of merchandise you so carefully just spent an hour folding?
  • Did a customer threaten to report you to the Better Business Bureau because you’re following store policy and not replacing a product they clearly abused/broke, the damage for which is not covered in the signed product warranty plan (which they admit they didn’t read before signing)?

Are you having one of those retail days in serious need of some Gooosfrabah? I’m pretty sure this is the meditation session for you.

“With each breath, feel your body saying ‘Fuck That.’”

There should be a hotline you can call that matches you up with another person who calls so you can vent to each other about what a bad day you’re having and commiserate. Not about therapy level stuff that should be addressed by a professional, it’s just a way to bitch about how much you hate working retail and listen to someone else bitch about the guy who cut them off on the highway so you can both go home and have gotten your frustrations out so you don’t take them out on your actual loved ones.
