#sam and jack



Still obsessed with Sam reading books on gifted children for Jack like he saw Jack getting super overwhelmed and reacting the way he did when he was younger like how can I help him how can I give him the right support. He saw this neurodivergent kid and was like I recognise you I understand you, and I want to look up how I can help you the best.



Group Project


    Jack sat quietly at the library table with their hands in their lap, watching Sam earnestly. Their tallest dad was eagerly explaining the Sacking of Lawrence with Jack’s school books and other random kitchen items as monuments.

    “We could do a diorama! Do they do those anymore? Man, I can’t tell you how many dumpsters we dove through looking for shoe boxes when I was a kid. I still have the box from your winter boots in the closet— if you want?” Sam finally focused on his child and the happy, yet clueless expression on their face when he started talking about the outdated project suggestion.

    “Hm?” Jack replied.

    “It’s like a 3D model of a scene, lots of glue sticks and either figurines or hand drawn replicas,” Sam explained, brushing the hair out of his face.

    “And a shoe box?” Jack concluded.

    “In— inside the shoebox, like it’s a tiny stage,” Sam felt like he was doing a poor job communicating, even as he used his hands to sign. “Here–.” He reached for his laptop and pulled up some examples.

    “Oh! That looks cool— very retro,” Jack said like he was finally in on a secret.

    Sam cocked his head at the jab, but let it roll off his back. “So, do you think it will work?”

    “How would it work, exactly?” Jack asked.

    They got to work, with safety scissors that were too small for Sam’s hands that were quickly discarded and extra coloring supplies which were pilfered from the desk Eileen set up as a craft station for the younger kids. It took them almost two hours, but finally they were able to recreate the historical event as best they could. With that work behind them, they left it to dry on the counter, out of the way from toddler reach.

    That night, when everyone was home and the kitchen was full of hungry Winchesters, Jack practiced his presentation. Dean listened as he took turns feeding himself and baby Millie. While Castiel sat nervously at his side as Juniper fed herself.

    “And that is the beginning of what we now call Bleeding Kansas,” Jack concluded, reading from his handwritten note cards.

    Eileen clapped and Dean cheered his praise, while Cas squinted at Jack and then at Sam. Sam did a double take and motioned for Cas to stand down and not ruin the historical integrity of the project.

    Later that night, when everyone else was in bed Castiel inserted a tiny figure in the back of the diorama, one with red eyes and a perfectly tailored suit.


Thank you to @fangirlxwritesx67​ for the prompt.

4 Me 2 U drabble masterlist

<3 <3 <3


It‘s DONE! My VERY first digital drawing!! Had you shown me this a week ago and told me I drew it, I would‘ve said you‘re nuts! I was not sure I could do it… This is Stargate drawing Nr. 11 and I am BEYOND proud! I so hope you like it! I was so insecure about this whole digital art stuff. I proved myself that I could do it. I‘m so happy! And I hope to do many new drawings like this!


Jack & Sam | Always.

“I care about her. A lot more than I’m supposed to.”


okay but look at sam’s fond dad smile. jack’s trying to use an emf in a cemetery and sam’s face is like ‘oh no, my adorable kiddo that’s not how it works’


here’s the thing. it always gets me just how! close! supernatural got! to making a point! very fitting of a horror story! in the later seasons! like, “here’s a child; he’s the son of the devil and the devil destroyed you in every possible way, but this child did nothing and he’s just like you, condemned to be a monster from the moment he was born, so to hate him means hating yourself, and you are the closest there is to the devil, so isn’t he also your son in some way? he called you father. you were caged together right after you met. can’t you save him in the way that nobody saved you? this child who is somewhat your son and somewhat you—and your brother, the righteous man who you love and who loves you, wants to kill him but to kill him also means to kill you, just like he once promised he would do in a voicemail before you even knew the devil—that wasn’t actually true, but you don’t know that—just like your father, who was the god to your lucifer and your brother’s michael, asked your brother to kill you so long ago. you are the devil and you are destroyed by the devil. the child is the devil. the child is you. the child, according to the righteous man once chosen by the heaven you prayed for your whole life, needs to die” like???? what the fuck????
