#sanders sides prompt


Just imagine Virgil being absolutely befuddled when he snarkily says something back at Logan when they were all arguing, and instead of Logan saying something logical back or even yelling FALSEHOOD back at him…

There’s just silence. 

So he looks over, and his mouth drops open in sheer surprise as..as…

Logan sticks his tongue out at him with that usual deadpan expression on his face, with his thumb pointed down. 

And that.. 

That fricking stings more than any reasonable response to his anxious thoughts would ever do. 

Merely because… 

It’s just so surprising for him, and it was something that he never would have expected from Logan of all sides. 

Occasionally Logan will make breakfast for the other sides. 

It’s nothing fancy, not at all like the endless pancakes that Patton seems to be able to whip up at a moments notice steaming and full of the nostalgia of simpler times. Oozing the sweetness from the multitude of syrups and butters that have cluttered the table for all of their difference preferences. 

Patton was always sweet like that, making sure that they all had something they wanted at his table. 

Logan’s breakfast is easy, a lot of them would say. 

Biscuits light and fluffy, with eggs and bacon. 

No two breakfast by Logan were ever the same though, and it was usually a rarity when he did decide to cook for them. It wasn’t overly healthy like they had feared the first time that Logan had told them that he’d made breakfast for them. It was easy on Virgil’s anxious stomach, full of proteins for Roman’s adventures for the day, and just… so very sweet for Patton to enjoy. 

It was something that they all needed. 

And something that they consistently longed for in the future. 

Even if they could never tell that to him to his face. 

Logan was…


Logan who was several chapters into writing a book, just tp up and abandon it. No longer feeling inspired to finish it or even write it, the document sitting unfinished on his computer under several password protections so that no one can read his unfinished shame. 

He’s not all that upset about it, truth be told. 

If anything he sort of expected to not finish it given that writing a whole book was a task in itself. 

So he’s a little pleased with how far he got before throwing it away.  

I can fully imagine Logan telling Roman that he’s going to show him his favorite move, and Roman just internally groaning. 

Imagining some boring slog of a documentary about how paint dries on a wall for 47 hours. 

But being utterly blindsided when Logan puts on Sweeny Todd, hunkering down next to him with a cozy blanket and some popcorn. 

“Virgil isn’t joining our movie night… right?” 

Roman asks, looking around for the anxious side. 

Logan just shakes his head. 

“No, this is our movie night, Virgil’s is Friday.” Logan tells him as the movie starts to play. “Now hush, this is my favorite part.” 

Roman does, feeling a little more like he both did and didn’t understand Logan a little more. 
