






Kharkiv right now. Peaceful Ukrainian city.

Explotions all around Ukraine. Even in my small town in Central Ukraine.

I don’t know how many of us will survive this.

Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is under fire of our “dearest friends and brothers” russians.

You know, those russians who don’t want the war, but doing fucking nothing to protest against it. Doing nothing to stop it.

Это же не против домика для уточки протестовать, да? Х*хлов не настолько жалко, как себя. Всё, что вы пишете об этой войне - это то, как вы её не хотите и это всё политики. В танках едут не политики. Я понимаю, что вы в заложниках у диктатора. Я понимаю, что вам страшно выступать против его “политики”. Но вас никто не тянет за язык. Вы правда думаете, что матери, которая потеряла сына, или женщине, которая похоронила отца своих детей или даже своего маленького ребенка (как сегодня от российского обстрела в місті Чугуїв) стало легче от того, что вы такие все хорошие и либеральные не поддерживаете эту войну? Ноль эмпатии. Думаете только о себе, о своём имидже. О том, как вы выглядите в глазах общества. Как вас “несправедливо” осуждают.

Когда школьник из вашего Нового Уренгоя сказал про нацистов “они не хотели войны” - вы все его осудили. А сейчас говорите то же самое про себя. Есть такая вещь как преступное бездействие.

Откройте глаза. Украинцы умирают от российских снарядов. Просто за то, что мы украинцы. Хватит писать о том как вы не поддерживаете это, имейте хоть каплю стыда. Вы должны на коленях стоять перед народом України.

Я змушена була звернутися до вас російською, бо українську ви не розумієте, хоча як це, адже ж ми один народ…

For anyone heading to Polish border, here’s important info about entering our country: https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina—ua





I don’t know how to even start this,

But I’ll try to make some sense. Please read this post if you can, it’ll clarify a lot of things that I don’t feel comfortable in repeating because they are traumatic and painful.

First, I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped, you guys literally saved my life.

Times are hard for everyone, but better times are coming. There’s something that I tell myself everyday, since I lived with my abusive mother, “nothing lasts forever, and your pain & suffering are not an exception”.

Things around here are not going so well, to say the least. We have the worst financial situation ever, the last time something was THAT bad, it was 18 years ago (according to news sources, you can search if you want to). There’s no jobs available, we are reaching 3k deaths daily because of Covid, no vaccines because our president is an asshole and a genocide, everything is dark and miserable, which contrasts perfectly with how we feel at the moment.

To top it off, I’m a mentally disabled person in the middle of this chaos, without any support from my family (they don’t really like me, they are the source of every mental illness I have and even if they did, they are struggling a lot).

I was diagnosed with chronic fibromyalgia, severe depression, generalized anxiety, insomnia, bulimia, etc… I need, at least, 4 different medications daily to be 50% functional, and at the moment, I don’t have my medications for weeks, I’m going through a terrible withdrawal, and they are extremely expensive (just one box of antidepressants are 125 reais, and i need two of each).

At the moment my mental health is in shambles, I feel extremely depressed and suicidal again, sometimes dealing with so many illnesses at once can be extremely difficult and exhausting, but I feel like I have some kind of path in this life, I can’t give up now, even if I cry myself to sleep every night. I’m trying to be stronger than I feel, but gods, it’s so hard…

I feel extremely ashamed with asking for help, but at this point I don’t see a way out, I have to at least try it.

If you can help with anything, our situation is so bad that sometimes 1 dollar reach 7 reais, so really, anything helps immensely. I apologize in advance.

I’m sorry if this does not make much sense, I don’t have my fibro medication and my brain is barely working.

Stay strong. And for other Brazilian simmers, better times will come eventually. Please don’t give up. We are a strong people, we’ll survive this.

If you want to help, my PayPal is [email protected].

May the gods bless all of you. Thank you for taking your precious time to read this.

Even if you can’t donate, reblogging would help a lot.

My mental situation is getting worse as time goes by, I only managed to buy 1 medication (the one for anxiety), but my depression is awful right now and I’m on the verge of a breakdown. If you can spare anything, please, any amount makes literally a huge difference.

My situation is so bad right now that I had to give my boyfriend some space so he could care for his own mental health, he is completely drained and I understand this. It’s not easy to deal with someone so mentally ill, specially when this person have no kind of treatment available. I don’t brush my hair for almost a month and my house is so filthy that I’m having allergies, at this point suicide just seems like the most reasonable option. I’m sorry for reblogging this again, but I don’t know what else to do.

If you can’t donate, please reblog, it helps a lot.

Got some updates on the subject

I’ll have to have a session with my psychiatrist on Thursday because he wants to do a checkup on how my recent prescriptions are working for me, and I’ll probably have to change my antidepressants because the side effects were making my insomnia and anxiety worse, I don’t know if he’ll prescribe anything more or change any other prescription, so I’m terrified because only the session is R$ 200 and on top of that I’ll have to buy the medications as well, and I don’t have more than R$ 500 left.

I can’t begin to describe how hellish these past weeks and the entire month has been to me, so if you can help or even reblog, I would appreciate more than you could ever imagine.

Again, I’m sorry for reblogging this so often, but I don’t know what else to do at this point.

Unfortunately,I tried to commit suicide today. I took 45 pills of pregabalin, I was very close to getting into a coma. Friends almost called an ambulance to take me to the hospital, but for some reason, it wasn’t enough to kill me, putting me in a coma very close to death.

I’m not going to describe the symptoms, what I felt and things like that, because I don’t want to trigger anyone, more than I already am. Just know that I got medium to high symptoms but I stayed awake the whole time. I posted some things about it on social media because unfortunately, it is my window to the world, since the world does not exist for me here, and a bunch of people, some friends, came to talk to me about the situation, and I was so affected by the medication, and still am, that is hard to type a word, it’s still hard to type, I don’t know when I’ll be myself again.

I came here to update you guys on my situation, I took one and a half month of medications for my fibromyalgia, and now, looking at it, I feel so stupid, I wasted that much and I can’t fucking afford my meds, and I have to go to my psychiatrist, which is 200 reais, i don’t even know how I’m going to do it.

In the picture there are the empty tabs of pregabalin,
I feel ashamed by this whole situation, and even more ashamed because I’m posting about it.

If you can and want to donate, my PayPal is
[email protected]

If you can’t,reblogging helps more than you can imagine

my favourite thing about taking extensive breaks from sims is that i get to spend ages catching up on 7 months of new cc when i come back

guess who needs to fix her mess of a sims 3 cc folder so she can actually do anything in the game


  1. what song makes you feel better?
  2. what’s your feel-good movie?
  3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
  4. what flower would you like to be given?
  5. who do you feel most youaround?
  6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
  7. what color brings you peace?
  8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
  9. what calms you down?
  10. what’s something you’re excited for?
  11. what’s your ideal date?
  12. how are you?
  13. what’s your comfort food?
  14. favorite feel-good show?
  15. for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
  16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
  17. fairy lights or LED lights?
  18. do you still love stuffed animals?
  19. most important thing in your life?
  20. what do you want most in the world right now?
  21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
  22. what would you say to your future self?
  23. favorite piece of clothing?
  24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
  25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
  26. what movie would you want to live in?
  27. which character would you want to be?
  28. hugs or hand-holding?
  29. morning, afternoon or night?
  30. what reminds you of home(doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?

you all know too much about me but humour me because i love talking :D





some issue with the ram apparently, there was a little read dot next to dram and idk how to fix it so yyayayayayayayayayayay im crushed

thank you to the lovely @nectar-cellar for tagging me. anyone who knows me knows i absolutely ADORE these things so thank you so much!!

Why did you choose your url?

well this is an interesting story (not really). basically i was signing up for deviant art, because i wanted to look at…well, art. and i had to come up with a name. i thought long and hard about this (10 seconds tops) and decided on keibea. because like i could go kayyyy beee…yeah it means absolutely nothing

How long have you been on tumblr?

hmmmmm well this tumblr has been around since 2020 i believe, but i was on here before then. possibly 2013? maybe 2014? ive been around since then, but i wasnt active.

Do you have a queue tag?

nah im not that organised

Why did you start your blog in the first place?

well ive always been taking photos of my sims and editing them to a certain extent, and i was like, well this is depressing, no one is seeing these but me. so i started a tumblr, so i could show everyone and be a general nuisance :D

Why did you choose your icon/pfp?

i just changed it now because i knew this question was coming…it changes every few weeks tbh currently i changed it for them cottage core vibez

Why did you choose your header?

again, changed it now because i knew this question was coming. same thing, for them cottage core vibezz

What’s your post with the most notes?

i believe it’s actually my ghibli notebook conversion to sims 4 LOL

How many mutuals do you have?

a lot, i usually follow everyone that follow me LOLOLOLOL

How many followers do you have?

somehow, i managed to get 1,161

How many people do you follow?

1070 tbh i actually thought i followed a lot more. again, i tend to follow everyone

Have you ever made a shit post?

i dont technically know what this is…like shiz post as in a post thats terrible? if so, yes. several.

Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?

oh frick to the no, im awful with conflict. id get completely destroyed and probably start crying.

How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?

i ignore usually, i dont like being told what to do

Do you like tag games?


Do you like ask games?


Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?


Do you have a crush on a mutual?

ive already proclaimed my love to a lot of my mutuals


you are so welcome for this, come back again soon. imma tag @johziii,@lazysunjade@thesimperiuscurse@amuhav (just to ensure they do it) , @omedapixel and honestly anyone else who wants too

Pretty sure no one cares about this but oh well. So I have not posted anything since last year and I just wanna say, I’m going to be on indefinite hiatus. My final exams are coming in 2 months and these exams will determine my place in junior college. It’s giving me anxiety and I have never felt this tired and scared before. I also have kind of lost my passion in sims 4 but  I still love this game so I’ll try to return after my exams. I’ll still try to be online but it won’t be regular.


“I’m here to pick up the keys to the house I just bought” I say around a watermelon flavoured lollipop as I stroll into the real estate office with my bright blue hair, Totoro tee, ripped jeans, and combat boots with rainbow laces.

I officially own a house, does that make me a real adult now?

i’m really curious… if you guys could only choose one of these two songs, which one would it be and why?

ps.only three more days until settlement and then we get keys to our new house and we can start the “fun” process of moving but on the plus side we should be well and truly moved in by october and i can hopefully start up with sims content again soon after

K-pop is fun, I’m just gonna stan a couple groups but not go crazy with merch or anything. I’m a grown-ass woman, I have no use for things like posters, photobooks, stickers, and photocards. Besides, who even uses CDs anymore?


surprise, i’m still alive (and still garbage)!it’s been a minute since i’ve posted anything here on surprise, i’m still alive (and still garbage)!it’s been a minute since i’ve posted anything here on surprise, i’m still alive (and still garbage)!it’s been a minute since i’ve posted anything here on surprise, i’m still alive (and still garbage)!it’s been a minute since i’ve posted anything here on surprise, i’m still alive (and still garbage)!it’s been a minute since i’ve posted anything here on

surprise, i’m still alive (and still garbage)!

it’s been a minute since i’ve posted anything here on good ol’ tumblr so i figured i’d pop in to just say ‘hi’ and assure those that have been sending me messages (that i haven’t answered, i’m sorry!!) that i’m not dead lol i’ve just been taking a much needed break from the sims and most social media in general. 

my mental health hasn’t been great for a while now so i decided to just take a step back and focus on things that make me happy. and just in case anyone is curious, here’s a bit of a list of said things that I’ve been focusing on:

  • learning chinese - i just passed my first checkpoint (mini test thingy) and have a 24 day streak going on duolingo! it’s such a cool language and i’m genuinely really enjoying learning all about it. i also want to just generally learn more about chinese culture as well because i find it fascinating.
  • watchinga lot of chinese dramas and variety shows - seriously, if you’ve never checked out any chinese dramas or variety shows (and you don’t mind subtitles/are willing to learn chinese) i highly recommend looking into it. our shows just seems so boring in comparison now! 
  • diamond painting - nothing new here, i’m still completely obsessed; the only difference now is i’ve been getting a lot more of it done and finishing off some old wips.

i did open my sims game for the first time in months recently though, to check out snowy escape, and i may even post some gameplay soon with a sim i made a while ago for a personal save. the pack looks great and it’s making me want to play a bit, so i’ll see how long that lasts and maybe post the gameplay… maybelol

but until then, i hope everyone is doing well and has a great weekend

Post link


I’ve had a couple messages asking what exactly The Untamed series is that I mentioned in this post, so here you go; this is all the explanation you need. 

It’s on Netflix and Youtube, go watch. 

You’re welcome.

(original video)

Oh just realised two of my favourites aren’t in there so… 

Also staring Psycho Bunny:

And his crush, Too Pretty to be Human:

(I love/hate their story)

I’ve had a couple messages asking what exactly The Untamed series is that I mentioned in this post, so here you go; this is all the explanation you need. 

It’s on Netflix and Youtube, go watch. 

You’re welcome.

(original video)


Oh yes.  Anniversary season.  Four years deep and not as productive but still producing all the same.

♦ First 11 to like this message may request 1 article of clothing and the age to which it shall be converted (teen, elder or child).

♦ Alternatively, you can ask for a pregnant mesh to be added if your request is an adult mesh without one.

I have all the Store content (mostly) and all the expansion packs. but i only have the Town Life and Fast Lane stuff packs (however, if you find a BG Compatible version of the item you want and send me the link i will convert it for you … if i don’t already have it somewhere).

I only do TS3 clothing
I will not do MtF or FtM clothing (too time consuming)
I cannot convert child clothes to adult (not possible for me)
I will convert only EA clothing BG/EP/SP or TS3 store

I will iM you (dM you? … idk jeez i am old) to ask what you want converted and send you the link once it is done (give me a week).  All requests will be posted for the masses after New Years (◕‿~)

Watch this Space: 11.5/11 Claims.
01. claudiasharon ?TBD
02. small-lady-of-the-sea - supernatural Boutonnière Jacket to child
03. wren-der ?
04. simsmidgen - lulu’s sweet lil jumper + pregmesh
05. murfeelee - sweet sunday dress to child
06. itsyuiri ?
07. andantezan - toga to teen
08. batsheba - any historical outfit
09. amoremfotoseletras ?
10. transcendentcacophony  - nature Quilted Vest to elder
11. ktarsims - business casual to teen
Reserved .5: warlockfemale - victorian swimwear to teen
Missed Inbox ask MrsSanta - Riverview Overalls

If you miss this do not despair.  Check out an updated The List, cause i’ll probably get to what you want sooner or later.  Also, i have a Midnight Hollow/Street Couture set in the mix – just so you know and therefore won’t waste a request if that’s on your list.

Sims:  Hey all. I know there are a few requests.  Haven’t had the time time to even check tumblr because something or someone always needs something from me irl.  Sorry.  I’ll get to it.  I know I usually have a post for Black History Month but it, like everything else, may be a little delayed.  Thanks for your patience and support.

Why?  Under the cut.  Wrote it first, then realized probably not that relevant to you, but i’d already typed it. so.

FYI:  So life happened.  My sister & her children moved in.  She got a job.  Got assaulted on that job.  So, she had no job anymore but did have physical therapy.  Looked for a lawyer barred in our state willing to take the case.  Surprisingly difficult (this is not a #me too issue, so i don’t know who else to ask anymore).  Needless to say, life just sucks sometimes.  It’s been a shitty time all around the last few months.  And i’m tapped out.  Hopefully getting back in to the Sims will be therapeutic.

trying to get caught up on everything people related while i’m not being, well … me. So been trying to clear up all my backlogs.  I have way too many interests.

you tagged me?  dude. my bad, this was during dissertation days around the time i crashed.  But to answer:
  Relationship status: Longterm partnered
  Favorite color: turquoise and brown equally
  Pets: yes. miniature pinschers.
  Wake up: 5:00am (if i sleep at all).  my very loud, early rising min-pins ensure i don’t sleep past this anyway.
  Dogs or cats: Dogs.
  Coke or Pepsi: green tea, but if i have to: Pepsi.  Coke tastes stale to me
  Day or night: night.  the light, it blinds.
  Text or call: text
  Chapstik or lipstick: chapStick

andantezenreplied to your photoset“Sweat!  [Teen Set]

                   these are amazing! thank you for sharing them with us!              

dreadpiratevinna replied to your photoset“Sweat!  [Child Set]

                   just love your conversions!! thanks!                

my-simensionreplied to your photoset“Neat” by Urbani                              

                   Thank you! :)                


Thank you and you’re all very welcome.

lamaldiciondesugarreblogged your photoset and added:                       

                  Me encanta

Muchas gracias! (>‿♥)

aroundthesimsreplied to your photoset“Death with Dignity  [Sweat! Edition]


aroundthesimsreplied to your photoset“Death with Dignity  [Sweat! Edition] 

                   OMG, you’re awesome, you’re awesome, you’re awesome!!!! I was so needing more sport items for teens! You’re awesome!!! Have I told this already?                

(◡‿◡✿)  i never know what to do with compliments.  i mean, saying thank you over and over just seems so inadequate in the face of so much enthusiasm, but thank you, mahalo, arigatou gozaimasu!

immlegacy replied to your photoset“Neat” by Urbani                               

                   You’re genius! Thank you for teen conversions. Teens do lack a lot of clothing choices.                

(≧◡≦)  Thanks!  I try.  I think teens are getting better now (at least in my game it isn’t as lopsided as it was.  Now it’s elders that are really annoying me.

pika-chip replied to your photoset“Origami Set [ 01 | 02 ]

                   TY so much!!!*_* You could have read my mind i swear!!!!!!                

≧◠◡◠≦✌  I’ve been working on completing this set for over a year.  Everytime i was going to post even a little bit something would change in game, or  i kept thinking the set was really skimpy compared to the Indian set, y’know?  But you’re welcome.  Glad my clairvoyance practicing is paying off.

willky12replied to your photoset“Origami Set [ 01 | 02 ]  

                   Thank you, love these and your post made me laugh so hard. My Sims are at it all the time with any Sim that stands still long enough AND I get UGLY kids everywhere! Lucky you I say ;-DD                

(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ .  every now and then i’m funny.  you’re super welcome.  you leave a lot of thank you comments and i really appreciate it.

My Yumi and Jared is just that though.  Only they do it.  Everybody else switches it up, but if these two are in the same neighborhood, then they are a thing.  And I am such a horrible overlord.  First off, i keep an active population of 95 sims.  but before i start playing i go around to the original 30-40 playable sims and find what makes them uniquely attractive, and then i tweak them. So they’re already their best selves before they start procreating.  it makes for an acceptable population.  but sometimes when i receive a message that So-and-So sim is pregnant by La-Di-Dah sim i go NOPE. that isn’t going to work out and divinely intervene.  what i’m trying to say is genetic manipulation is bad. but sometimes:

Somebody asked me what Jared Frio could possibly have seen in Claire Ursine. I showed this. Very few tweaks necessary. (i never let her have that kid though)

Simis Bachelor.  Moved his nose down just a bit.

LisaandDarleen Bunch.  Mostly lipstick changes.  Either lowered their noses or lifted their mouths just a tad (i don’t remember).  Make-up makes their eyes look bigger.

if you tweak Mortimer and Bella just right they make a passable Cassandra and Alexander Goth without further interference.

@mspoodle1​,@simternet-explorer​,@simmer-garten​ Thank you for mentioning me!

@spladoum​ thank you for always being so encouraging during my educational pursuits.


Had a really frustrating encounter today at work with a jerky, arrogant dude. Decided to make him a Sim so he could get beat up a bit by Sims in Strangetown.

Petty? Yes. Fun? Yes.

Nice stress relief lol

Very busy month here (April always is) but i always appreciate the birthday wishes, you are all awesome and don’t forget it!

I’m so sorry…

I can’t keep it in anymore.

My mental and physical health have been rapidly declining over the past couple of years. Working two stressful jobs, not knowing what’s wrong with me, and not getting my art noticed out there is taking its toll on me and I just feel like dying everyday.

Sigh. I’m tired. Sick and tired. I don’t know how much longer I can do this, man. I’m so depressed to the point that I can’t even cry anymore.

It’sthatbad, I know. Haha.

Anyway on a positive note, I’ve recently reached 1,800 followers and that really lifted my spirits! You guys are frickin’ awesome and I need to do another gift for y'all soon!

So here’s what I’m planning to do: Another followers gift. I think I want it to be something for kids (toddlers included) this time. Waddaya think? Feel free to send me some suggestions and ideas!

And after that. Log off and take a dang hiatus from Tumblr and start trying to take better care of myself and see a doctor, lolz.

Hope you have a lovely whatevertimewhereeveryouare and thanks for understanding!

Sorry I haven’t been as active on here as I used to be.

I’ve been working a lot and recently took on two jobs. I only get like one or two off days and I am usually too tired to do anything, especially make CC. But, I haven’t skipped town on you guys. I’ll try to make more CC in my free time. Also, I do have plans to update the few hairs I’ve made with the new colors in the future.

Anyway, I was just checking in.

Hope you have a nice whatevertimewhereveryouare and Happy Pride!
