#platonic logince


Roman: I like your pants.

Logan: Thanks. They were 50% off.

Roman: I’d like them 100% off.

Logan: The store can’t just sell free stuff.

Roman: That’s not really what I-

Logan: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Roman.


hc that logan absolutely loves hearing roman’s heartbeat

Roman: It seems like bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.

Logan: Roman, you don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass.

Roman: Chillax!

Logan: That’s not a real word!

Roman: Sometimes the ones who deny “chillax” are the ones who need to chillax the most.

I can fully imagine Logan telling Roman that he’s going to show him his favorite move, and Roman just internally groaning. 

Imagining some boring slog of a documentary about how paint dries on a wall for 47 hours. 

But being utterly blindsided when Logan puts on Sweeny Todd, hunkering down next to him with a cozy blanket and some popcorn. 

“Virgil isn’t joining our movie night… right?” 

Roman asks, looking around for the anxious side. 

Logan just shakes his head. 

“No, this is our movie night, Virgil’s is Friday.” Logan tells him as the movie starts to play. “Now hush, this is my favorite part.” 

Roman does, feeling a little more like he both did and didn’t understand Logan a little more. 
