#rp search



1. The rain hadn’t stopped for hours now and gave no sign of letting up anytime soon; it seemed like this wasn’t going to be a short visit after all. It wouldn’t be safe to send him out in such a storm so he would have to stay the night. The evening chill only grew stronger as she stared at him, uncertain of what to say.

“Would you like some tea?”

2. He didn’t know what to do, there was blood, so much blood. The worst part? None of it was his and he couldn’t remember a thing

3. The chief had said that she had never seen a case like this in all her years on the force, so of course it was my first one as head detective. There were no clear leads, and the only solid pieces of evidence was a scrap of fabric no bigger than my thumb and an incomplete set of playing cards.

4. A man sidles up to a woman in a bar. Little does he know she’s an undercover cop following him.

My Ideas:
1.  Someone walks away in the middle of an argument

2.  It all starts with an unusual compliment

3. Call from a stranger at 4 am

4. OC or canon lost the last 24 hours of memory

5. Police burst in and arrest oc or canon

6. By the time this party is finished, x people’s lives will be changed forever.

A woman in her early thirties, who is very selfish.
A man in his early thirties, who is very overbearing.
The story begins in a church crypt. Someone is driven out of their home.
It’s a story about learning from mistakes.
Your characters need a good plan in order to survive.

Main tag: #ideas master

Look what I found 


I’m in desperate need of more wolfstar RPs. Preferably AU (magical or muggle) but I could be talked into canon-based. I usually prefer to play Sirius, but I can play Remus, too. I prefer to RP over Discord, but if you ask me about using a different platform, I’ll consider it.

I do have one plot that I started a while ago with a partner but it never got fully fleshed out - basically it’s a modern-day muggle AU where the Blacks are the British royal family, with Sirius as the crown prince. Remus is just a normal working-class guy. Sirius is in the closet to nearly everyone because his parents refuse to let him come out. Somehow, he and Remus meet without Remus realizing who he is at first (in the previous version, they met on Grindr, but if you want to do something different that’s fine!) and they hit it off and start dating despite needing to keep it a secret from the world. Meanwhile, it turns out that Sirius’s parents are planning an arranged marriage for him and pressuring him into acting more like them in preparation for when he’ll take the crown. And there’s a bunch more drama we can incorporate into it, both for Sirius and for Remus.

That’s just an idea, though, and if you have another plot/prompt you’d like to explore, still let me know!

Message me if you’re interested! Oh, and please be 18+, I’m not comfortable RPing with people under 18, as I’m in my 20s.

Still looking!! Please message me if you are interested!
