#scott reed


Request: ‘can you do more of the coach daughter’ ‘can you continue on coaches daughter?’ 

Pairing: Scott Reed x Reader

Warning(s): None.

Word Count: 292

Gif: Mine.

A/N: Inspired by ‘Crush Culture’ by Conan Gray. Find parts: [1] [2]

The table vibrated a notification on someone’s phone. I scrambled to pick up mine, checking if it was her. Nothing. I adjusted my volume and swiped off any other announcement.

“Dude, relax.” Zach knocked on the desk as he put his phone back down. “Just my mom, she’s wondering if you want to come over for dinner.” I nodded a ‘sure’ as I struggled to put my phone in my pocket.

I reverted my attention to the chemistry book in front of me. I tapped my pencil on the edge of the book finding it hard to focus. Apparently so did Zach because he slapped the pencil out of my hand. He widened his eyes at me and slightly shook his head.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. I sighed as I sat back in the uncomfortable library chair. I pulled out my phone again, still seeing no message or sign of her contact.

Unpleased at my apology, Zach threw his eraser at me. “What’s up with you?”

I threw my head back and the sound of pops followed along. I snapped back to him and slacked my jaw. “I don’t know. It’s just… I don’t know.”

Zach had a smirk on his face while he crossed his arms. “It’s Y/N, isn’t it?” When I refused to look at him, he scoffed. “Dude, you know she’s like, off limits. She’s Coach Rick’s daughter-”

Stepdaughter.” He rolled his eyes.

“Doesn’t matter and you know it.” And he’s right, Coach Rick would kick me off the team if I touched her.

Just then a familiar chime went off from my pocket. It was a text. From her.

You free tomorrow?
I’ve got good news!

“Is that her?” Zach coughed. I felt my cheeks tighten. “God, you’re hopeless.”

Request: “could u please continue w chase? thanks”  “Could you maybe write a second part to ‚ the chase‘? The first part is really nice!”

Pairing: Scott Reed x Reader

Warning(s): Scott POV, internal thoughts (a lot of them)

Word Count: 398

Gif: @a-fandom-imagine

A/N: I know, I know… Moving on… I kinda like this ScottxCoachsDaughter dynamic. Let me know how y’all feel.

I walked pass Coach Rick’s office and heard muffled arguments. I leaned in, curiosity getting the best of me, but I still couldn’t understand what was going on. I did, however, hear the march of footsteps heading toward the door. I shuffled in place before realizing that I should move. Out of the door came Y/N.

“Y/N, we aren’t finished here,” Coach Rick stated from the doorway of his office.

Y/N, who was clutching her book bag in one hand and a piece of paper in the other, turned to face him from her spot in the middle of the walkway. “No, dad, we aren’t. But I am not doing this here.”

Dad? Coach Rick is her dad?! No wonder she’s off limits, I never understood that rule…

As she walked off, I followed her quickly, hoping to catch up with her strides.

“Hey, Y/N,” I panted slightly. Damn, she walks so fast, but she looks so good when she’s angry. Once she noticed it was me, she smiled softly.

“Oh, what’s up, Scott?” That’s what is so amazing about her… She is always thinking about others, regardless of her own state of mind.

I gripped my bag strap. “You okay? You know, with what happened with Coach Rick?” I pointed toward his office. She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t know he was your dad.”

“Stepdad,” She corrected. “Yeah, I, uh… he found out that I’m failing math and he’s harping me about it.” She clicked her tongue. “And that sucks because now he won’t let me out of the house until I get that up.”

I nodded, internally panicking because I was planning on asking her to the winter formal. I don’t know what made me offer this, but I did.

“You know, I’m pretty alright in mathematics. I could tutor you during study hall.” I don’t know why I said that… I suck at math. But her face lit up.

“Are you serious?” She was almost shocked. “Oh, my God, Scottie, that would be amazing!” Y/N hugged me tightly. “You have no idea what this means to me.” Her hair smelled like sweet pea and honey. She pulled away. “Thank you, Scott. I owe you one.”

I smiled as she walked down the hall as the bell rang. Hell yeah, she owes me one, now I actually have to pay attention in math class.


Request: ‘hiya! Can I request a scott reed imagine for? He’s my little flower baby!”

Pairing: Scott Reed x Reader

Warning(s): Fluff

Word Count:259

Gif: Mine :)

A/N: Look at this boy!!

She walked around the track, her ponytail swaying side to side as she gossiped with Chloe Rice.  Her skin glowed from the sunlight, but nothing shined brighter than her smile when she laughed.  There is no denying that she is the most charming girl I have ever seen; but she’s out of my league, practically off limits.  

“Looking good, Y/L/N,” I flashed a flirty smile at her. 

She smiled, shaking her head. “Not as fine as you, Scottie– especially when you pass first base.” She winked playfully while sauntering into the shaded area.  I watched how her hips moved, keeping every piece of her body in my mind.

My head swung left when a mitt was flown at the side of my face.  I saw that it was Zach who threw the glove. I gripped the mitt and eyed him out.

“Would you quit staring at her ass? Do you want her to think you’re a perv?” He hissed.  I shook my head and stood up.  “Come on, we gotta head out.”

I walked off the field with my duffel on my shoulder and Zach by my side. 

“So, what’s your deal with her anyway?” He questioned.  “You know she’s not dating.  Why do you keep pursuing her, Reed?”

While we made our way to the locker rooms, I caught a glimpse of her when the girls locker door opened.  She caught my glance and smiled just before the door closed again.  I grinned and looked up to Zach, who held open the door for me.

“It’s the chase.”

did so many people ask where’s scott they had to address it? lmao
