#safe agere


It’s Me Again

CW - mental health

I would like to formally apologise to my followers for lack of posts and activity on here. The past two weeks have been a struggle but I am slowly getting to where I wanna be, mental health wise! My daddy and my stuffies are really helping, and seeing you guys enjoying my posts really pushes me to do more as a creator (even though I’m not much of one!).

I would like to thank the people sending me positive messages because that really helps the hard days seem not so hard. I am doing better now. Cuddling stuffies and snuggling daddy makes all things better.

If you would like to see certain things on my blog feel free to send an ask or a message to request it! Keep it sfw, please!


Yesterday I had a picnic with my stuffies! I laid out my blankie on the floor and sat them all together and we shared chocolate and giggles.

Allow me to introduce them all!

From left to right: Pinwheel Penny (Penny for short), Pepper (my very first stuffie), Bella (my first Build a Bear stuffie), Daisy the Hello Kitty, Harry the Harry Potter pillow, Poppy the black sheep, and Chops the pig.

We ate snack chocolate, which is my absolute favourite when I’m small. We also drank lots of water because its important for kiddos and stuffies to stay hydrated!

Please send me a message if you’re any kind of little! I need more littles to talk to pwease

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Hello there everyone! I have some good news. This blog will continue but I need to tell everyone. Please be patient with me. I run the blog all by myself. Recently I have been inactive because I fell ill. So I have been in and out of commission. But we are close to 2,000 followers! When we hit 2,000 followers we will have a huge giveaway.

Thank you all for your patience. I had graduation, my daddy’s birthday and my birthday. But later today will begin our SummerSpectacular! I will get to applications later today. Pwease feel free to message me and keep me company. Thank you lovelies

little christmas gift ideas ✨

colouring books like crayons

✨new bottles/pacis

favourite snackies

✨homemade items


✨a new blankie

story books

✨sensory toys



pretty ornaments

✨bubble bath

bath toys


calico critters


little shows and movies! ✨


toy story movies



✨peter pan


✨princess movies

the rescuers

✨phineas and ferb

jake and the neverland pirates

✨little einstein’s

out of the box


my little pony


magic school bus

✨the octonaughts

paw patrol

✨wild krats

peppa pig

✨dora the explorer

super why

a rant, because i am upset

i regress because i am a teenager who did not get the chance to experience a childhood.

i had a traumatic, abusive childhood where i watched my mother figure die, all between the ages of 6-10. there was no money in the house, because of constant medical attention. there wasn’t really the chance to be a child, not when you’re 8 and calling ambulances and spending days with the person you love most in the hospital.

age regression is the way i get to have my dream childhood, it’s the only real way i get one at all.

age regression isn’t only for 18+

age regression isn’t only voluntary

age regression is a safe coping mechanism

age regression is for everyone

Winter Regression Things ❄️

❄️hot coco


❄️ice skating

snow fort!

❄️bundling up in big clothes = floppy sleeves!!!

cuddles. lots of cuddles to keep warm!

❄️seeing your breath outside makes you look like a train!!!

catching snowflakes on your tongue!!!

❄️building snowmen

snowball fights!

❄️snow angels

candy canes and ginger bread men

❄️twinkling christmas lights


peter rabbit lock and home screens i drew!! please reblog and comment if you use. also available on my redbubble:)

art by me ✨


Silly snow puppy ❄


Its night night time


Ways to help your Little with anger issues

Having anger issues, especially if you’re little can be draining and exhausting (- from the Little who suffers from severeanger issues)

Do NOT yell at them or punish them!! Yelling at/punishing your little can make things worse! Know that your little one CANNOT control their anger and doing things like this can only increase their anger and/or make them feel guilty

Talk to them! Sit down with them and try to talk to them about what’s making them upset. Please note that your little one might not always answer you, if their anger issues are severe or if in the middle of a temper tantrum. So be patient and understanding

Try to distract them! Keeping your little one’s mind occupied can help their anger to go away! Examples: doing things they enjoy, making them their favourite food, taking them to places they like… many options!

Making them laugh! Try and do something funny!! Something that’d make them 100% laugh! They might try to deny it at first, but if you keep going - they’ll burst into laughter xD <33

Give them a piece of paper and let them write down all of the stuff that’s making them upset! Some littles might be having troubles expressing their emotions through words, so writing is a good option!

Let them let it all out!! This is a perfect and the best option! (in my opinion)! giving the space to your little one to express their feelings always works! sometimes we all need to let all our troubles and feelings out!


this is just for anyone who stumbles upon this blog and doesn’t know what this term means.

age regression is a coping mechanism where a person mentally regresses back to an age of a child, toddler, or baby to cope with trauma, mental illness, etc. it can also be for fun, and to relive the childhood memories that some never had. this is never sexual.

we know that we are not a child physically but our mind regresses back to a child mentally.

anybody can be a little. some regress from 0-7, 8-16. whatever age the little regress to they are valid.

some age regressors refer to themselves as littles or their significant other (but does not have to be) as “daddy”, “mommy”, “caretaker/caregiver” since they typically take care of their “littles” as if they’re an actual child.

what it is:

- a coping mechanism

- stress reliever

- therapy approved

- safe for minors

what it is not:

- kink

- ddlg, ddlb, mdlb, mdlg, or its variants

- nsfw

- any form of bdsm

- ageplay

sorry for my disappearance !!!⊂((・x・))⊃

i haven’t been able to regress at all for months :(

and this account is supposed to be my safe place and my comfort place to regress but the n$f/W bots were making it anything but that :(:(

hopefully i’ll be back soon!!




























its me!

Here’s mine!!

as much as i wanted the paci, i basically nom non-stop

Awh yours is so cuuuute!!! And the paci is implied, it’s probably in your hand or next to you where we can’t see!

haha thank you!! yours is really really cute too!! freckels and short hair are the best!! ^ ^

soo cute ☺️ i love seeing how everyone makes theirs

Here’s me!

it’s me!!

It’s me! I’m always sleepy! :3

This was so fun oh my heck


This is me!

dis is making me so happy! hi everyone!

@jaythesmol we’re basically twins!

Ohmigosh we are!! That’s so cooooool!!

How I do this

I wan one :o

i love thissss! :3 mine is super cute

Is meeee

I did me as welllll! I foxuuu!

I made me too!! I love this thing so much uwu

Its me!!

Here’s mine!! (sorry about the watermark)

Miiiiine ✨

Immma tiny!!


little’s don’t need a caregiver to still be little


*sees two bees flying around my garden*
me: i wonder.,. if…. they’re friends..



grabby hands: they want attention

whining: they want all of your attention

pouting: they want attention

puppy eyes: they want moreattention

babbling: they want attention

literally anything: they want THAT GOOD ND GREAT attention
