#ts logan sanders

really-awkward-pics-of-logan: Its all fun and games until he sneezes so hard he drops the Crofters j


Its all fun and games until he sneezes so hard he drops the Crofters jar. 

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Did anyone else notice Logan’s lip quivering when Thomas left his house???? Am I the only one????? I need someone who has the skill level to make a short video or gif to back me up here

it … it do be quivering a lil bit … ):

tHANK YOU!! He big sad and that make me big sad :c


As yall have probably realized- I’m not really modding this blog anymore. But I love it very deeply and I have no intention of deleting it any time soon. So I have decided to allow another user to mod this blog WITH me!

Fill out this form and I’ll pick one or two of you to help mod this amazing blog with me! I can’t wait to see what funny pictures and wonderful posts we make together. :)

The form closes tomorrow (Friday the 25th)!!!!!!!!


As yall have probably realized- I’m not really modding this blog anymore. But I love it very deeply and I have no intention of deleting it any time soon. So I have decided to allow another user to mod this blog WITH me!

Fill out this form and I’ll pick one or two of you to help mod this amazing blog with me! I can’t wait to see what funny pictures and wonderful posts we make together. :)

As yall have probably realized- I’m not really modding this blog anymore. But I love it very deeply and I have no intention of deleting it any time soon. So I have decided to allow another user to mod this blog WITH me!

Fill out this form and I’ll pick one or two of you to help mod this amazing blog with me! I can’t wait to see what funny pictures and wonderful posts we make together. :)


@not-exactly-laborious ’s Butterflies-In-Virgil’s room headcanon/au has been living in my head rent free, so here!- Have a habby Logan

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Logan being the new Drama King gives me so much life- you could almost say its, ,, , ,,unfathomable.

Logan Appreciation Day my beloved

Logan being the new Drama King gives me so much life- you could almost say its, ,, , ,,unfathomable.


Hey, hey you- yes you- do you like Logan Sanders? Do you use discord? Well, why don’t you join the Logan’s Lowdowns discord! Its a discord server dedicated to our lovely Logic Sanders himself, full of appreciation, fan works, love, angst, and fun facts too! There are tons of people already on the server and a lot of chances for new friends and connections! We’re looking forward to seeing you there! (This link never expires so you can always join regardless of when you see this!)



I’ve made a Logan server, dedicated to our favorite nerd, Logan! It’s made to appreciate/talk about Logan Sanders! It has OTHER stuff as well, like general chats, the Logan’s Lowdown section, and all sorts of fun stuff! Can’t wait to see you there!


(If the discord link doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll get you a new one)

Logan: I would like to talk to a snake person.

Janus, suddenly there:Hi.

Logan, sighing: No, not like that.

Janus, now holding up his yellow ball python:Hi.

Logan, with a tiny pink corn snake:Perfect.

Just imagine Virgil being absolutely befuddled when he snarkily says something back at Logan when they were all arguing, and instead of Logan saying something logical back or even yelling FALSEHOOD back at him…

There’s just silence. 

So he looks over, and his mouth drops open in sheer surprise as..as…

Logan sticks his tongue out at him with that usual deadpan expression on his face, with his thumb pointed down. 

And that.. 

That fricking stings more than any reasonable response to his anxious thoughts would ever do. 

Merely because… 

It’s just so surprising for him, and it was something that he never would have expected from Logan of all sides. 

Occasionally Logan will make breakfast for the other sides. 

It’s nothing fancy, not at all like the endless pancakes that Patton seems to be able to whip up at a moments notice steaming and full of the nostalgia of simpler times. Oozing the sweetness from the multitude of syrups and butters that have cluttered the table for all of their difference preferences. 

Patton was always sweet like that, making sure that they all had something they wanted at his table. 

Logan’s breakfast is easy, a lot of them would say. 

Biscuits light and fluffy, with eggs and bacon. 

No two breakfast by Logan were ever the same though, and it was usually a rarity when he did decide to cook for them. It wasn’t overly healthy like they had feared the first time that Logan had told them that he’d made breakfast for them. It was easy on Virgil’s anxious stomach, full of proteins for Roman’s adventures for the day, and just… so very sweet for Patton to enjoy. 

It was something that they all needed. 

And something that they consistently longed for in the future. 

Even if they could never tell that to him to his face. 

Logan was…


Logan who was several chapters into writing a book, just tp up and abandon it. No longer feeling inspired to finish it or even write it, the document sitting unfinished on his computer under several password protections so that no one can read his unfinished shame. 

He’s not all that upset about it, truth be told. 

If anything he sort of expected to not finish it given that writing a whole book was a task in itself. 

So he’s a little pleased with how far he got before throwing it away.  

Logan voluntarily getting kidnapped by Remus because he wants to see how Roman’s weapon will fair against Remus’.

And he really needs that information for the book he’s writing, and no he can’t ask like a normal person for them to just fight each other.

He needs to see it on action.




Logan has each of the sides’ logos tattooed on his back, in hopes that it will make him feel closer to the others. And that one day he can even show it to them.

He doesn’t have his own on him.

And it doesn’t help.

Roman, clearly joking: Jail for you Logan, jail!

Logan, pulling a baseball bat out of literally nowhere: You have to catch me first, and I don’t plan on going down without a fight. They don’t call me Lo-Gun for nothing. I have killed before, and I will do it again. I’m not going back to ja-

Roman, weakly: But.. but that’s a baseball bat… Not a gu-

Logan:*cocks the baseball bat with a shotgun sound*

Okay but Virgil designing Logan a puppet costume that’s just like his version.

Remus: You should turn evil. You’d be really good at it…


Logan:*puts orange slices on his pizza*

Remus, clutching his chest in agony: Too fast! Too fast-

Okay but Virgil being a vampire for Halloween, and acting like he’s gonna bite Logan’s neck. Except when he does, Logan getting into the spooky mood goes frickin ragdoll limp when Virgil does playfully bite his neck.

So Virgil’s left standing holding Logan’s limo body, his anxiety slamming through the roof now as Patton and the others start to come into get the Halloween party going.
