#incorrect sally face


Larry: I’m gonna need a human skull but I can’t have you ask any questions why.

Sal: Only if you also don’t ask why

Sal: *takes out seven pristine human skulls* take your pick



Larry: This ones fine

Police: You are under arrest for trying to ride with three people on a single motorcycle.

Ash: Wait, what do you mean THREE?

Police: Yes… three.

Ash: Oh my god- no, fuck?! *turns around and checks* FUCK

Larry & Todd: OH NO



Larry: Aye Sal, wanna compare hand sizes?


Larry: *holds Sals hands* Wow! Your hand fits perfectly in mine!

Sal: *short circuits*

Todd: Ash, do you know what’s up with Sal and Larry?

Ash: Bro I honestly don’t know. I tried talking to them but they just keep on saying, “We straight viben.”

Sal and Larry: *sitting on top of the fridge* We straight viben.

Todd: Sal, man get down from there!

Sal: *on something he shouldn’t be on* Ok boomer.

Ash: We’ll get the cops sal.

Sal: Bet. I’ll fight ‘em.

Larry: We have Dino nuggs.

Sal: *jumps down and snatches the Dino nuggs*…I would’ve kicked the cops ass.

Larry: I know Sal. I know.

Larry: I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road.

Larry: I’m gonna ride ‘til I hopefully fall off and die.

Sal: I don’t think that’s how the song goes.

Sal: Are you okay?

Ash: Oh my god, some dumbass tried fighting a squid at the aquarium.

Sal, covered in ink: Yeah, well, maybe the squid was being a dick.


Sal: Larry I’m trying to sleep.

Larry: When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?



Todd: Larry wtf.

Ash: Did you know that when you break a bone it typically will heal back stronger than before.

Larry: So what you’re saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible.

Ash: Larry, please do not.

Travis: To make an omelette, you have to break a few legs.

Todd: I don’t believe that’s how it—

Travis: *cracking knuckles*

Larry: Sal sometimes talks in his sleep. It’s adorable.

Sal asleep: Fight me… you motherfucker… square up… think the fuck not…

Sal: Do you want to talk about your feelings, Ash?

Larry: *busting in* I do!

Sal: I know, Larry.

Larry: I’m sad.

Sal: I know, Larry.

Sal: Do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?

Todd: You’re a hazard to society.

Larry: And a coward. Try 20.

Travis: Johnson? I’m Sal’s ex.

Larry: Oh, okay. *pulls out a weapon* We can do this, but I will bite you.

Travis: Is that a screwdriver-
