#saeran after ending


Anyone else buy the Saeran Passport merch and receive it? I did and I wanna chat about it

~ Lily of the Valley ~



Return to Happiness

You’ve Made My Life Complete


The Jumin praying scene is absolutely the most powerful and well-written piece of this after ending so far. Wish they had brought this energy through the whole thing because damn. The growth, the heart, the character, the emotion. Fantastic

One of my biggest issues with this after ending is the overuse of “love” and “i love you” to a point that it becomes hollow and meaningless.

Then, BAM, this scene comes out of nowhere and so beautifully and meaningfully breaks down what it is and what it means to love.

This was so much more powerful than the onslaught of text from Saeran repeating “my love my soul i love you” without any real heart or understanding behind it.

The Jumin praying scene is absolutely the most powerful and well-written piece of this after ending so far. Wish they had brought this energy through the whole thing because damn. The growth, the heart, the character, the emotion. Fantastic

Day 4 better start making some fucking sense, guys. What in the hell is going on in this story

The saeran good ending is everything

And I’m fucking crying.

*spoilers duh*

This really was made to be the true ending and it feels so bittersweet. I love individual character routes esp Zen and Saeyoung, but it makes me sad that there are so many unresolved things and you just know the other characters are still going through shit. This seems like the first one that everyone gets a good ending and it makes me so soft.

Pls. Seeing this alone made me tear up.


First off, who gives a fuck about him? BUT at least his arc has ended. There was something nice about the twins opposing reactions about him and it was the first time we really saw him. Good riddance

Driver Kim and Jumin’s Daddy

The driver Kim interactions made me happier than I expected- what a sweetie. Putting himself out to help everyone and genuinely caring about the RFA. As for the CEO, he was quite humbled. Caring about the RFA and not being angry at Jumin for them forced out of C&R. He even invested in SEVEN☆ and didn’t profit. All the fiction I’ve consumed about rich boys with daddy issues didn’t prepare me for this nice exchange.


We all knew we would thirst from the first selfie. Not a major arc but the tragic backstory of his was touched on. He always seemed like a sympathetic person backed into a corner and his scolding of Saeyoung showed he really cared and we saw that. He really is a good guy!


Yep we still fucking hate V, he’s stupid and a passive observer to all the people around him, who clearly need therapy. He also encourages all of Rikas madness.

As for Rika, she seemed a lot more sympathetic, yes her wrongdoings are not excused - she’s done bad things and is making bad choices, even going as far as murder, which is not surprising for a cult leader. But to watch her try to change and then actually change was quite therapeutic. I like Rika more than V (but then again that’s not hard!).


Everyone’s favourite lil overtired student. He has always shown to be caring and cutely soft but this arc has shown him to be more mature in the Rika stuff which is very different to his previous portrayals. His calls and attitude were just all around sunshine! Now he’s growing up on his own, working for the government and moving to a foreign country to pursue his dreams. I would love for Netflix to commission a show called Yoosung in Paris.


I had to do this after Yoosung because I love their understated friendship (I even wrote a post about them). But this gave me new content for these boys supporting each other. Zen does not break his super caring attitude with MC either, he calls and cares, supports her and Saeran. Where in all the other routes I get sad because I feel Zen is on love with MC secretly and it breaks my heart, in this one he acknowledges a good friendship (but he’s still my equivalent to a bias, I just like he can have his own happy ending). Finally from a sexy struggling actor, he is now a sexy successful actor working for I marketing with his family and he’s in “wolves”. I’m sure he can make the eventual monstrous movie a success.

(Fuck me, I genuinely cackled when I saw this)


I love this woman! Her ending is one I was hoping a little bit more from, but the thing with Jaehee is I know she will do great things in the government. The last call with Yoosung, her and Zen was the cutest thing and her calls throughout were lovely. In my mind Jaehee will kick ass in the political world for a year or so and then slow down for a small business with a kind investment from a President-in-line. AND she will be first in line for Zens shows, whose friendship (and hopefully more) I will always support. She will buy him a huge bouquet of flowers, waiting in his dressing room and he will always make sure she comes backstage, even with her saying she doesn’t want to impose (yes I’m forming my own narrative).


WOW. I do love Jumin, don’t get me wrong but I never had that OBSESSION like certain people. If there’s one character who surprised me it was him. Imagine the path you’ve had your whole life being absolutely decimated, how do you act so okay with that? Well, my boy did and he’s doing bits. AND he’s keeping the family together by paving ways for them. His church scene made me tear up, just cos you can see how much he cares, so take that Jumin haters.

Saeyoung and Saeran and MC

We need to group these people from being so intertwined. They will all sacrifice themselves for each other which was seen when I got the bad endings *cries*. The Saeyoung CGs made me very sad and the constant goodbyes were a lot. I always got feels realising how much the twins went through for each other and how much pain they’ve been in. After it all Saeyoung cared about Saeran and Saeran was able to forgive himself, which gave themselves strength. They’re both amazing and deserve to settle down in a quiet life, carving a path they’ve decided rather than what life threw at them. So leave Saeyoung to fish and Saeran to tend to his flowers because they deserve it.
