#risk management


In the ‘unlikely event’… fill in the blanks. It’s great to be positive when stepping into your dream world and dream business. However, what if everything does not line up; what if rain falls every day for a predictable ‘dry season month; what if all workers catch a virus simultaneously; what if the contractor does not get that ‘sure funding or deposit’ for the job you started? Do you have a…

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[Concerning crossbows, reunions, and missing allies…]


12 Rue Fisserano might as well be empty. It is deathly quiet in an unsettling sort of way.
Alaq'it Moks shrugs awkwardly; the shift she found in her pack is musty and full of sand.
Jenesis Labariel knows they’re supposedly in a safe house, but she is on edge and unable to relax as they walk in.
From somewhere above, A’zaela Linh hears the click of a crossbow bolt setting into place.
A'zaela Linh: Stay back!
Jenesis Labariel freezes, immediately, hands already moving for her lance.
Alaq'it Moks has a knife at the ready at A'zaela’s cry, ducking down.
Ashelia Riot:…A'zaela?
A'zaela Linh throws her arms out and has to stop anyone from entering.
A'zaela Linh ’s ears twitch a few times.
A'zaela Linh:Ashe?
Ashelia Riot:Gods!

Lif Silverlode reaches for her sword and shield, immediately on edge.
Jenesis Labariel relaxes nearly instantly at the sound of Ashelia’s voice.
Ashelia Riot vaults over the side of the loft, still holding the loaded crossbow in one hand.
Ashelia Riot: It’s good to see you all.
Ashelia Riot beams with delight at A'zaela Linh.
Suraja Solveig offers Ashelia Riot a humble greeting.
A'zaela Linh: It’s good not to have a crossbow bolt in me.
Ashelia Riot: And- Jenesis! Jude!
Alaq'it Moks lets out a sigh and puts the knife away, dusting more sand off A'zaela’s knee.
Ashelia Riot: Suraja too, even!
Suraja Solveig nods to Ashelia Riot.
Suraja Solveig: I decided t'come along.
Lif Silverlode exhales, relieved to see the familiar woman, and smiles warmly at her.
Ashelia Riot: And Kiri, I…
Jenesis Labariel: We’re here, old friend.
Ashelia Riot is hoping they’ll have enough room.
Jude Paw:Boss.
Jude Paw raises a hand in greeting.
Jude Paw: Always love a reunion that starts with weapons drawn. Feels just like home, eh?
Ashelia Riot laughs at Jude Paw.
Kiri Kha smiles and gives a small wave.
Kiri Kha: Glad to finally be able to offer help.
Ashelia Riot: I take it you didn’t meet with any trouble.
Priscilla Scaevola notes that as the second time Ashelia Riot has tried to kill her, but says nothing and smiles.
Priscilla Scaevola: Glad to see you safe.
Jenesis Labariel grins at Jude as she removes her helmet with a heavy sigh. Gods, that thing could be stuffy.
Suraja Solveig: Just anxiety.
Suraja Solveig chuckles to herself briefly.
Lif Silverlode: It’s been tense getting here, but we should be safe enough. Ingvald is making sure we weren’t followed.


Ashelia Riot: …I can brief you all as soon as you’re ready. I admit, I’ve no idea what you’ve heard thus far.
Alaq'it Moks: Malla is missing.
Ashelia Riot nods to Lif Silverlode.
Priscilla Scaevola frowns at the mention of Malla, she nods.
A'zaela Linh gets Alaq'it sand on her. She will have to remember to buy her a new shirt. She now feels bad.
Ashelia Riot: Yes. Malla Velius - our Rabanastran contact, and my maternal aunt, is missing after discovering news of the IVth Legion’s activities.
Lif Silverlode nods and can’t help but wonder how why Ashelia’s family members always seem to be in dangerous situations.
Alaq'it Moks: Was she able to pass on that news, or did it go missing with her?
Ashelia Riot: She passed on the news - a confirmed broadcast from official IVth Legion channels. There’s no chance of it being faulty intelligence this time around.
Alaq'it Moks rubs her forehead; A'zaela Linh was right about the sun, and it’s getting to her now, and she sits as she tries to frame another question.
Alaq'it Moks: I do not suppose you can… trace back where she was?
Alaq'it Moks has no goddamn clue how to be undercover.
A'zaela Linh has always been an act and ask questions later type of person, so as per usual, she doesn’t have much to ask.
Ashelia Riot shakes her head.
Jenesis Labariel absorbs all they’re saying, frowning lightly as she processes.
Ashelia Riot: She has gone undercover so as not to lead the Garleans back to us.
Kiri Kha: So this was less she’s captured than she was found out and is staying away?
Priscilla Scaevola: She is good at that…
Priscilla Scaevola tries to smile.
Priscilla Scaevola: I think if they had found her we would know…
Ashelia Riot nods to Kiri Kha.
Suraja Solveig did what she could to learn all she could of this world in the Sandsea’s library, but that wouldn’t help her much here. She remains silent and listens as best she can.
Ashelia Riot:Precisely.
Kiri Kha: Well, that is better than capture at least.
Ashelia Riot: It is. And there are ways in which we can begin to look for her. /And/ for us to act on the intelligence she sent through.
Ashelia Riot: I hope to discuss those with all of you in the morning. For now, please, rest.
Priscilla Scaevola: How are /you/, Ashelia?
Kiri Kha: Is there anything I can do in the meantime? Today’s just been a lot of waiting and travel. Not sure I could just rest at the moment.
Jenesis Labariel nods, strategies and plans already rolling around in her head. She takes a quiet assessment of Ashelia before speaking.
Jenesis Labariel: We are not the only ones who should be sure to rest, my friend.
Ashelia Riot is wearing clothes that show she’s still thin from her encounter with Ultima - but there’s an air of purpose to her, and the smile that lights her face is genuine.
Ashelia Riot: I am well, given the circumstances. I trust the same can be said of you.


Alaq'it Moks flops sideways onto the cushion at that; she’s awake and listening, but seems mildly annoyed.
A'zaela Linh pats Alaq'it Moks’ hair, careful to avoid her horns.
Jude Paw listens in silence, seeming mildly concerned by it all but otherwise determined.
Ashelia Riot: …There are some blankets about, if anyone needs one.
Kiri Kha: Is it safe to leave and be seen outside the room?
Ashelia Riot hesitates.
A'zaela Linh doesn’t like the hesitation.
Ashelia Riot: …For now, I would say no. Not only because of Garlean patrols, but because the Dalmascan Resistance has eyes everywhere. Should they suspect you of being a spy not in their favor, they could take undue action against you.
Kiri Kha frowns and nods.
Alaq'it Moks sits back up.
Alaq'it Moks: Wait.. we must needs hide from both the Garleans… AND the people fighting the Garleans?
A'zaela Linh: I suppose that means I’ll not get much mapping done, then.
Ashelia Riot: It is a complicated, delicate situation… but yes.
Alaq'it Moks flops sideways, again. She hates complicated and delicate situations.
Suraja Solveig was a bit disappointed, but expected this. She wanted to do a bit of exploring but not at the expense of the mission.
Priscilla Scaevola: So treat everyone like an enemy for now. Fun.
Ashelia Riot: Edge will be back from his surveillance run soon. He’ll have more to say as well.
Lif Silverlode: Do we have any idea as to the current strength of the Garlean forces in the region? They had a heavy presence when we were getting here, but it is standard practice in the legions to display significant might at all times, even when undergarrisoned.
Ashelia Riot: Quite strong, with regular patrols.
Lif Silverlode ponders over Ashelia Riot.
Ashelia Riot: I can give you our most updated reports.
Lif Silverlode: Unfortunate. I was hoping that whatever they are planning in Bozja would have drawn more of them away. I would appreciate whatever you can give.
Priscilla Scaevola: The resistance has not been quiet. It would make sense for the Empire to flaunt more of their might.
Kiri Kha: Yeah, and if they have a strong presence here, if we show a strong presence it may put the local population in danger, they would use the people to try and draw us out.
Lif Silverlode thinks on Priscilla’s words, wondering if the Resistance can be used as a distraction, but keeps her thoughts to herself.
A'zaela Linh: And you will be resting, Ashelia? You’ve eight people here now. You needn’t stay up with a crossbow hugged to your chest.
Ashelia Riot looks up at A'zaela Linh with a mixture of amusement and relief in her eyes.
Ashelia Riot: …You’re right. I’ll rest as well. We’ve had one fewer person to keep watch with Malla gone, after all. In that case, I’ll be up in the loft should any of you need me. If one of you could take up watch in the office across the hall…
Jude Paw: I’ll take watch. I need less sleep than most.
Ashelia Riot nods to Jude Paw.
Ashelia Riot: My thanks, Jude.
Priscilla Scaevola: I’ll go find Grumpy Red.
Kiri Kha was about to offer but was apparently beaten to it.
A'zaela Linh: You can switch off with me, Jude. I don’t sleep either.
Suraja Solveig: I’m not in th'slightest tired, so I’ll keep an ear out as well.
Ashelia Riot: Thank you.
Suraja Solveig nods to Ashelia Riot.
Ashelia Riot: I’ll… I’ll speak with you all again soon, then.
Jude Paw nodded in A'zaela Linh’s direction, offering his silent thanks.
Alaq'it Moks: You had better sleep!
Alaq’it Moks fwumps A'zaela Linh with a cushion drowsily.
A'zaela Linh: You first.
Jude Paw: It’s useless to try arguing with this one…
Suraja Solveig stretches.
Lif Silverlode turns her attention to the multitude of books surrounding her with deep interest.
Jenesis Labariel: I’ll share the load. Make sure to conserve your energy.
Kiri Kha: Could away just sneak her a sleep potion.
Suraja Solveig looks around.
Alaq'it Moks grabs the cushion she bumped A'zaela Linh with, and scurries with it to the top of a bookcase.

[In which a drop-off occurs…]

It’s early evening by the time the party arrive at the Prima Vista, with scarcely any time spent in Kugane at all.
Suraja Solveig has been talking Lif Silverlode’s ear off about how pretty Kugane is since they arrived, having never seen anything like it.
Lif Silverlode happily listens to Suraja Solveig’s wonder and passes along as much information as she could about the city’s history and culture, most of which was learned from books.
Kiri Kha hangs by Lif and Suraja, listening to them chat and throwing in a few things she’s learned specifically from living nearby.
Suraja Solveig: And now this place! A theater ship?! Sure I’m an entertainer an’ all, but nothin’ like this…

Suraja Solveig can only wonder what it was like to be part of a traveling theater.
Ivan Amov is mostly fiddling with equipment he brought with him.
One of the thespians of the Majestic, who seems particularly chatty with Priscilla, starts gossiping to the group at large about Malla Velius.
Malla Velius departed /in the middle of costume week/ and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Worse still, their new tailor has been horrible at their job, but that’s not important: most everyone has recognized in hindsight that Malla had some connections with the Dalmascan Resistance during her time aboard the Prima Vista, and several factions at that. A couple of those people have even tried to contact the ship since her departure, all of them calling in great need. More than anything else, though, there’s a sense of worry for Malla among the crew - the sense that despite all that transpired with the stones, despite the highly inopportune timing of her departure, the Majestic greatly miss her, and hope to have her back.
A'zaela Linh smiles gently at Alaq'it Moks.
Alaq'it Moks slinks in closer by Priscilla Scaevola to listen to the intel.
Jude Paw blabbers to anyone who would listen about the intricacies of blitzball.
Nivelth Ajuyn forgot her hat, and she’s angry about it.
Priscilla Scaevola would be glad to chat up and flirt with the thespian to get as much information as possible.
Alaq'it Moks wrinkles her nose at hearing about Malla’s involvement with the costumes.
Orella Steelhand: Can’t say I’m filled with confidence…
Ingvald Bloodhound manages to extricate himself from conversations with the dancers, and goes over to find Orella Steelhand, knowing this will be the last time they’re together in person for a few weeks.
Priscilla Scaevola would retell the information she found to anyone who inquired.
Priscilla Scaevola: I worry that if the resistance is trying to communicate with her means she might not be with them?
Ingvald Bloodhound considers, and nods.
Priscilla Scaevola: Oh I almost forgot!
Priscilla Scaevola hands over a few communication jammers for anyone she thinks could operate one.
Priscilla Scaevola: This should help with people trying to listen in. Rosenheim asked for them.
Orella Steelhand: Good thinking.

Jude Paw sidles up to Jenesis Labariel and whispers under his breath.
Jude Paw: Is it me, or does it seem like we only ever meet when we’re heading off into another fight?
Jenesis Labariel smiles lightly, barely visible beneath the helm’s visor, but he would hear it in her voice.
Jenesis Labariel: An astute observation, my friend - one that, I fear, has been far too accurate of late.
Lif Silverlode graciously takes one of the jammers, looks over it with a surprisingly familiar, appraising eye, and slips it into her pocket.
Nivelth Ajuyn gives Pris a quick nod of thanks, tucking her own into one of her pockets.
Nivelth Ajuyn: Thanks, Priscilla.
Jude Paw eyes the jammers warily. No mind for technology, this boy. He takes one, assuming that maybe Jen or A'z would know how to operate it.
Jenesis Labariel holds her hand out toward Jude, open palmed.
Jenesis Labariel: Here, I can take care of that, she assures him, noting his expression.
Jude Paw: Oh thank Rhalgr. I’m hopeless with these things…
A'zaela Linh spends most of her time going over maps and making sure she has enough parchment for more. Her old maps of Rabanastre are there, but she isn’t sure she trusts their accuracy.
There’s no way to get into Bozjan territory directly, the shuttle pilot explains: the area is either dotted with imperial castra or forests too dense to navigate from above. But there’s a spot along the coast that appears relatively sparse…
Orella Steelhand: Time to go make nice, I guess.
Orella Steelhand shrugs.
Suraja Solveig: Hope y'don’t mind me stickin’ with you, Lif. Don’t wanna be a burden.
Orella Steelhand reaches for Ingvald as the shuttle comes to a halt; before he can extricate his hand from hers and slip away, she pulls his head down to hers, pressing their foreheads together. In plain view of all. And she murmurs in Ala Mhigan.
Orella Steelhand: Be /safe/.
Orella Steelhand kisses him, before letting him go and striding off to leave.
Kiri Kha paces a lot. She has not been in airships often and is not super comfortable so high in the air. Her feet on something solid or not.
Nivelth Ajuyn looks over at Orella Steelhand.
Nivelth Ajuyn: You’re with me, right? Or at least, Hel said so.
Orella Steelhand glances over Nivelth Ajuyn and nods.
Orella Steelhand: You must be her sister.
Lif Silverlode offers Kiri Kha a reassuring smile and tries to make small talk with her in an attempt to distract her.
Kiri Kha smiles and engages in the small talk as much as she may. Happy for the distraction.
As the shuttle touches down upon a sandy tropical beach, half the Riskbreakers aboard depart quickly and quietly; within mere moments, the shuttle departs for its next destination. Using the map which Priscilla sketched, the Riskbreakers make their way into the desert under the cover of night, avoiding all imperial outposts in the region.
Suraja Solveig steadies herself as the airship takes off again.
Kiri Kha tenses up a bit again as the airship takes back off. She takes a deep breath to calm herself before laughing at herself.
Kiri Kha: I’ll charge into a fight no problem, but airships fuckin get me everytime.
Ingvald Bloodhound nods in understanding.
Jude Paw: I don’t like airships, either… Unnatural, to be this high off the ground.
Jude Paw: Uh… No offense to our resident dragoon.
Jude Paw gives a quick glance at Jenesis.
A'zaela Linh also quirks a brow.
Jenesis Labariel grins.
Jenesis Labariel: None taken. Airships are almost like… a second home. How else do you think we learn to handle the strain?
Suraja Solveig: Never been on one m'self so this is a new experience…
Fortunately, the airship soon lands, leaving the remaining Riskbreakers to depart into the desert. A pilot from the Prima Vista takes back over and pilots the shuttle back to Kugane, leaving the Riskbreakers alone in the sands.
Priscilla Scaevola waves and gives a kiss goodbye as the ship leaves them.

[In which travel arrangements are discussed and plans are made…]

Ingvald Bloodhound: You’ve got friends in high places, miss Alaq'it.
Ingvald Bloodhound realizes he made a pun, and coughs.
Alaq'it Moks looks at Ingvald Bloodhound in shock!
Alaq'it Moks: I-What now? Who?
Ingvald Bloodhound: The Majestic Theater Company. They’ve offered to lend us passage to the Far East.
Linini Mooglesworn almost lets out a groan at Ingvald Bloodhound’s words.

Suraja Solveig gazes upon Ingvald Bloodhound in deep reflection.
Orella Steelhand DOES let out a groan at the sound of the Majestic.
Alaq'it Moks: The… oh! The air-ship! Yes, I would say… OH! HIGH!
Alaq'it Moks bursts out laughing at Ingvald Bloodhound, and continues laughing a bit longer than is reasonable.
Linini Mooglesworn: A miracle that they’d deign to offer us passage again.
Nivelth Ajuyn: …Even after all the trouble we caused?
Nivelth Ajuyn remembers the mess she made of disintegrating that poor Garlean’s heart.
Priscilla Scaevola smiles; she would take any chance to get back on that airship.
Suraja Solveig takes note of the amount of people here she hadn’t met yet. A bit stress-inducing, but she’d do her best all the same.
Alaq'it Moks: Well, really, do they not meet much trouble on their own? I think it should be fine, except…
Alaq'it Moks groans, remembering her friend.
Ingvald Bloodhound looks at the two others, whose faces he does not recognize.
Jude Paw raises a hand in greeting.
Jude Paw: Oh, don’t mind us.
Linini Mooglesworn fails to understand Jude Paw.
Ingvald Bloodhound is unconvinced.
Ingvald Bloodhound: You’re… Riskbreakers?
Jenesis Labariel rises from her chair languidly, surprising for such a tall woman with a lance strapped to her back. She extends her hand toward Ingvald Bloodhound.
Jenesis Labariel: Of a sort. My name is Jenesis, I’m a friend.
Jude Paw: A Riskbreaker and a friend of the Riskbreakers, yes. I’m Jude. This is my associate, Jenesis Labariel. We received a communication from A'zaela Linh.
Linini Mooglesworn gazes upon Jenesis Labariel in deep reflection.
Alaq'it Moks perks up at A'zaela’s name.
Ingvald Bloodhound takes her hand firmly, looking between the two - and deciding it’s better not to question them.
Linini Mooglesworn: Ah. I recognize those names. I’ve heard of exploits from both of you.
Jude Paw: We’re here to help - any way we can.
Jenesis Labariel: I have extended my lance a time or two when Ashelia has requested it. A'zaela Linh and I are also….
Jenesis Labariel searches for a word for a moment.
Jenesis Labariel:Close.
Jude Paw: Yes. Close.
Jude Paw sips a mug of something and side-eyes.
Ingvald Bloodhound: …Welcome, then.
Nivelth Ajuyn looks to Alaq'it Moks, wondering if she knows anything about that, but says nothing.
Priscilla Scaevola makes a note of that in her notebook. She wonders about the availability of the spunky Miqo'te.
Jude Paw: We did not mean to interrupt. Please, continue.
Ingvald Bloodhound scans the rest of the bar.
Ingvald Bloodhound: …I think it best to make our way to Kugane.
Suraja Solveig shrugs at Lif Silverlode.
Lif Silverlode nods to Ingvald Bloodhound.
Ingvald Bloodhound: It will be a quick stop, but we should all take the necessary precautions - to avoid unwanted suspicion by the Sekiseigumi.
Jude Paw: I am known to the city guard in Kugane. My work with the HBA takes me there often. My presence will draw no suspicious eyes.
Jude Paw smiles crookedly.
Jude Paw: As for you lot, I could always just say you’re tourists I’m showing around…
Ingvald Bloodhound: That… may be helpful.
Priscilla Scaevola nods.
Priscilla Scaevola: Kugane is a good starting point. While the Sekiseigumi is a pain, so does it hinder our enemies as well.
Nivelth Ajuyn: That might be preferable, given our last misadventures in Kugane.
Kiri Kha: I’ve been to Kugane a fair amount myself. I’m not sure I’d pass for a tourist.
Ingvald Bloodhound: In that case, you could be a guide yourself. Perhaps you can lead those who have yet to visit the city.
Linini Mooglesworn: Just take care not to draw your weapons for any reason.
Suraja Solveig once again enlists Lif Silverlode’s help and whispers.
Suraja Solveig: What’s a Kugane?
A'zaela Linh remembers vividly the sounds of the Bokairo Inn burning. Maybe she should get a haircut.
Jude Paw: In my experience, the Sekiseigumi only answer force with force. So long as we maintain a low profile, I think we should be alright…
Kiri Kha nods to Ingvald Bloodhound.
Nivelth Ajuyn offers A'zaela Linh a humble greeting.
Jude Paw waves a hand toward A'zaela. It’s a very hi, mom kind of gesture.
Lif Silverlode whispers to Suraja Solveig.
Lif Silverlode: It’s a port city in the eastern island of Shishu. It’s one of the few that is open to outsiders like us.
Suraja Solveig gazes upon Lif Silverlode in deep reflection.
Ingvald Bloodhound: Very well. Airships to the Far East leave on the hour, meaning the next departs in… twenty-five minutes. I’ll see you all there.
Ingvald Bloodhound leaves without so much as another word.
Ivan Amov seems lost in thought.
Jude Paw: … Chatty fellow, isn’t he?
Linini Mooglesworn follows him without any fanfare.
Orella Steelhand shrugs, and follows after him without a word.
Lif Silverlode: That’s not a lot of time. I’d better grab my things.
Kiri Kha shrugs. Not everyone is good with words.
Nivelth Ajuyn: So we’re going just like that? I thought– Damn it, I need to pack too.
Suraja Solveig: I’m pretty much ready t'go.
Jude Paw: True enough… Jude shrugs. He kicks a small bag he’d brought with him. It’s almost definitely full of snacks. Good thing I came prepared.
Kiri Kha: I’ve had a bag ready since this was all mentioned.
A'zaela Linh: Hope you’re packed, Jen.
Jenesis Labariel smiles at Jude Paw.
Suraja Solveig nods to Kiri Kha.
Jenesis Labariel moves over to A'zaela and touches her arm in a gesture that’s meant to be affectionate, reassuring.
Jenesis Labariel: I’m ready to go.
Alaq'it Moks knocks elbows with A'zaela Linh.
