#business strategy


Your Business Is Numbers

Your Business Is Numbers

Get Your Business

Many years ago I thought it was good to be out there, meeting customer needs and doing good. That is good on the surface, but seriously, business is a numbers game. If you’re not hitting the numbers and setting targets to keep your business profitable, you will NOT be in business for long. It’s not personal, its just business!

The good ideas, and even greater rewards require…

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Your Success Seat is Waiting…

Your Success Seat is Waiting…

Get Your Business

As you sit in the seat of your success, remember you know what drives you to this place. Everyone has a different chair at the table called success, and the cost of that space is sacrifice. When you eat at the table of success what drove you there may not be what keeps you there. Hindsight is the track you could have taken, but you only get to unlock this after you do what you…

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Strategic Action

Get Your Business

Strategy is the action plan for execution. The action involves choices that will position the business where it needs to be. Its tactical in what is done to achieve goals. Strategy determines where you want to go and tactics – how you get there.

There are many things moving at the same time in business. Operations are not static, but ever changing, adapting to customer/ market…

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In the ‘unlikely event’… fill in the blanks. It’s great to be positive when stepping into your dream world and dream business. However, what if everything does not line up; what if rain falls every day for a predictable ‘dry season month; what if all workers catch a virus simultaneously; what if the contractor does not get that ‘sure funding or deposit’ for the job you started? Do you have a…

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Deep Diving…

Deep Diving…

Get Your Business

The deep dive in business is the gathering for information, to be ready and prepared for negotiations. Its the knowledge and understanding gained which helps to build confidence, based on awareness.

A key aspect of preparing entrepreneurs for building their business, is the importance of understanding their surroundings, profiling and scenario planning. Its uncertainty that…

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Question 30: What’s Next For Visceral Concepts?

A lot, actually. We have some big things planned to add more value for our clients.

This isn’t actually a question we get asked often. However, it’s akin to a question we do: How long do you plan on doing this? When we hear clients ask this, what we’re really hearing is that they need reassured that we’ll be around to help them for longer than their project; that we’re not just a fly-by-night…

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Today’s #Food4Thought: It’s time we #change our #focus to #selling the #product, not the price. #SmallBiz

You’ve been trying for weeks to close a sale with a particular client. You’ve had lunch meetings, played golf, and even went to a child’s birthday party.

#business strategy    #design    #distinction    #employee policies    #information    #product    #strategy    #training    

For today’s #ThrowbackThursday, we talk Sex In Advertising: How Little Has Changed. #tbt

Normally for a Throwback Thursday article we’d be discussing just how much has changed from the past until now. And that was truly my intention when I looked to tackle the topic of sex in advertising. However, as I did my research, I found that very little had actually changed. It’s interesting to me because I had some preconceived notions that our advertising had become moresexual in nature over…

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