#ron x hermione



Four Second Kisses

For the LAST FIC of trope fest, we got you not one, not two, but FOUR SECOND KISSES! Enjoy this treat from @accio-broom!

AND THANK YOU for reading, commenting, reblogging, following, and submitting! Stay tuned for a feedback form <3


Fic Title: Four Second Kisses
Author Name:accio-broom
Selected Trope: Second Kiss
Brief Summary: Hermione and Ron try their best to find time alone to enjoy their second kiss, but life and war keeps on getting in the way.
Word Count: 4826
Rating: T
Any Trigger Warnings: Minor swearing, mentions of war and mourning.

Dusk descends on Hogwarts, shrouding the castle in grey gloom. Although the war was over in the early hours of the morning, fires smoulder across the grounds, and a thick blanket of dark smoke still lingers. Ash floats through the stagnant air in the Great Hall like tiny fairies, catching in every one of Ron’s deep breaths. It fills his mouth with cotton wool. He’ll never be able to wipe the bitter taste of fire and decay from his memory.

  Not that he wants to. Why should he have an easy life when so many have lost theirs?

  The weight of a hundred giants press on his shoulders, exacerbated by the weariness caused by a year on the run. His bones ache as if they’ve splintered into a thousand pieces, both from the efforts of the battle and the grief from losing so many people.

  Tonks. Lupin. Colin. Fred.

  A strong urge pulls at him. Ron should be with his family, checking everyone else is okay, comforting his mum. But at the same time, he knows he should be helping with the clean-up effort, or making sure Harry is safe. But despite the long list of should-be-doing’s, Ron sinks into a dark, quiet corner of the hall, out of sight from everyone else.

  Closing his eyes, his head droops against the smoke-blackened stone wall. Even though the room is still a cacophony of noise and commotion, he drifts away, too tired to worry about what might happen next.

  Ron’s stolen moment of peace doesn’t last long. As the tendrils of sleep drift into the deepest corners of his mind, luring him towards the nightmares he knows will haunt him tonight, a weight plops next to him. The instant warmth that comes with it, the brush of a shoulder, a pair of hips snapped snug against his can only be from one person.

  “I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” he mumbles without opening his eyes. 

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Ahhhh so so beautiful All. The. Feels.


Only the Beginning

Have a second kiss!


Title: Only the Beginning
Trope: Second Kiss
Brief Summary: Everyone’s hurting in the aftermath of the battle, but perhaps Ron is hurting the most. Hermione does her best to comfort him as she grapples with what comes next.
Word Count:1012
TW: Mentions of death, blood, and war.
A/N: Inspired by this fanart

Thank you Be11a for putting this together!


I’m obsessed with the thought of you here in my bed
I’m in love with the back of your head
And the way you pull me closer
No regrets, no clothes, no money, no friends
Nobody to say it won’t last
Will you love me ‘til I’m older?
~Older [Lea Heart]


The word replays over and over in Hermione’s mind as she takes in the hollowed face staring back at her. She’s a shell of her former self—cheekbones so severe they may cut straight through her skin and eyes sunken in from how much weight she’s lost on the run. Even her hair is thin and stringy; damp ringlets cling to her neck and shoulders.

Despite washing off all the dirt, grime, and blood, she doesn’t feel clean. Death surrounds her and exhaustion seeps into her bones. She needs to move, but it’s impossible to pry herself away from the entrancing effect her reflection has.

That is, until the door to the boy’s bathroom creaks open. Hermione turns to see Harry closing the door behind him. 

“Alright, Hermione?”

She nods and her voice is hoarse when she speaks. “Just finishing up.” 

“Right. I’m going to shower. Ron’s out there.” He gestures to the door, answering her question before she can ask.

“How is he?”

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All the feels straight to the heart! ❤


We love Bjorn’s take on Romione at Bill and Fleur’s wedding!


Artist: bjornthorsson20

Selected trope: DH Missing Moment (Dancing at Bill’s wedding)

Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione are dancing, and Ron notices Krum watching them from afar, as Ron proceeds to smirk at him triumphantly.

Beautiful art of one of my favorite canon Romione moments


The Harsh Reality

And our second fic today is a lovely missing moment from @mertronus!


Fic Title: The Harsh Reality
Author Name: Mertronus
Selected Trope: DH Missing Moment
Brief Summary: Ron enjoys an intimate moment with Hermione in the tent…
Word Count: 809
Rating: M
Any Trigger Warnings: none

Ron smiled, his eyes still closed as he ran his fingers up the thighs that were straddling him. When his hands reached her pert bum, he gave it a long squeeze - something he’d longed to do for so many years.

“Mmmm,” Hermione hummed near his ear. Her lips seemed on a mission to kiss each and every freckle along his neck and jawline, and he was quite content to allow it.

“Oh, ‘Ermione,” he groaned.

When her lips finally found his, he sank into the kiss as if he needed her to breathe. Her hips ground down on his and he knew she felt his prick as it reached for her, ached for her. He pulled his hands away from her arse reluctantly, wishing he had several hands as he had so much more of her to explore. He spread his fingers across her slender back pulling her into him as they deepened the kiss. He was drowning in her taste, scent and just everything Hermione, but oh, what a way to go.

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loved the bit at the end, these twoooo


Bedknobs and Breadcrusts

Let us know how much you LOVE this second kiss from CowahBull!


Fic Title: Bedknobs and Breadcrusts

Author Name:CowahBull

Selected Trope: Second Kiss

Brief Summary: The War is over.  Voldemort is dead. And Hermione still doesn’t like the crust on her sandwiches.

Word Count:989


Any Trigger Warnings:None

Ron crawled into his four-poster bed more exhausted than he could ever remember. They won. The war was over. Voldemort was dead. Relief rushed over him as he pulled the blankets up over himself and fell fast asleep.

He, Harry, and Hermione slept in the Gryffindor boys’ dormitory until the sun rose once again through the window in the corner. Ron opened the curtains to his bed to see a small tray of sandwiches and pumpkin juice resting on the bedside table. “Ugh, corned beef,” he said to himself, shaking his head as he took his first bite. “Mum must have sent these up.” He turned his attention to the bed to his left and saw a bushy brown head emerge from behind the curtains. A smile spread across his face as he locked eyes with Hermione and he held out the tray of food to her. Hermione moved to sit next to him on the edge of his bed and took one happily as they ate together.

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This was the perfect post-war fluff


Birds, Friends & Lovers

Have a Sixth Year AU from @mertronus!


Fic Title: Birds, Friends & Lovers
Author Name: Mertronus
Selected Trope: 6th Year AU
Brief Summary: Moments after the great bird attack of 96, Ron goes after Hermione to confront her. Based on the classic Ross & Rachel moment: “you’re over me?”
Word Count: 656
Rating: T
Any Trigger Warnings: none

Ron stood still for a moment once the birds had all vanished, seething. Without another word to Harry, he wrenched open the classroom door and took off after Hermione, ignoring Harry’s call and sidestepping the waiting Lavender. 

He caught up with his so-called best friend halfway down the next corridor.

“What the ruddy hell was that Hermione?” he almost roared as he spun her around, pinning her against the wall. “You…birds…are you mad?!”

Hermione, who had tears streaming down her face, tried to get away from him but he wouldn’t let her. “Maybe I am!” She finally screeched. “Now let me pass before I do something much worse.”

“What have I done?”

“You mean aside from the awful way you’ve been treating me the last few days?”

“So that means you pin some ruddy birds on me?!”

They were toe to toe in the empty corridor, tears gone and neither backing down from the fight.

“Be happy it was only birds Ronald Weasley, because you know as well as I do that I can do much worse.”

“Brilliant! Some best friend you are!”

“You want to talk about best friends?! You’ve been acting like the worst kind of friend!”

“At least I didn’t attack you with magical birds!” Ron roared.

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Love love love this and the Friends reference was just perfect


Enjoy this Second Kiss from @sp0okynerd!


Today Is Not Real 

Name: Caity or AccioTardisKey on A03

Trope: 2nd Kiss

Brief Summary: A simple and sweet reflection on the morning that follows the war. 

Word Count: 1.3k

Rating: T

Thanks to adenei for betaing  

Dawn broke, cascading the light of morning across the castle land. The fresh dew sparkled and from a distance it made it look like everything was new again. The sky was painted with splatterings of pink, blue, and yellow. It’s strange how mornings like this can follow such horrid events. A beauty that was both needed and scary.

So much loss had happened here. So much it made Hermione’s stomach twist. The thoughts of the last 48 hours of her life played in a loop in her head. She shouldn’t be here, none of them should, and yet all three of them had survived. 

She had never given much thought to what would come after or what would be the next step after Voldemort was defeated. She spent so much of her time wondering how they would get to this point, but there was no plan for what would come after. For once, Hermione felt truly lost, with no sense of direction.

She found a spot to sit near the bank of the lake, and reminisced briefly on when she would come here during the school year to study or relax. Often, the boys would join her, and it was in those moments that she was able to set some of her weighing thoughts down. The amount she used to worry about Arithmancy or Ancient Runes seemed silly now. Back then she felt like a girl, but in the aftermath of the war, she felt older than ever. She had been through things that aren’t typical for the majority of teens, and she wondered if she’d ever feel her age again. 

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Such a sweet and beautiful interpretation of a second kiss ❤


Have another Stuck Together! We hope you love it!


Fic Title: A Very Pasteful Plan

Author Name: cheesyficwriter

Selected Trope: Stuck Together

Brief Summary: Finally fed up with his two best friends and their constant bickering, Harry joins in on a plan to force Ron and Hermione into close proximity…whether they want to or not. 

Word Count: 1,329

Rating: T

Any Trigger Warnings: N/A

A/N: 5th Year AU that will be told entirely from Harry’s POV. Split into two chapters.

A Very Pasteful Plan

“I know exams are coming up, Hermione. You’ve only reminded me five bloody times!”

“That’s rubbish! I wouldn’t haveto remind you at all if you would just follow the study schedule I’ve drawn up.”

“I don’t need a study schedule, or color-coded notes, mind you.”

“Oh, well, I suppose I shouldn’t even bother anymore.”  

Harry groans, massaging the deep crease in his temple. He’s not sure how much longer he can remain apathetic to the nonsense spewing out of his best friends’ mouths. They’re making a lot of noise in the center of the Gryffindor common room for two people talking at each other—not to each other, per usual.

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Last one from me! Stay tuned for a second chapter (eventually )


Not a Last Resort

We can’t get enough of #fakedating! Enjoy this take from @mina-roman!

Fic Title: Not a Last Resort
Author Name:Mina_Roman
Selected Trope: Fake Dating
Brief Summary: Hermione tells a fib when she gets asked to the Slug Club’s Christmas Party
Word Count: 2,771

* * *

Part I: The Lie

As Hermione perused the aisles of the library, running her fingers down the leather spines of books, she became lost in her own thoughts. After an early rise this morning, she’d finished the ten inches for Defence Against the Dark Arts, revised her Ancient Runes translation, and gotten started on her Arithmancy reading—and she would still be able to meet Ron and Harry for a late breakfast in an hour. Finally, her eyes halted on the copy of New Theory of Numerology, Vol. II that she’d been looking for. Pulling it off the shelf, she flickered through its pages, absorbing the information as her fingers hovered over key names and theorems until a shadow caused the words to disappear. 

Hermione looked up and frowned at the sight of Cormac. 

“Hey, Granger.” 


“I thought I’d find you here. You always have your nose in a book. Or your hand on one.” Cormac flashed her a pearly-white smile as if he’d taken lessons from Professor Lockhart. “So, the Slug Club’s Christmas party is around the corner. I’m single, and I know you are too…” When Hermione didn’t reply, he added, “Come as my date.”

“No.” Realising how curt she sounded, she forced a small smile. “I can’t.” 

It wasn’t the first time she’d been asked to a dance by someone she hadn’t wanted to go out with. When Viktor had asked, Hermione hadn’t processed that he was asking her as his date. Lost in the moment, she’d stuttered out a yes though her heart had cried out against it. Then Neville had also asked, but turning him down had come easily because she already had a date. Ron asking was different. Her stomach had squirmed with the admission of the truth and how much she wished it weren’t the case. But still, she knows now that her pride would’ve kept her from agreeing as he never had truly considered to even ask. 

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Eeek!! So perfect in so many ways, Mina ❤
