#savior hide







Kharkiv right now. Peaceful Ukrainian city.

Explotions all around Ukraine. Even in my small town in Central Ukraine.

I don’t know how many of us will survive this.

Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is under fire of our “dearest friends and brothers” russians.

You know, those russians who don’t want the war, but doing fucking nothing to protest against it. Doing nothing to stop it.

Это же не против домика для уточки протестовать, да? Х*хлов не настолько жалко, как себя. Всё, что вы пишете об этой войне - это то, как вы её не хотите и это всё политики. В танках едут не политики. Я понимаю, что вы в заложниках у диктатора. Я понимаю, что вам страшно выступать против его “политики”. Но вас никто не тянет за язык. Вы правда думаете, что матери, которая потеряла сына, или женщине, которая похоронила отца своих детей или даже своего маленького ребенка (как сегодня от российского обстрела в місті Чугуїв) стало легче от того, что вы такие все хорошие и либеральные не поддерживаете эту войну? Ноль эмпатии. Думаете только о себе, о своём имидже. О том, как вы выглядите в глазах общества. Как вас “несправедливо” осуждают.

Когда школьник из вашего Нового Уренгоя сказал про нацистов “они не хотели войны” - вы все его осудили. А сейчас говорите то же самое про себя. Есть такая вещь как преступное бездействие.

Откройте глаза. Украинцы умирают от российских снарядов. Просто за то, что мы украинцы. Хватит писать о том как вы не поддерживаете это, имейте хоть каплю стыда. Вы должны на коленях стоять перед народом України.

Я змушена була звернутися до вас російською, бо українську ви не розумієте, хоча як це, адже ж ми один народ…

For anyone heading to Polish border, here’s important info about entering our country: https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina—ua





I don’t know how to even start this,

But I’ll try to make some sense. Please read this post if you can, it’ll clarify a lot of things that I don’t feel comfortable in repeating because they are traumatic and painful.

First, I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped, you guys literally saved my life.

Times are hard for everyone, but better times are coming. There’s something that I tell myself everyday, since I lived with my abusive mother, “nothing lasts forever, and your pain & suffering are not an exception”.

Things around here are not going so well, to say the least. We have the worst financial situation ever, the last time something was THAT bad, it was 18 years ago (according to news sources, you can search if you want to). There’s no jobs available, we are reaching 3k deaths daily because of Covid, no vaccines because our president is an asshole and a genocide, everything is dark and miserable, which contrasts perfectly with how we feel at the moment.

To top it off, I’m a mentally disabled person in the middle of this chaos, without any support from my family (they don’t really like me, they are the source of every mental illness I have and even if they did, they are struggling a lot).

I was diagnosed with chronic fibromyalgia, severe depression, generalized anxiety, insomnia, bulimia, etc… I need, at least, 4 different medications daily to be 50% functional, and at the moment, I don’t have my medications for weeks, I’m going through a terrible withdrawal, and they are extremely expensive (just one box of antidepressants are 125 reais, and i need two of each).

At the moment my mental health is in shambles, I feel extremely depressed and suicidal again, sometimes dealing with so many illnesses at once can be extremely difficult and exhausting, but I feel like I have some kind of path in this life, I can’t give up now, even if I cry myself to sleep every night. I’m trying to be stronger than I feel, but gods, it’s so hard…

I feel extremely ashamed with asking for help, but at this point I don’t see a way out, I have to at least try it.

If you can help with anything, our situation is so bad that sometimes 1 dollar reach 7 reais, so really, anything helps immensely. I apologize in advance.

I’m sorry if this does not make much sense, I don’t have my fibro medication and my brain is barely working.

Stay strong. And for other Brazilian simmers, better times will come eventually. Please don’t give up. We are a strong people, we’ll survive this.

If you want to help, my PayPal is [email protected].

May the gods bless all of you. Thank you for taking your precious time to read this.

Even if you can’t donate, reblogging would help a lot.

My mental situation is getting worse as time goes by, I only managed to buy 1 medication (the one for anxiety), but my depression is awful right now and I’m on the verge of a breakdown. If you can spare anything, please, any amount makes literally a huge difference.

My situation is so bad right now that I had to give my boyfriend some space so he could care for his own mental health, he is completely drained and I understand this. It’s not easy to deal with someone so mentally ill, specially when this person have no kind of treatment available. I don’t brush my hair for almost a month and my house is so filthy that I’m having allergies, at this point suicide just seems like the most reasonable option. I’m sorry for reblogging this again, but I don’t know what else to do.

If you can’t donate, please reblog, it helps a lot.

Got some updates on the subject

I’ll have to have a session with my psychiatrist on Thursday because he wants to do a checkup on how my recent prescriptions are working for me, and I’ll probably have to change my antidepressants because the side effects were making my insomnia and anxiety worse, I don’t know if he’ll prescribe anything more or change any other prescription, so I’m terrified because only the session is R$ 200 and on top of that I’ll have to buy the medications as well, and I don’t have more than R$ 500 left.

I can’t begin to describe how hellish these past weeks and the entire month has been to me, so if you can help or even reblog, I would appreciate more than you could ever imagine.

Again, I’m sorry for reblogging this so often, but I don’t know what else to do at this point.

Unfortunately,I tried to commit suicide today. I took 45 pills of pregabalin, I was very close to getting into a coma. Friends almost called an ambulance to take me to the hospital, but for some reason, it wasn’t enough to kill me, putting me in a coma very close to death.

I’m not going to describe the symptoms, what I felt and things like that, because I don’t want to trigger anyone, more than I already am. Just know that I got medium to high symptoms but I stayed awake the whole time. I posted some things about it on social media because unfortunately, it is my window to the world, since the world does not exist for me here, and a bunch of people, some friends, came to talk to me about the situation, and I was so affected by the medication, and still am, that is hard to type a word, it’s still hard to type, I don’t know when I’ll be myself again.

I came here to update you guys on my situation, I took one and a half month of medications for my fibromyalgia, and now, looking at it, I feel so stupid, I wasted that much and I can’t fucking afford my meds, and I have to go to my psychiatrist, which is 200 reais, i don’t even know how I’m going to do it.

In the picture there are the empty tabs of pregabalin,
I feel ashamed by this whole situation, and even more ashamed because I’m posting about it.

If you can and want to donate, my PayPal is
[email protected]

If you can’t,reblogging helps more than you can imagine

Hello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goiHello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is goi

Hello everyone! It’s been such a long time since I have jumped on tumblr! I have no idea what is going on in the community these days but I hope wonderful and creative things are being shared :)  We have been enjoying married life, almost 2 years now! We also finally moved into our house last summer and I have been busy decorating. Mila turned 2 in March, she is just as crazy and adorable as ever! Ryan and I also took our first trip to Europe and went to Ireland for 10 days, an absolutely amazing and an unforgettable experience! I’m still teaching, I will be starting my 6th year in the fall! Also still very busy with Etsy orders! 

I sincerely hope everyone is healthy and happy! All of my content and resources will be available as long as tumblr allows! Stay safe! <3

Post link

What’s Up…

Miss you guys! Last day of teaching was last week and I have just been enjoying summer, reading, and working hard on my etsy shop. Our house should be done in 2 months(ish) so Mila can have more room to play. We have been hiking recently - the weather has been so nice.  I won’t really be on but my tumblr will continue to be available for you, keep making awesome things! :) 

Thank you @kerrits@mamabearssims@clubuh@livvsims@rheathesims@peachiepixels@hazelpxls for tagging me! Sorry I am so late to post this!


Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
Nickname(s): Abs, Abagee, Smubuh, Spoda, Baby Abs
Sign: Virgo
Time: 8:08 PM
Birthday: September 4th
Favourite Band(s): Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Cobra Starship
Favourite Solo Artist(s): Amos Lee, Jasmine Thompson
Song Stuck In My Head: “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera
Last Movie I Watched: We just watched “LOGAN” last night
Last Show I Watched: Planet Earth II
When Did I Create This Blog: I created it sometime in early 2016, but really started posting in November or December of 2016.
What Do I Post: Mostly tutorials and asks, sometimes edits or builds
What Did I Last Google: Can dogs go potty on synthetic turf? Haha weird I KNOW! :P
Other Blogs: I have my smubuhfinds blog and the editcoffeeshop blog.
Do I Get Asks: Yes, and I feel so bad I am bad at keeping up with them!
Why Did I Choose This Url: Ryan started calling me smubuh during our freshmen year of college and it just stuck?!
Average Hours of Sleep: Probably about 7ish?!
Lucky Number: 2, it was always my softball number!
Instrument: I wish! I attempted to play the clarinet in middle school but that was a total fail!
What Am I Wearing: Grey sweater, black pants, and fuzzy socks!
Dream Job: I love my job as an art teacher actually and I can’t imagine doing anything else!
Last Book I Read:Probably “Room”??
3 Favourite Fandoms: Avatar the Last Airbender, LOTR/Hobbit, Gravity Falls maybe?

I will tag @simblrbreezycakes@viiavi@caprisims@toastiesims@pxelmango@rootivy@citrusio@acidbulb@taeskii@ayshio@tangandzing, I apologize if you did this already!

We were able to walk over and check on our house today We were able to walk over and check on our house today

We were able to walk over and check on our house today

Post link

I know how to fix it but damn

TW r@pe

yall i just learnt one of my friend is a r@pist :) (i know its true and not a rumor) what should i do omg im shaking i just know I have to confront him but HOW like
