#romani ite domum


JustRomanThings by Legio XXI Rapax

Please can all Dido/Aeneas shippers out there tag their posts with “imperialism” and “genocide” because not only is that an accurate description of this DISGUSTING relationship, it forces you to confront the reality of your ship which is built on the blood of the Punic Wars and the cultural and literal genocide of Roman expansion, and I want all of you to feel terrible about shipping this.



I can’t even DEAL right now with these Dido/Aeneas shippers!!!

Don’t you know that by shipping a Carthaginian queen with the literal father of the Roman people is erasing the violence and oppression against the Carthaginians and the genocide committed by the Romans???? By squeeing over Dido and Aeneas you are EXACTLY like Scipio Aemilianus who burnt Carthage for seventeen days.

Every time some Roman fangirl makes a Dido/Aeneas fanwork, Carthage BURNS AGAIN.

Not to mention how abusive the ship is? Aeneas canonically betrays Dido and abandons her!!

The only shipping that should be taking place is shipping these Romans out of Africa

I know right??? SO glad to find someone who agrees with me in a sea of Carthage erasure and genocide apologism. The Dido/Aeneas shippers already feel smug because they were validated by that bastion of Roman imperialism, Vergil.

I can’t even DEAL right now with these Dido/Aeneas shippers!!!

Don’t you know that by shipping a Carthaginian queen with the literal father of the Roman people is erasing the violence and oppression against the Carthaginians and the genocide committed by the Romans???? By squeeing over Dido and Aeneas you are EXACTLY like Scipio Aemilianus who burnt Carthage for seventeen days.

Every time some Roman fangirl makes a Dido/Aeneas fanwork, Carthage BURNS AGAIN.

really-big-clams:ancient-rome-au:@romanrightsactivist look at this tasteless cultural appropriat



@romanrightsactivist look at this tasteless cultural appropriation I saw at the California State Fair last weekend

Ancient Rome is a culture, not a superficial branding strategy ugh

@romansocialjustice can Roman culture be appropriated?

Of course it can’t. Roman culture is BUILT on appropriation from OLDER and BETTER cultures (Greeks, Etruscans, Carthaginians, YOU GET THE PICTURE). Oppressed masses living under Roman rule adopting symbols of the dominant culture that were FORCED on them is just the tragic process of assimilation

Any Romans upset about this can stfu!!!!

Post link






I had to make a blog to educate them.

Follow if you are sick about how the conquered people look down on us after we’ve done so much for them.

Educate me to my FACE mentula not online see what happens!!!!!!!

Oh, I will. And you know how I’ll get up there? Using this…

Which I remind you we built for you.

By “““we”““ I assume you mean ROMAN SLAVES?????

Also the road system is completely based on Rome’s needs and not those of the local population, that’s why all roads lead to Rome

Wow this just got personal. Where did Pax Romana go?

The same place it’s always been, an excuse to trample all over less powerful peoples in the name of self-defence and peace!!!




I had to make a blog to educate them.

Follow if you are sick about how the conquered people look down on us after we’ve done so much for them.

Educate me to my FACE mentula not online see what happens!!!!!!!

Oh, I will. And you know how I’ll get up there? Using this…

Which I remind you we built for you.

By “““we”““ I assume you mean ROMAN SLAVES?????

Also the road system is completely based on Rome’s needs and not those of the local population, that’s why all roads lead to Rome


I had to make a blog to educate them.

Follow if you are sick about how the conquered people look down on us after we’ve done so much for them.

Educate me to my FACE mentula not online see what happens!!!!!!!


date a roman who…

  • upholds the mos maiorum
  • is cool with worshiping your gods, too
  • can tell you everything the Romans have ever done for your province
  • can tell you everything your province has ever done for Rome
  • doesn’t laugh at your accent when you speak Latin
  • makes an equal effort to learn your language
  • is committed to resisting barbarian invasions
  • doesn’t participate in palace coups or civil wars
  • performs his/her civic duties gladly
  • pays his/her taxes
  • has ascended suo anno through the entire cursus honorum
  • will instinctively form a testudowith two dozen other random countrymen if you give them tower shields and start shooting arrows at them
  • favors the same color as you at the chariot races
  • has an education in the triviumand the quadrivium

Sadly there is no such Roman. They are too blinded to their own privilege.

Other people guilty of cultural appropriation: Romans who display genuine Greek red-/black/figure pottery and act like they’re so ~~~cultured~~~~~ (and, y’know, stinking rich) to have it. I BET YOU STOLE IT, STOLEN FROM ITS RIGHTFUL OWNERS IN GREECE!!





I call on all my followers to resist the prescriptivist, ethnocentric standard of written Latin! There is no point writing Latin in a style that froze somewhere in the late Republic and was spoken by upper-class Romans like Cicero et alia. Why do we force these classist restrictions on ourselves and write in standard, ““good”” Latin? There is nothing GOOD about a standard which silences the common people!!!

I beg of you, don’t write “Marcus mihi librum patris dat,” use the language of the PEOPLE and write, “Marcus mi da libru de patre.” This is SO important!!!

Hahahae! Itaque significasne…


Vero me bene noscis, ita meum consilium est. ;DD

Bydda i yma efo fy iaith Gymraeg.

Alla i ddim siarad Cymraeg yn dda. :( Mae mam hi’n siarad Cymraeg ac mae anti hefyd (mae hi’n dod o Gogledd Cymru a hi’n gweithio yn Llundain nawr).



I call on all my followers to resist the prescriptivist, ethnocentric standard of written Latin! There is no point writing Latin in a style that froze somewhere in the late Republic and was spoken by upper-class Romans like Cicero et alia. Why do we force these classist restrictions on ourselves and write in standard, ““good”” Latin? There is nothing GOOD about a standard which silences the common people!!!

I beg of you, don’t write “Marcus mihi librum patris dat,” use the language of the PEOPLE and write, “Marcus mi da libru de patre.” This is SO important!!!

Hahahae! Itaque significasne…


Vero me bene noscis, ita meum consilium est. ;DD



I call on all my followers to resist the prescriptivist, ethnocentric standard of written Latin! There is no point writing Latin in a style that froze somewhere in the late Republic and was spoken by upper-class Romans like Cicero et alia. Why do we force these classist restrictions on ourselves and write in standard, ““good”” Latin? There is nothing GOOD about a standard which silences the common people!!!

I beg of you, don’t write “Marcus mihi librum patris dat,” use the language of the PEOPLE and write, “Marcus mi da libru de patre.” This is SO important!!!

Look at this vulgar, barbarian scum.

esne natus(/a) in horreo? tam asper(a) es!

I call on all my followers to resist the prescriptivist, ethnocentric standard of written Latin! There is no point writing Latin in a style that froze somewhere in the late Republic and was spoken by upper-class Romans like Cicero et alia. Why do we force these classist restrictions on ourselves and write in standard, ““good”” Latin? There is nothing GOOD about a standard which silences the common people!!!

I beg of you, don’t write “Marcus mihi librum patris dat,” use the language of the PEOPLE and write, “Marcus mi da libru de patre.” This is SO important!!!

Friendly reminder to all the Mithras-worshipping soldiers out there that Mithras is a PERSIAN cult which originated in a FOREIGN LAND. You are not worshipping a Roman, you are worshipping a PHYRGIAN “”””BARBARIAN”””””. Think of that next time your commander exhorts you (with bonus xenophobic tirades) to attack the Persian Empire!!!! Is this what Mithras would want??????

  • Gallo-British torcs, reproduction or original. They’re a symbol of HIGH RANK, worn by NOBLES, not some upper-middle class kid from the suburbs of Rome
  • Vintage togas that haven’t been in fashion since the Julio-Claudian dynasty, mostly because they’re ugly
  • Armenian hats worn by people who’ve never been further east than Corinth
  • “““““Traditional”“““““ handicrafts from ““““Galatia”“““ which are actually made by three Libyan women crammed into an insula room somewhere in Tarentum
  • Using Oscan words in Latin to ~honour your ancestors~ (or to show off how well-read you are!!!)
  • Women wearing the toga “ironically” and appropriating from sex workers
  • Obsession with Romanised Persian food and acting like you’re politically subversive for liking it

All these Latin prescriptivists complaining about casual Latin and how wrong it is are awful. I mean, just look at this shit:

“auris non oricla” “neptis non nepticla”

The fuck is wrong with diminutives I ask you? It makes Latin sound adorable. But no, we have to speak it with TOUGH MANLY forms and none of this GIRLY DIMINUTIVES. Sounding like anything less than a hardass Roman is clearly demeaning.

When you, your sisters, your aunts and your grandmother are all called Julia and someone calls one of you to the atrium, there is a stampede
