#roy harper x reader imagine


Honestly, my writing skills have probably deteriorated from the lack of writing lately but special shoutout to @half-superhero! Happiest of birthdays and I hope this was to your liking! I tried keeping it close to your request but everyone knows that I tend to stray far from what’s requested so I really do hope you enjoy this!


You wake up to the sound of barely hushed whispers of Roy… and your brothers? Your eyes widen in surprise when you realize, yes, those are your brothers whispering about with Roy! Groaning at how your sleep has been disturbed, you simply push the covers away from your body – thankful that you had the thought to put on some clothes before heading to bed last night – and stumble off the bed, heading to the living room.

“You guys are too noisy. Can’t a girl at least get some peace and quiet on her birthday?” You grumble as you lean against the doorframe, looking at Roy and Dick and Damian. Roy looks like a deer caught in headlight and Dick is looking at you sheepishly while Damian simply stares at you, crossing his arms at your words. “If this is about surprising me, you know I don’t really want any surprise, right? Just a nice lunch or dinner with all of my brothers present would be nice.” You stare at Dick who clears his throat and nods his head.

Roy gets up from the couch and heads over to you, wrapping his arms around you. You lean against his chest, pushing your nose to his neck, breathing in his scent. Roy and you have been dating for a while now and honestly, pursuing him and convincing him that he was good for you and you for him had been one of the best decisions you have ever made to date.

He presses a kiss to your temple and a smile appears on your face as you look at him. “Happy birthday, Y/N.” Roy stares at you with so much love that your cheeks start to blush and the smile on your face widens. “I’ll give you your present later okay?” He whispers, placing a kiss on your lips and you wound your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deeper.

“Tt.” Damian rolls his eyes. “I think this is our cue to leave the apartment, Grayson.” He points out, looking at Dick. Dick chuckles, nodding his head, glancing at Roy and you.

You pull back from the lack of air and stare at your brothers. “I’ll see the two of you later for lunch?” Glancing at the clock, you still have about four hours before lunch, giving you ample time to just laze around.

Dick nods his head. “Alfred’s making all of your favorites so don’t be late. And I’m saying this to you, Roy. Make sure Y/N gets to the manor on time.” You pull away from Roy and head over to where Dick is to give your big brother a big hug, pulling an unwilling Damian into the hug as well.

“Happy birthday, Sister. I wish today be as what you expect it to be.” Damian tells you once you release him from the hug and you had to resist the urge to hug him once again because knowing Damian, he might avoid you for the rest of the day and you definitely did not want that! He has yet gotten used to your displays of affections.

After exchanging a few more words with Dick and Damian, the two of them left your apartment and you turn to Roy who is still staring at you. You furrow your eyebrows. “What?”

Roy chuckles under his breath and shakes his head. “Nothing.” He pulls you over to him and wrap his arms around you. “Do you want breakfast in bed or should we go out for pancakes?”

Your eyes light up at his suggestion. “Oh, can we go have pancakes? Please, Roy?”

Roy chuckles, nodding his head. “Somehow I knew you were going to say you want pancakes so get your butt in the toilet and shower. I made reservations!” Squealing at his words, you give Roy a quick kiss and rush to the toilet.

Your breakfast date with Roy had been an amazing one! Roy managed to surprise you with your favorite flowers, chocolates and even got you a pair of tickets to this concert you have been wanting to watch – it also happened to be the same concert you couldn’t manage to get a ticket to! – and you honestly thought nothing could make you happier. That was until you reached The Manor.

The living room was nicely decorated – there were photos from when you were a tiny baby to your toddler years to your early teens, so on and so forth, hanging on the walls from the living room all the way to the dining room. You knew Alfred liked taking photos of everyone (for memories’ sake) but it was really a surprise to see just how much love you received from everyone you are surrounded with. There were even photos of Roy and you and as soon as you got to the dining room, a chorus of “SURPRISE!” greeted you.

The tears that you had been struggling to hold back finally fell when you realize that not only is Jason present and not about to throw a threat or two, Barbara, Cass and Duke are all present as well. Stephanie is beside Tim and Bruce has a small smile on his face. Roy nudges you slightly when he realized that you had stopped walking.

“Come on, Y/N.” He pulls you in the dining room. You hastily wipe away the tears, not wanting to cry anymore on your birthday! The first one to greet you had been your dad, Bruce.

He smiles at you so warmly and suddenly, you feel as if you were still that small girl, trailing after Bruce and Dick. He gives you a hug, one that you melted right into and hugged him just as tight. “Happy birthday, Y/N. Your present is being delivered to your apartment right as we speak.” He mentions, and you grin at him, wondering what your dad had gotten you.

“Quite hogging her, Old man!” Jason grumbles as he steps up right behind Bruce. Bruce merely chuckles and releases you from his hug, stepping away to give Jason some time with you. He ruffles your hair and you laugh, not even caring at how Jason is easily messing up your hair. “Is Harper treating you alright?” Jason glances at your boyfriend and you grin, nodding your head.

“Roy treats me with respect and love, Jay. I am so lucky to be with him.” You tell him earnestly and Jason nods his head. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a really nicely made bracelet. “I made this for you.” He places the bracelet on your hand. “Try not to break it, okay?” He teases you, knowing how often you lose your jewelries or break them in frustration.

Before you could even form a reply, Alfred walks into the dining room with a two-tiered cake and this also almost made you cry once more. The cake was beautifully decorated, and you can see from how messy it was, your family definitely had a hand in decorating it too. When Alfred brought the cake closer to you, you almost choked on your breath because of the wordings on the cake.

With teary eyes, you turned to look at Roy only to find him holding up the ring that was missing from the velvet box perched on top of the cake. Roy looks at you. “Y/N, I’m really bad with words and I had a speech prepared and all, but I just can’t remember any of it right now so I’m just going to go at this.” He swallows nervously. “Will you marry me?”
