#age regression blog



Hello there everyone! I have some good news. This blog will continue but I need to tell everyone. Please be patient with me. I run the blog all by myself. Recently I have been inactive because I fell ill. So I have been in and out of commission. But we are close to 2,000 followers! When we hit 2,000 followers we will have a huge giveaway.

Thank you all for your patience. I had graduation, my daddy’s birthday and my birthday. But later today will begin our SummerSpectacular! I will get to applications later today. Pwease feel free to message me and keep me company. Thank you lovelies

Hey there everyone!! We’re back, we’ll be restarting and remaking our discord! If you are interested in being staff with me please let me know as I have ALWAYS been running this blog by myself!

Sleepy Littles

When told to nap, we hate it. But when we wanna sleep it’s a completelydifferent story. Here are some signs to show that your little is tired

BIG soft yawns

⭐️”I-I’m not tired!”

Rocking back and fourth

⭐️Rubbing eyes

”I’m only closing my eyes for a little bit”

⭐️Listening to Lullaby music

Sippy cups of cold water/milk

⭐️Cuddling Our favorite blankie

Sucking on our thumbs

⭐️Looking for our pacifier(s) like it’s the end of the world

Big Temper tantrums


Red Cheeks

⭐️Being Arguementative “I’m not tired! Your tired!”

Leaning against everything

⭐️Slow tired blinks

Playing calming games late at night (Animal Crossing etc.)

⭐️Watching a movie and turning the lights off.

Geting in pajamas

Little Fall Things

|Part 1|

Everyone seem to love the little fall thing list part one! So here’s a second one! Enjoy, reblog and follow please!

Try to visit an apple orchard with

your daddy/mommy/caregiver! Maybe even pick some apples

Try to make an apple crisp with your daddy/mommy/caregiver if your feeling up for it! I know you’ll do great! Here I’ll even provide a recipe.

Make a paper scarecrow with your daddy/mommy/caregiver! They are easy to make and super cute! Here’s a link!

Have an apple cider “tea” party with your stuffies, friends or your daddy/mommy/caregiver! Try to decorate it with orange pretty lights and all sorts of stuff, make them say “woah!” When they show up to your apple cider party!

Make a necklace with Halloween-colored beads like these!

Make Carmel Apples with your daddy/mommy/caregiver’s help! They are super yummy and healthy once you get past the Carmel!

Decorate pumpkins with crayons, stickers, markers, or paint

Try playing hide-and-seek in the dark! But don’t worry! I know the dark is scary, but you can play it with glow sticks and non-toxic glow in the dark paint and glow in the dark stars!

Plan a small date, where you make foods you both like, watch goosebumps together and drink a bunch of hot chocolate with marshmallows!☕️

Build a fort and decorate it with fall things. Than color in it, play, nap, and just relax with your daddy/mommy/caregiver.

Have fun and stay warm!


Hey everyone! I need some help with a post! Can you guys reblog, comment or send asks full of songs you like from movies? BUT they can’t be songs from Disney movies!



























its me!

Here’s mine!!

as much as i wanted the paci, i basically nom non-stop

Awh yours is so cuuuute!!! And the paci is implied, it’s probably in your hand or next to you where we can’t see!

haha thank you!! yours is really really cute too!! freckels and short hair are the best!! ^ ^

soo cute ☺️ i love seeing how everyone makes theirs

Here’s me!

it’s me!!

It’s me! I’m always sleepy! :3

This was so fun oh my heck


This is me!

dis is making me so happy! hi everyone!

@jaythesmol we’re basically twins!

Ohmigosh we are!! That’s so cooooool!!

How I do this

I wan one :o

i love thissss! :3 mine is super cute

Is meeee

I did me as welllll! I foxuuu!

I made me too!! I love this thing so much uwu

Its me!!

Here’s mine!! (sorry about the watermark)

Miiiiine ✨

Immma tiny!!


Rudolph the reindeer is getting ready for Chirstmas Are you ready? ⁣



wake up and say one thing you’re excited for and thankful for (and pray)!

do your morning stretches, reach your toes and wiggle your arms!

waddle to the bathroom and brush your teeth and shower/wash your face! then moisturize and make sure your skin is super hydrated and soft!

make your bed and make sure all your stuffies are happy and in their right home! don’t forget to pick up your room too!

go get some water or juice and get a yummy breakfast! a good day is started with a good breakfast!

write a cute colorful list of everything you want to get done or do that day! ask for help if you need it!

color a cute picture and watch some cartoons to get your day started right!

send a nice message to some friends and inspire them to smile and have a good day! I

Smh.There is NO way that they could’ve thought (even by accident) that I was 18 as it’s clearly stSmh.There is NO way that they could’ve thought (even by accident) that I was 18 as it’s clearly st


There is NO way that they could’ve thought (even by accident) that I was 18 as it’s clearly stated in my header and bio that I am not. I’m sorry that you @bloodysecret don’t know how to leave others alone but instead act on impulse and be inconsistent with your statements. I have no grudge or anything towards you as YOU are the one that seems to be lacking knowledge on what age regression is why it is safe for minors to take part in if they wish.

If you somehow see this, I hope one day you can see from my point of view. Have a nice day

PS: If you happen to agree with them, then by all means please, block me. I don’t need that in my safe space. Thanks! ❤️
Post link
SmhPlease block @bloodysecret (I’m so certain that this is their main blog) and @littleblocklist iSmhPlease block @bloodysecret (I’m so certain that this is their main blog) and @littleblocklist iSmhPlease block @bloodysecret (I’m so certain that this is their main blog) and @littleblocklist iSmhPlease block @bloodysecret (I’m so certain that this is their main blog) and @littleblocklist iSmhPlease block @bloodysecret (I’m so certain that this is their main blog) and @littleblocklist i

Please block @bloodysecret (I’m so certain that this is their main blog) and @littleblocklist if you see your name here

Post link
My new onesie and paci from littleforbig! I love the Dino onesie and the paci is wonderful!My new onesie and paci from littleforbig! I love the Dino onesie and the paci is wonderful!My new onesie and paci from littleforbig! I love the Dino onesie and the paci is wonderful!

My new onesie and paci from littleforbig! I love the Dino onesie and the paci is wonderful!

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