#sally face


Todd: Ash, do you know what’s up with Sal and Larry?

Ash: Bro I honestly don’t know. I tried talking to them but they just keep on saying, “We straight viben.”

Sal and Larry: *sitting on top of the fridge* We straight viben.

Todd: Sal, man get down from there!

Sal: *on something he shouldn’t be on* Ok boomer.

Ash: We’ll get the cops sal.

Sal: Bet. I’ll fight ‘em.

Larry: We have Dino nuggs.

Sal: *jumps down and snatches the Dino nuggs*…I would’ve kicked the cops ass.

Larry: I know Sal. I know.

Larry: I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road.

Larry: I’m gonna ride ‘til I hopefully fall off and die.

Sal: I don’t think that’s how the song goes.

Sal: Are you okay?

Larry, looking down on Sal: I am beholden to no God up here but me.

Sal, looking up at Larry: Yet I still stand the tallest next to the amount of your redeeming qualities.

Ash: Oh my god, some dumbass tried fighting a squid at the aquarium.

Sal, covered in ink: Yeah, well, maybe the squid was being a dick.


Sal: Larry I’m trying to sleep.

Larry: When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?



Todd: Larry wtf.

Ash: Did you know that when you break a bone it typically will heal back stronger than before.

Larry: So what you’re saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible.

Ash: Larry, please do not.

Travis: To make an omelette, you have to break a few legs.

Todd: I don’t believe that’s how it—

Travis: *cracking knuckles*

Larry: Sal sometimes talks in his sleep. It’s adorable.

Sal asleep: Fight me… you motherfucker… square up… think the fuck not…

Sal: Do you want to talk about your feelings, Ash?

Larry: *busting in* I do!

Sal: I know, Larry.

Larry: I’m sad.

Sal: I know, Larry.

Sal: Do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?

Todd: You’re a hazard to society.

Larry: And a coward. Try 20.

Travis: Johnson? I’m Sal’s ex.

Larry: Oh, okay. *pulls out a weapon* We can do this, but I will bite you.

Travis: Is that a screwdriver-

Good afternoon I am here with something to say:

I’m going to be re-editing every chapter of Empire of Dirt, so that I can fix the continuity errors & set up the ending a touch better, as well as explaining some key details that were missed in the beginning.

It’s long overdue, and I’m ready to work on closing this “chapter” of my writing so that I can officially move on to new projects without feeling the lingering weight of this one.

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нарисовал своего любимца ы

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 Я немного припоздал, но все же лучше выложу сейчас , чем никогда ;)Тч.Thank you, Steve for this gre

Я немного припоздал, но все же лучше выложу сейчас , чем никогда ;)
Thank you, Steve for this great game.

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 я просто шикарно рисую ток  я просто шикарно рисую ток

я просто шикарно рисую ток

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Sal fisher


Wouldn’t that be hilarious to happen


I did it

I did it with just Ibis Paint X on my fucking phone

I’m so happy with it

I probably fucked it up but I worked on it for like 2 and a half hours

I’m proud of it hahahah

