


microfic may 2022 day 19


Prompt 19. Humbug

Summary: Ron and Draco have something in common.



they’re all friends with each other with friendly rivalry okay??? U cannot change my mind. I personally don’t really consider CC as canon


“Scorp?” Rose asked timidly.

“Hm, Rosie?” Scorpius replied, looking up from his magical colouring book which his Grandma had given him for his fifth birthday that year.

“Do you wanna go see the fishes in the pond together?” she asked.

Scorpius blushed slightly, nodding shyly. Rose extended a grubby hand towards him. He took it, smiling toothlessly at her.

“Where are you two going?” Uncle Harry asked, appearing at the doorway.

“To go see the fishes,” Scorpius said seriously, his slight lisp making Harry chuckle.

“Well, Scorpius, you might have to go on your date later. Your parents are looking for you. They’re going home.”

“Uncle Harry no! First of all, this isn’t date, we like fishies and wanna go see them. Second of all, Scorpius can’t go now! We have to go see the fishies! Look, we’re even holding hands so we don’t get lost!” Rose cried.

“I can see that, and you two really look adorable, but Scorpius really must leave Rosie. You can go with Albus if you want” Harry said gently, scratching the back of his neck.

Oh! Oh! I forgot about Al! He was supposed to come too Uncle Harry. He was gonna hold my other hand. See?” she squealed, holding up her free hand to show her uncle.

“Scorpius? Scorp! There you are. Your father and I have been looking for you all over. It’s time to go home now honey, come along!” Astoria Malfoy said, coming up behind Harry.

“But Mama-” he began.

“Mrs. Malfoy! Scorpius and I just wanna go look at the fishes! Just for one second! Can we? Pretty please?” Rose asked politely.

Harry suppressed a chuckle at how much they reminded her of his best friends. Hermione was always like that. Talking over Ron when he couldn’t properly articulate his thoughts, almost always getting her way.

“Oh Rose, darling, he really can’t. You see, we’re going to see his grandmother. Another day perhaps?” Astoria said sweetly.

Rose looked crestfallen. She softly let go of Scorpius’s hands. Scorpius didn’t want her too. He liked Rose’s hands. They were soft. He wanted to hold them for some time. But he also wanted to go visit Grandma.

Rose looked at Scorpius and smiled a little.

“Next time we’ll see the fishies? Promise?” Rose whispered sadly so only Scorpius could hear.

“Promise,” he said softly, walking up to his mother and taking her hand.

As they went to his Grandma’s house, Scorpius thought only about Rose, her soft hands, and looking at fishies in the pond with her.

my kids

This is your very last chance to sign up to contribute to the advent calendar. Sign ups close in two hours, at 23:59 GMT.

If you still want to take part, send us an ask saying whether you want to write a fic or make some art, along with any dates you can’t do. We’d love for everyone to take part, and you don’t need to have a popular blog or even have published anything before to sign up.

There are only 48 hours left to sign up! Please send us an ask before midnight GMT on Wednesday if you’d like to contribute art or a fic, or if you’re willing to help beta. We’d love to have you involved. If you have any questions or hesitations just get in touch!

Also, if you have any prompts or pairings you’d like to see, please send them in. Remember to make them Valentine’s Day themed and HPCC related. The more creative the better.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

This is your very last chance to sign up to contribute to our back to Hogwarts celebration. Sign ups close in two hours, at 23:59 BST.

If you still want to take part, send us an ask saying whether you want to write a fic or make some art, along with any dates you can’t do. We’d love for everyone to take part, and you don’t need to have a popular blog or even have published anything before to sign up.

There are just 36 hours left to sign up! Please send us an ask before midnight BST on Monday if you’d like to contribute art or a fic, or if you’re willing to help beta. We’d love to have you involved. If you have any questions or hesitations just get in touch!

Also, if you have any prompts or pairings you’d like to see, please send them in. Remember to make them back to Hogwarts themed and HPCC related. The more creative the better.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thanks to everyone who’s signed up so far! We’re really excited to have you all taking part. If you’re thinking about signing up or aren’t sure, you still have a few days! Send us an ask with any questions and we’ll be happy to answer, or if you want to get involved let us know whether you want to write a fic or submit some art (fic writers, don’t forget to mention whether you’ll need a beta or not), by midnight BST on Monday the 21st of August. Also, if you’d like to help with betaing fics please drop us an ask. This event really is the more the merrier so get involved!

If you don’t want to submit any fic or art, maybe you’d like to help inspire our writers and artists by sending in prompts? All back to Hogwarts themed ideas are welcome, and if there’s a particular pairing you’d love to see let us know that too.

Much love to you all, and thanks for your enthusiasm so far.

The team behind the HPCC Advent Calendar and HPCC Valentine are back (finally) to celebrate Albus, Scorpius, and Rose’s first day at Hogwarts! Let’s send the kids off to school with a bang.

What’s this?

Between the 1st and 4th of September there will be daily postings of fic and art, all back to Hogwarts themed, and from the HPCC fandom!

How do I get involved?

We’re looking for artists, edit-makers, writers, etc. who want to create an offering for our Nineteen Years Later celebration. You’ll create a fanwork, which can be anything you like, as long as it’s back to Hogwarts themed and uses HPCC characters.
If you want to get involved, drop us an ask before midnight GMT on Monday the 21st of August. Tell us whether you want to submit a piece of art or a fanfic, and if you want to write a fic let us know if you’ll need a beta. After that… get creating!
We are also looking for people to beta-read fics, so drop us an ask if that’s something you’d like to help with, and we’ll be in touch with more details after August 21st.

But I’m not an artist or a writer…

We’re also looking for prompts! Send an ask with a back to Hogwarts themed idea, and we’ll pass them on to any artists or writers looking for inspiration.
And, of course, on the 1st of September come back here ready to like, reblog, comment, and enjoy the fun!

You haven’t answered all my questions…

Feel free to drop us an ask or a message, and we’ll do our best to answer. Chances are other people are wondering the same thing.

We hope to hear from you soon, and we’re looking forward to all the wonderful Nineteen Years Later feels to come! <3

“Rose Weasley el tercer día del Maginorama de Rumanía 2026″-Fotos tomadas por su hermano Hugo Weasle“Rose Weasley el tercer día del Maginorama de Rumanía 2026″-Fotos tomadas por su hermano Hugo Weasle

“Rose Weasley el tercer día del Maginorama de Rumanía 2026″

-Fotos tomadas por su hermano Hugo Weasley-

Post link
crooked-queen: ship aesthetic || SCORPIUS MALFOY AND ROSE WEASLEYscorpius malfoy is just the flash o


scorpius malfoy is just the flash of a spinning cloak, a list of dark spells that were never meant to be uttered, wars that broke boys – that whispered scars like lightening. the things that no one talks about – and everything she’s fascinated by. that’s what scorpius is. [X]

Post link