

Frustration (Saiki x Teruhashi)

Now in their first year of college, Saiki and Teruhashi reach an unexpected but inevitable roadblock in their physical relationship. Contains fluff, wholesomeness, two adults communicating responsibly and supporting each other, and humor.

Word count: 1,300

Warnings: Explicit conversation about sex and birth control; no actual sexual activity.

“So…” Teruhashi began flirtatiously as she sat down besides Saiki on his bed. “Nendou is out for the night, right? He mentioned that he was going home to his mother’s.”

Yeah. Something about her having a cold.

“Then you have the dorm to yourself. Well… we have it to ourselves.” She smiled and brushed her hair behind her ear. “I brought some items with me. The sales-lady helped me pick them out. I think you’ll like them.” She held up an opaque pink shopping bag that was held firmly shut with multiple pieces of tape. Of course, Saiki already knew what was in the bag, but as exciting as her purchases were, they would see no use tonight.

Teruhashi… Saiki deliberated on what to say next. He’d known this topic would be addressed in the near future; he should’ve planned ahead what to say instead of something as generic as this. We need to talk.

She immediately froze. “Talk about what?” He could see the anxiety in her eyes.

He pursed his lips and leaned forward, hands clasped between his knees. …I know what you’re planning on us doing tonight.

“Well, that’s not such a surprise,” she scoffed, although her face rapidly turned pink. “I know you can read my mind… and see into the bag.”

I don’t want you to think that I’m rejecting you.

“Why are you talking like this?” Teruhashi frowned. Concern furrowed in her brow. “What’s wrong?”

Kokomi… We can’t have sex.

She blinked, looking stunned. Then Saiki felt her anxiety start back up in full force, and he braced himself for her response. “What do you mean, we can’t?! We were just kissing and groping each other Friday! Are you saying that you’re not attracted to me anymore?”

Saiki found himself appreciating her forthrightness in this moment. It made pressing forward surprisingly easier. No, not at all. I’m still very much attracted to you. But as our physical relationship has progressed, I’ve been doing some… experiments.

Teruhashi still looked stung, but she tilted her head and nodded for him to continue.

The truth is that it’s simply not safe for us to have sex.

Her dejected expression became one of shock. “Why is that?”

Saiki took a deep breath. My orgasms are different from that of other men. Do you remember what happened when I had allergies?

“You almost destroyed the dorm with every sneeze!” Teruhashi clapped a horrified hand against her mouth as realization struck her. “Don’t tell me that’s what would happen if you-?”

As expected, this part was a bit awkward for Saiki to confess. Yes. During my… experiments, it’s a similar outcome.

Teruhashi’s jaw went completely slack. Then a hysterical giggle escaped her before she could stop it. Saiki saw exactly what had flashed in her mind’s eye, and despite how gruesome it was, it would’ve been darkly funny if it hadn’t involved the two of them. He looked away awkwardly as she quickly composed herself. “That - that would be a problem. No, that would be…”

Deadly. Or disfiguring, if not lethal.

She sighed and tapped her chin. This was an unexpected problem in their love life, and she slowly took it in. Okay. One thing at a time. “So, then… Say the explosion wasn’t a problem. Would we be able to, then?”

Birth control would still be a problem. My sperm move fast enough to break through condoms. And spermicide wouldn’t be able to kill the sperm. They’re as invulnerable as I am.

Saiki could hear her reeling thoughts. Oh, this has to be some kind of horrible joke, right?! God, I thought you loved me more than this!

Me too.

“Oh! How about birth control that I take?” Teruhashi brightened up. “Like the pill, or the shot, or… something.”

That would prevent fertilization, but there’s still the danger of my orgasm. Saiki wanted to disappear into the ground; never had he thought he would be having such a disappointing conversation with a lover about the dangers of his own orgasm. Part of him wished he’d been hornier as a teenager, so he could’ve discovered and solved this problem before it caused issues in a relationship. But his sex drive had been understandably non-existent until he was able to see people as something other than meat nuggets… and by then, it was too late.

“Why don’t you just wear your ring?” Teruhashi tilted her head at the ring that sat on his nightstand. “You do wear it when we make out from time to time.”

There’s still a chance of my powers bleeding through when I use it. It’s not a risk I want to take, especially since I won’t be able to control my abilities when I climax.

Teruhashi’s face was still red, but it was more out of frustration now than lust. She leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands. “So, what, we can’t make love unless we’re willing to risk pregnancy… or death?!”

I wish there was an easier way around it. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to take that risk. Even if there was no physical danger to you, we just started college, and starting a family as broke students is a bad idea.

“You’re right,” Teruhashi sighed. “It’s just frustrating. And I can’t think of any birth control options that completely eliminate the chance of pregnancy, short of more invasive solutions…”

We’ll figure it out. Saiki knew she needed reassurance, and he took her hand in his. I’ll come up with something.

“Well, no matter what, I’ll always stay by your side.” She smiled at him weakly. “Even an obstacle like this is nothing. I still love you… even if we can’t make love at the moment. Besides, it’s not like we can’t be intimate in other ways.” She set the pink bag aside. “We can always save this stuff for later.”

Saiki put his arm around her and pulled her close. He appreciated her nobility, and he knew she was telling the truth, but he could also sense her sexual frustration. He didn’t want to further upset her by showing his own feelings, but this barrier frustrated him as well. Their time together had shown him how enjoyable and important physical intimacy was in a relationship, and now it felt like the rug had been pulled out from under them. Assuming their relationship lasted for the rest of their lives, which Saiki had faith it would, would they never be able to consummate it? Would they never be able to have children?

It was times like this that Saiki wished he were a normal man who could just go to the doctor and get a prescription or some other solution to this situation. But no one in the world understood his anatomy, or the powers he possessed, so there was little chance of…

It was then that the solution hit him, hard enough that his eyes glazed over and his lips parted. Teruhashi’s eyes widened in concern. “Kusuo, what’s wrong?”

“I know the solution,” he muttered. The only person I can turn to for help…

God is cruel, indeed.

Kusuke had just started on his third cup of coffee that day when his younger brother spontaneously appeared before him. “Kusuo, what a surprise! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to visit?!”

There were faint bags under Saiki’s eyes, as if he’d spent the rest of the night in turmoil over his chosen course of action. But there was no hesitation in his mind’s voice as he came forward and put his hands on his brother’s shoulders, making such an unexpectedly vulgar demand that Kusuke promptly spewed hot coffee everywhere.

Help me have sex with my girlfriend.

Like half a dozen other animes, I’ve finally bent to watching Saiki K long after its peak and I am in love. It’s hilarious, the cast does great, and it’s a crime against humanity that season 2 didn’t receive an English dub. Expect to see a Saiteru fanfic from me soon.

the soft glow of your grace

Saiki Kusuo doesn’t believe in the existence of God. With his psychic powers, he was arguably the most powerful being in the world, or perhaps the entire universe. It was not arrogance, it was fact.

However, for all his God-like abilities, he could never sway Teruhashi Kokomi, the one supposedly most beloved by God. Whatever she willed to happen, will happen. More than once, she had saved others, including himself, with her divine will.

But her grace will not save him this time.

Words: 783, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 3 of to wish for a world without war

Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39723642

war imminent

The year was 2020. Terrible tensions have arose between the West and East, resulting in an escalating arms race that would be more catastrophic than all others before it. World intelligence has identified the Ostanian scientist, Dr Kusuke Saiki was building a weapon of mass destruction, so powerful that is could level the entire planet. As the arms race reaches destructive heights, and Dr Kusuke’s inventions reach completion, would these unlikely heroes — a spy with no name, a millionaire detective and the one most beloved by God, be able to prevail and save the world from a devastating war?

Words: 356, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 1 of to wish for a world without war

Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39721947
